Chapter 1 - Pinky swear?

1345 Words
Elizabeth’s POV “Really Kona?” I growled tiredly at my wolf. We were having the same tiresome argument about our fated mate, Alexander Wolfgang. Kona was dead set on having Alex as our mate. The problem was that he had rejected us—not only once or twice, but six times already. “Yes really!" Kona chirped excitedly, wagging her tail from side to side. She looked excited. "This time, Kevin will help!" I sighed halfheartedly and rolled my eyes. Kona didn't want to let go of our fated mate, and it had become harder and harder to keep on trying. Every time her plan didn't work, she would use her time-twisting ability and force my sorry ass back to my 17th birthday again to try one more time. I have already been stuck in the same time frame for the last 6 days, trying to find a way to get this silly, cocky wolf to accept me. Alex was gorgeous, of course. He graduated at the top of his class every passing year; he was the football and baseball captain; and to top it all off, he is the future Alpha of the Silver Moonvally Pack. I, on the other hand, was a nobody and had no idea what rank I belonged to. My hand brushed through my thick, long, wavy black curls as another hopeless breath escaped my lips. My silver eyes had permanent purple rings under them, and everyone could see I was exhausted. It wasn’t that I was unpleasant-looking or that I did something wrong. I had all the perfect features of a fit and strong she-wolf—some would even say I was beautiful—but because I didn't have a distinctive rank attached to my name, I was seen as a nobody. My mind wandered off to when I was little. When my grandmother passed away, I was brought to the pack house and became the current Alpha's problem. Alpha Jackson Wolfgang was one of the most famous and strongest leaders in our world. He held one of the strongest and biggest packs, with an estimated 3500 members in his pack. He owned land and towns and was a fair alpha. I really shouldn’t complain. The main problem was that he didn’t know what to do with me, and I didn’t have a very discreet and shy personality to go with it. He thought about having me adopted by a kind family but decided against it. He took on the responsibility of raising me himself and keeping me out of trouble—or at least trying—and to top it off, I was a major magnet for trouble. Alpha Jackson had his hands full; I wasn't the easiest she-wolf to control, so he put me to work to try and break my spirit when I screwed up. It didn’t help; it got me in more trouble, which annoyed everyone who, as you could guess, ended up in double or triple shifts. Alpha Jackson had his hands stuck in his hair most of the time, and I guess I was the reason why there were silver strains in his hair. The last time I screwed up, he was livid out of control and decided to starve me to teach me a lesson—not that that helped—someone sneaked food into my room. I was strong-willed, outspoken, and the opposite of what they expected me to be. I wasn't the shy girl who would bow to the Alpha; it was against everything I stood for, which made me a bit of an outsider. Alpha Jackson couldn’t just banish me from the pack; I was underage. But I made a promise that before he ever got the opportunity to do so, I would leave the pack and go rogue. Okay, okay, so most of it is my fault. It’s not that I can help it. Who would have thought that, at the age of 5, I could ignore an Alpha command? It’s not your everyday wolf that would be able to do so, not to mention at the raw age of 5 years old. Alpha Jackson tried to use his Alpha commands on me, which didn't work. Yet he never made a big deal out of it, and I never asked him why his commands didn’t work on me. I had a feeling that Alpha Jackson knew the answer. A tired breath escaped my lips. I thought I was invisible until Kona started to use her time-twisting ability, shifting me back and forth to the beginning of the so-called birthday day. The time-twisting ability draws a lot of energy from me, which leaves me tired all the time. And to make matters worse, I now had permanent black rings under my eyes from the lack of proper sleep and a never-ending ache that didn’t want to leave my chest. This was all due to reliving the same excruciating heartbreak over and over again, which made me determined to now just accept his rejection and move on. I would rather live without a so-called fated mate than have one who would not love me or want me. What was the point in even trying again? Was 6 times not enough to endure? Was I not punished enough in my lifetime? I wish he could feel the pain that ripples through my chest every time he chants the words, “I, Alexander Pierce Wolfgang, future Alpha of the Silver Moonvally, reject you, Elizabeth Wintermoon, as my fated mate and future Luna.” I should have accepted it the first time he spat those words at me, but to my dismay, every time I tried to accept his rejection, Kona forced control over me, shut my mouth, and walked away. I have cried at six different places over the last week. This wasn't something I would like my worst enemies to go through. The pain was unbearable! Or maybe not. Alexander is officially my enemy; maybe he should have a taste of his own medicine! I have been humiliated in front of the whole school, the pack house, and even in town. The constant whispers and gossip were slowly driving me insane. “So, who is this Kevin, by the way?” I asked as annoyance bubbled up inside me. My wolf has certainly lost her marbles; I just wonder which color they are so that I can send a search party to find them and return them to their rightful owner. Maybe then she would accept that Alex was a helpless case and that the Moon Goddess had made a mistake pairing us. “He, my sweet, hardheaded girl, is Alexander’s wolf,” Kia said, purring. “You sound very sure of yourself," I huffed. "How did you manage to communicate with him?” “It’s a wolf thing,” she said. I rolled my eyes at her. “Okay, but with one condition," I said. I was on the brink of just packing up and going rogue—not that it would help; Kona would probably force my ass back to this time frame, just to force me to try one last time. “Uhm...sure,” she said hesitantly. “Anything...” “If he doesn’t accept me this time," I said seriously. "We will leave. Deal?” Kona suddenly became quiet in my mind, and I wondered what she was up to. Was she having a chat with Kevin? And why was this time-twisting thing not affecting him? "Deal," she suddenly said. "And I promise nothing will go wrong. We promise..." “We?” I asked, surprised, lifting a tired eyebrow. That was way too easy. What was the catch? “Yes, we!” she snapped. “Pinky swear?” I said. “You do know that I don’t have a pinky to give you," Kona huffed, seemingly annoyed. "But I will give you my word, Kevin, and my word...” "Fine," I eventually gave in. Will I ever get this cocky Alpha male to accept me? ****
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