Chapter 4

1024 Words
We were now on the plane. I was looking outside while Adrien was sitting next to me asleep. He was adorable as always. Alex and Ella were talking and Evan was on his phone. It felt like we had been on this plane for hours. "How long left?" I asked Evan he smirked and didn't reply. Ugh I wanted to seriously get off this plane. 2 hours later we heard a voice that said "we are now landing on Rifiki Island please attach your seat belts" we did and I looked outside, seeing the beautiful island. I was so excited and woke Adrien who instantly looked outside as well. "Woah" we all said. We landed and got out of the plane. We all looked around so excited and happy. Evan really did chose a beautiful place. "Woah Evan I'm impressed" i said. He chuckled and smiled "told you you would like it" we walked towards our hotel. "Reservation for Evan Carty" the man gave Evan the keys and we all went upstairs. Even the hotel was beautiful. We entered the hotel room and looked around. It was all so pretty. " I'm going to look around!" I shouted checking all the rooms. "Woahhh" everyone agreed with me it all was beautiful. But then I saw there was a problem. "Uhm Evan there are only 3 bedrooms...we are 5" Evan scratched his head. "Indeed...oof I didn't see that well in that case..we'll have to share bedrooms guys the beds are big enough" I sighed already a problem after arriving since what 3 mins? Well whatever it wasn't that bad. "Hm Ella and Adrien me and Rose and Alex alone?" "Why Ella and Adrien?" I asked. I looked over at Ella and she understood "yeah I don't want to sleep in one bed with Adrien" Evan rolled his eyes "but guys..your friends come on" Ella and I both shook our heads. I then bit my lip "why not Adrien and me.." Adrien looked over at me "I'm fine with that or else Evan and me and Ella and Rose and Alex sleeps alone" this time Alex objected. "Why can't I sleep with a girl?" I glared at him and he smirked. "Rose and me for example I've known her the longest" I shook my head "hell no" Alex rolled his eyes. "Guys we're not getting any further here come on. Fine then I booked the hotel I chose. Ella and Adrien Alex alone and Rose and I "We were all not happy with this decision but Evan had decided. I sighed already upset and went to my room. Evan followed me and smiled "looks like we are roommates for the next month" I fake smiled but felt like dying inside. We all unpacked then got dressed to go to the beach. I put on my new beautiful bikini and I saw Evan grinning. "You look beautiful" he said. I thanked him and joined the others. Ella was wearing her bikini too and the guys their swim trunks. We all went to the beach and sat down enjoying the sun. "Beautiful island isn't it?" Evan asked. We all nodded even Alex did, "Who wants to go swim with me?" Alex asked. Ella jumped up "me!" She said. Alex chuckled and looked at me "nah I'm good, just enjoying the sun" I replied. He shrugged and walked off with Ella. I laid down and sighed. "I'm gonna get something to drink" Evan said standing up. "Do you want something Rose?" I nodded "just a ice tea" Evan gave a nod and walked off. "Wanna build a sand castle?" I asked Adrien. He chuckled "aren't we too old for that?" I shook my head and took out the supplies. We sat down and started building a sand castle together. It was so much fun. Evan came back "seriously how old are you guys?" I stuck out my tongue "I'm 5 and he's 4" Adrien looked up "heyyy why would I be 4 and you 5? I'm 5 too!" We giggles and Evan rolled his eyes. "Alright toddlers well I'm going to go surf" I shrugged and went on with the sand castle. Ella and Alex came back and Ella joined me "yasssa sand castle!" She started building a sand castle too and to my big surprise Alex started helping her! "I looked over at Alex and he glared at me "what?" I shook my head "nothing" we were all building our sand castles "ours is biggerrrr" I said sticking out my tongue at Alex and Ella. Adrien stuck out his tongue too "yeah ours is bigger!" I blushed lightly and Alex stood up "not true ours is bigger" Adrien started digging to build a wall "you guys can't get in" he replied he dug deeper when suddenly "wait what is this?" He asked. I looked at where he was digging and saw a small black box. He took it out and opened it. There was a beautiful necklace inside with a blue sparkly amulet it looked pretty ancient. "Woahhhhh" I said. That thing was beautiful. Adrien smiled and looked at the necklace. "It's beautiful!" Ella said and I agreed. "Nice catch Adrien" He smiled more then gave it to me "here, it's for you Rose" he said my eyes went wide and I slowly shook my head "are you kidding you found it, it's yours" I replied and this time Adrien shook his head "yeah but I want you to have it it's yours" I blushed deeply and he put it around my neck, removing my hair from my back so he could close it. "Woah your so lucky Rose!" Ella said. Alex started digging "maybe I'll find something too!" He said but didn't find anything. Adrien looked into my eyes and smiled. My heart was racing so fast. That necklace was gorgeous and I can't believe he gave me. We smiled and started at each other for awhile. "Thanks.." I said he smiled more "your welcome Rose" he said. I couldn't be happier until Evan came back and starred at the necklace. "Where did you find that?!"
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