Another Training

1326 Words
The crow of the rooster from a distant was an alarm that made Holder waking up early in the morning, sun was about to rise and give life onto the busy Kingdom of Agnosbadtt. He was glad that his room has a window in which the sun can perfectly sting his face with its warmth, early in the morning, when the first hour it would rise. He liked it because the presence of the sun invigorates his energy, and the way how it would burn his face if he slept longer than usual, would make him forced to wake up and be ready for the day. Holder doesn’t want his self to sleep and slack longer in the morning. The moment he stood, is also the moment he saw Jiji on the floor. His red bloodshot eyes is wide and cute as he look at him. “Morning Jiji,” he said. “PRRRR!” Jiji greeted back. Holder was just glad that he managed to summon back Jiji into its normal, usual self. He had been in pain for two days (Holder slept for two days after the accident in Kohn summoning) and refused anything not unless it was from Holder. And when Jiji felt the touch of His Kohns, he immediately went back to his normal self. He even excitedly jumped at him when the Sen tube was finally opened. Now, a day after that incident, Holder made sure that Jiji is totally back, and fit for another training. Yesterday, he had been observing the slime whether if there are some peculiar movements in which he would show. But for that whole day, he didn’t show anything that is disturbing. He was at his normal, usual self. Probably, that is because of the Golden Kohn in which Holder had managed to summon when he was trying to calm Jiji from his rage. They had prepared for the day. When Jiji and Holder was all ready to face what the day would offer to them, they started to head out of their room. Holder was holding, again, the paper that Professor Zen has given him. “Okay, Jiji, I think our instructor for today Is General Balfor,” he said. “Let’s get ready.” Jiji then nodded with a “HMM—HMM!” They unhesitatingly strode towards the office of General Balfor. Truth is, Holder felt important when he realized that the General would be his instructor. It was a very rare opportunity to have someone as high ranked as the general that would teach him with lessons about combating. No one, even the guard next to General’s position had an opportunity to combat with him and test his skills. Only Holder would have that lucky opportunity. Now, as they walked onto the western alley, towards the western wing of the palace, they met Duthor who still wears the blood-colored armor in his body. “Duthor!” shouted Holder. Duthor looked at him. When he realized who it was, He smiled, and then waved his hands. “Hey, Holder.” He then unsummoned the intimidating Lance he holds on his right hand, and then gave Holder a hug and a tap on his shoulder. “How’s Jiji?” Duthor asked. “He’s fine. He never acted anything suspicious since yesterday.” “I guess he’s fully healed then.” “I hope so,” Holder said. He petted Jiji’s head as if it was a domesticated cat or dog. “That’s good to hear then. Ah, to where are you going right now?” Duthor asked. “To General Balfor. He’s the one who will be training me.” Duthor’s eyes suddenly widened. “I heard it real? General Balfor?” Holder smiled, and then nodded. “Indeed, Duthor. I have an honor, doesn’t I?” “You have!” said Duthor. “I am from an A-class army, before I could become a Sankt Vessel User. And I look high towards the General. So high that if he wants a fight-sparring with me, I’ll gladly accept. Because I have never had that opportunity. Perhaps, I would be fighting him while elated in joy.” Holder laughed. “He is one great general, I believe.” “He is. That is why I am in envy of you now,” Duthor said, but in a joking manner. “Don’t be,” said Holder, laughing, “I’ll tell him to have a sparring with you.” “I will gladly take that,” Duthor said, and then, “Ah, I think I have to go now. I have something to do. Kind of army-related things.” “Ah, sure!” Holder replied, “and I am about to go to the General too.” “Take care then. And oh, take time to visit the head quarters of the Sankt Vessel users. They wanted to know more about you,” Duthor said. As they bid their goodbyes, they started travelling towards opposite direction—him going to the western wing, Duthor going to the eastern side. And then he wondered: what kind of Sankt Vessel did Duthor have? And why is that the tone of his voice when he said the Sankt Vessel users wanted to know more of him, kind of sad—as if he was telling him something. He was hinting something. Something that Holder should have never learn. When he was now in the front of the door of General’s office, he put those thoughts behind his mind. He started clearing off his mind, and heaved a sigh to prepare himself. He too cleared off his throat. And then, knocked. “General Balfor?” called Holder. “Ah, I expect you. Come on in.” The voice of the General was muffled because it was hindered by the door. Holder quickly twisted the knob, and opened it. He then entered, thrilled with what kind of training would they have. “Ah, Good day, Holder. It’s good to see you sound and safe again,” said General Balfor. “Good day, General.” He bowed his head. And when he lifted it back, he saw Balel smiling at him. “Oi, hey, dude!” Holder happily tapped Balel’s back when he saw him. Balel had returned it as well. “How’s life, Holder? I heard terrible news about you when I was having my duties at the Agnosbadtt’s gate.” “Ah, terrible things do happen, Balel. I’m not immune to it,” Holder said. “He almost died, son. He almost died. I was there, and I can see how helpless he was.” Holder scratched his head. “Uh, well, I never expect that I would come to that point. It was just… an accident.” “Nah, dude. I heard what happened. You misused the Kohns inside you,” Balel teased. Embarrassed, Holder looked on the ground. “Uh, kind of,” he said. And then the both of them laughed. “It is nice to see the two of you being good to each other, just like how I were with your father, Holder.” “Well, I guess some things can be inherited by the sons?” Holder answered. “Perhaps,” Balel said. “Do not worry, Holder. You are here, because we would train you.” “We? I mean, both of you?” Balel nodded. “Papa asked me to join him while teaching you combative techniques, and how would you manage to use the first learnings you have in the first two classes. General Balfor would be your instructor, and I will be your sparring partner.” “That’s cool!” Holder excitingly told. Above him, Jiji also said, “Wuuuuu!” with a similar energy like Him. “Then we have no business here in my office. Let us go outside, to the Soldier’s training field,” said General Balfor. 
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