The Stay

1029 Words

I woke up with a start, my head swimming with a steady migraine, the pain pulsing at my temples. I was fuzzy on what happened the night before, until it slowly came to the forefront of my mind. The events cascade in a downward spiral. My birthday celebration, seeing that girl on Adrian’s lap, my anger triggering my shift, almost killing Adrian and then nothing. I must’ve slept this entire time. I looked around me, my surroundings unfamiliar to me, which triggered my anxiety. Where was I? The room was a hideous sunflower yellow, the curtains were white, and the comforter wrapped around me was a matching yellow. I sit up, my heart racing, until I see Mary lying on the couch at the end of the bed. I laid back down not wanting to wake her. Then I began to think. Adrian had me going through a l

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