Chapter eleven

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Elena's P.O.V I could sense the dear in their eyes, I almost laughed out loud ignoring the pain I felt, seeing my supposed best friend and my husband. What did they really think, that happily ever after would ever exist after their betrayal. i felt my bloodlust grow. Stella held my hands tight and flashed me a smile. I smiled at her, it was very good to know that someone cares. I gritted my teeth as they tried cover their fear with fake smiles, I could smell their nervousness from where I was sitting. This was the man, I spent 5 years with. I had loved him more than I had loved myself but when fate tested his love, he failed woefully. I remembered how he had danced with me on our wedding day while Daisy has cheered us on. Here she was staring at them dance to the same song, she had danced on her day. This man was the same man she has gotten pregnant for and a few days after her supposed death, her husband had moved on. She then thanked God that Andre had saved her life. The moon goddess had given her a second chance at life to take revenge. They were going to regret it, she was going to make them regret ever meeting her. Leo, Daisy and Claudia, the people she had held close to her heart, her only family didn't think twice before stabbing her was their greatest mistake. They had killed her child, all for what! Money! She clenched her teeth watching Daisy laugh and avoid her gaze. She eyed her up as they laughed at something that seemed funny. Her best friend had told her husband to kill his own child and he did without remorse. She felt a tear slip out, anyone watching would think it was because of excitement and happiness but the hatred I felt. Stella gave me an encouraging squeeze which I was grateful for but I was hurt. I watched as Leo eyes would find mine every now and then, whenever Daisy sighted it, she would glare at me. How had I lived with such a heartless girl, she had chosen a man over their friendship. I wonder how long she had been harbouring this thought, did she hate me that much or loved Leo so much. I watched all eyes more to the door, so did mine being shaking my head. Andre, if there was anything I knew about him was one thing for sure, he loved attention and he had purposely come late so the doors would be shut and he would announce his presence. Eyes followed him as he walked towards us, "show off" I heard Stella say rolling her eyes. "Hi Mom" he said pecking Stella. "Hey sis..." He greeted approaching our reserved table. I flashed him a smile as he leaned in and pecked him. "What are you doing here? I thought you are busy doing 'pack stuffs' and other important stuffs?". He smirked taking a snack from the table and putting it in my room before taking in one. "You need me here baby girl, trust me". He winked at me before turning to face the 'it couple'. "Hey look good together" he teased making me smack his arm. "Just kidding, I wonder how he feels, I mean you just died a few weeks ago". "You are right, it's a disrespect to both and your baby" Stella said frowning. I smiled not because I was happy to have lost a child but because I had found a family. The love they had shown me in a short was a lot for a stranger that brought the memory of the dead. Acting so lovey dovey, I knew they could see us staring and the inability to hear what we were saying made Leo so nervous. I remembered the times when I would hold Leo hands to drive away nervousness. We were in love or I was the one in love and he was just there. I was their walking nightmare yet to come, they were yet to see what a broken heart was capable of. "Giving them the stink eye will only elevate their suspicions, why don't go present our gifts, Mom has been called". I flashed him a grateful smile and stood up. Locking arms with him, we walked slowly behind Stella. "Nervous?" He asked. "Is it possible not to be?" I replied chucking nervously. "Well yeah, maybe if every time you feel nervous or sad, you remember their devilish faces as they planned your death". I stared up at wondering what his point was. "They are murderers and had tried killing you after successfully killing your child without remorse. Their speeches also planned, none had any atom of pity, your baby blood is crying for revenge". He was right, they deserved every word that was going to escape my mouth and everything sent in store for them. I smiled up at him feeling so warm in my belly. He was right, I squeezed his hands in appreciation.. Boldly and with a smile on my face, I walked towards the smiling couple, their smile was a little bit off, it didn't seem as though it was sincere and true. I smiled to myself, how could it ever be? They had killed me and here I was a walking dead in their sight. Leo could have divorced me rather than going through all these. It wasn't like his Mark was something that couldn't be erased nor was I so obsessed with him, I loved him alright but I would have left with my life. Stella locked hands with me, practically pushing me forward and leaving Andre. Leo and Daisy watched our display in surprise. "Hey Leo, Didi, sorry I meant Daisy, a very big congratulations" I said giving Leo their present and pulling Daisy into a hug. I watched her frown at Leo reaction when I hugged him, it almost seemed like he didn't want to let me go.. I smirked knowing I still had an effect on them. Andre flashed me a thumbs up sign in a very ridiculous manner before facing the people that had approached him. "I'm also sorry for your loss too". "What loss?" I heard Stella, locking arms with me once again. "Oh I lost my wife and child, a few weeks back" Leo said looking at me intensely until Daisy nudged him in an obvious manner.. "Yes Mom and the most amusing fact, is that Daisy here was Elena's best friend, it was all over the news. You know it's pretty unusual but I guess Elena gave her blessing wherever she was". They both tensed up. "Oh so that was what the couple beside us were discussing" Stella added. "What!" Daisy squeaked. "Don't mind those rumors, you have our support, congratulations anyway" Stella said and I could feel tension wipe away from their faces. "Yeah, congratulations, I mean you just lost your wife and found solace in the arms of her best friend, though you both look like the only thing standing in between your relationship, thank God is gone anyway". "Hey sis, I heard his wife was pregnant". I nudged him as he stood beside me. They both cringed while I felt my heart ache. "That's rude, Andre" Stella scolded too squeezing my hands in apology. "Pardon his manners on my behalf, that was so insensitive, my brother has a loose tongue". "Alpha" Leo greeted bowing softly and so did Daisy. Andre nodded curtly before handing over his present. I watched Claudia approach us as Andre apologized. She flashed a smile as her eyes met Stella. "Wow, Luna Stella, glad you had accepted our invitation". Stella nodded softly and leaned to exchange a kiss with her, only for Claudia to freeze upon seeing me. "Elena?". "Not again, please I would appreciate if you don't mistake me for your dead pregnant daughter in-law". She chuckled softly, "no wonder Leo so white in fright, I was beginning to wonder if he had peed his pants". We all laughed softly but I could still feel her gaze on me. "Meet my infamous daughter, Ella" Stella officially introduced. "She's Elena doubleganger" Andre said pretending to be tired of the misconception. "It's so weird, I know the amount of looks I get just by being here. Someone even called me over to ask how I was still alive and what I was doing here". We all shared another round of laughter. This was the last laughter they would share together. Daisy's P.O.V Ever since I sighted Andre supposed sister, my eyes never left her. Her presence alone taunted me. It was as though Elena's ghost was haunting me. I convinced myself so many times that Elena and her cursed baby was dead. Leo on the other hand wasn't making things any better. He just couldn't take his eyes off her. I had to nudge him so many times even now. I really didn't understand what when the Alpha of Mystic Bane's had a sister that looked like Elena, of all people to resemble, it was Elena. Though Ella's laugh, statue even that cheerful glint in her eyes. I had finally fulfilled by dream, one I had carefully planned only for that girl to ruin it for me. "I could have sworn I saw Elena somewhere in this party" I heard as I walked towards my parents. "Yeah, I wonder how she felt watching her sister, marry her husband and I thought she was dead". I frowned before walking out of the reception hall, more like storming out. Even in the grave, Elena still found a way of humiliating me on this day. I excepted Leo to follow me in but upon not seeing him, I let out a growl and told the driver to take me home. At this point I was fuming, I hated Elena so much. How was it possible for the dead to control the living? Everything I needed that low class b***h got it. Entering the house, I pulled my heels and watched as it landed on the t.v. I smiled to myself whether Elena ghost likes it or not, I was married to Leo and there was no going back. My mind went back to the letter we had received at the revenge as a gift. It sent thrills down my spine as i wondered who sent it. It definitely wasn't Elena's doubleganger, she seemed so similar to her brother. But I couldn't get her mind of Ella , the more i thought of the letter, the more i linked Elena to that letter. Who could that person be? The mystery fool that wanted to soil our perfect plan. I stormed into the room and glared at the decorations, i had set for my perfect wedding night. Leo didn't even have plans for it, he had claimed he was too broke to afford my dream wedding night. Today wasn't a good day. I needed a shower, I frowned noticing how quiet the house was, Leo wasn't even going to come after me. Didn't he care that his wife wasn't at the venue. I entered the shower and let it wash me, my day might have not been so perfect but my wedding night won't be ruined. Elena's doubleganger and the other blabber mouths at the wedding wasn't here to try do anything. I sighed as it felt light as I closed my eyes, I saw her. The first day we met and connected. I loved her the best I could but then she had to go and fall in love with my first love. I left the shower feeling lighter than I had felt . I smiled to myself as I laid down, still n***d. I was now Mrs Denver, I giggled to myself. I had done it, he was mine now, all mine, mine to love, mine till death do us apart, mine forever and it's all thanks to Elena Brandy, former Mrs Denver. I bursted into laughter, this night I was going to carry his Mark.
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