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HECTOR'S POV She is getting under my skin, and I don’t like it one bit. She has a certain pull over me, and it annoys me how much it runs deep through me. Her beauty had scared me off once before, when I had just met her and it was happening all over again. I can feel it, and it needs to stop. Right at this very moment. Rubi Santez would definitely be the death of me. I should hate her. That’s what I should be doing. But why the f**k can’t I get her out of my head? How the f**k, am I supposed to get her out of my mind when she has a goddamn body like that? For Christ's sake, that woman would give both Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner a run for their money. Rubi had it all. Lips, ass, boobs and to top it all off, she’s all natural! Fuck me! I’m so f*****g screwed… I don’t blame my mind and c**k at this moment. It’s not my fault, that I just happen to have a perfect-looking seductress wife that I don’t even seem to want, yet I still want her so f*****g badly. Fuck! Does that even make sense? Those eyes, lips. Jesus! Her body is f*****g perfection. Each time I look into her eyes, she f*****g hypnotizes me. That perfect ass that just seems ready and made me. Mine. The first time I met her, I wanted to crush my lips into her plump lips so badly. There was a lot I imagined doing to those luscious lips. Driving my c**k into her pretty mouth, for instance. She ruined my life and plans because she’s a cunning b***h, and I’ll make her pay for every trouble she’s ever caused me. She’s such a good actress though, no wonder why my dad liked her more and not the woman I wanted to marry. I had wanted to hurt her so badly. So bad that I had disappeared right after our wedding. So bad that I sent her out of our room and also f****d Victoria in that same bed and room. Last night, I only ended up deceiving myself though. I only f****d Victoria because I wanted to get Rubi out of my goddamn mind. I didn't want to think about her, but I could't stop myself from wanting her. But while f*****g Victoria, I had to imagine it was Rubi and not Victoria in my arms. I couldn’t even get hard without thinking about my wife. I rushed out of the room, leaving Victoria inside alone. I’d tried to get some space to breathe and forget about my wife, who was sleeping just a few feet away. The wife I had imagined f*****g instead of my mistress. I’d gotten to the pool to have a swim. And what I saw broke my cold heart. There she was, sleeping down on the tile floor beside the pool in a ball-like frame, her hands buried under her cheeks as she slept. The hell! It's freezing out here. What was she thinking? I'm definitely not falling for her pity games. Her innocent face doesn't fool me anymore. I had intended to wake her up and tell her to go back to her room. But when I stared down at her, I didn’t have the heart to wake her up. She looked so beautiful and innocent with her lips that were a bit spread in an o-like. She probably heard me f*****g Victoria. Good. That’s what I want. For her to know she has no damn place in my life. I picked her up and took her back to her room. All the while, what I really wanted to do when I placed her on the bed was devour her. I placed her down on the bed and quickly returned to my room to have a cold shower. I was hard as a rock from just carrying my wife. She’s not going to deceive me like she did my dad though. She has the old man wrapped round her fingers, but not me. Never. Her innocent looks don’t move me. Not one bit. “…get the deal signed off… Hector? Are you listening?” Did I go overboard with the whole Victoria thing... "Hector? Dude, are you even listening?" “What?” I jolted from my deep thoughts in Kelvin's deep voice. I can’t believe I was lost in the thoughts of Rubi. Again. I’m currently having a board meeting with Kelvin Cole, my best friend and business partner. We also had other business associates present for the meeting. “What the f**k? C’mon man, I’ve been talking s**t for almost thirty minutes now and you haven’t even been listening. Like seriously?” Kelvin was pissed. I don’t blame him though. My fault. “I’m sorry, gentlemen. My thoughts were elsewhere for a while.” Kelvin stared at me for a while, then shook his head, as if he knew exactly where my thoughts were. The fucker. “Gentlemen. I think it is best to reschedule this at a more convenient time for me. Since this deal is costing me a huge amount of money, the last thing I want to do right now is sign those documents with my mind elsewhere. I think that’s something that you will all agree with me?” Business is business. I never f**k with my businesses and deals. I don’t care who’s on the goddamn table with me. If I’m not in the mood, then I’m not in the goddamn mood. Period. “Of course, Mr Ruiz. Take your time, and let us know when to meet up again?” “Gladly.” I got up from my seat at the head of the table and everyone followed suit as I offered my hand for a handshake. The meeting is dismissed. “My secretary will get you all informed once I’m ready to schedule a new date.” “Very well, Mr Ruiz. We will be expecting your call.” Kelvin walked the men out, then returned. He looked at me as he sat down on the seat next to me that he had vacated earlier on. “What’s wrong, Hector?” I met his eyes and the fucker didn’t even blink. If there is one person who’s never scared of my dominant presence, it’s Kelvin. The bastard doesn’t even flinch when I give him one of my signatory looks. The back the f**k off look. Lately, one person seems to add up to Kelvin though. Rubi. The woman always looks at me straight in the eye. Eyeball to eyeball, she doesn’t seem scared of me. On the contrary, I’m f*****g scared of her. She scares me the f**k out. Fuck it, Hector! Focus! Focus on something other than her. “Rubi. That’s what’s wrong.” I looked at him as I rubbed my chin. “I need that woman out of my life.” “What?” Kelvin asked. Shocked, he looked at me as if I was crazy. “That’s what you were thinking about? How does one ever think about a wife they claim to hate? Also, in the middle of signing a huge deal you’ve been after for three months now? Wow.” The jerk was amused by my current situation. I just gave myself to the pit bull. The fucker, won’t leave me on this one. “f**k you.” I snarled out, pissed at Rubi and pissed at myself for even thinking about her. He burst out laughing, holding his chest in an exaggerated manner. “Dude, you are so fucked.” He laughed out again, so hard his shoulders were shaking from his laughter. “I knew you were in trouble when I laid eyes on her last year. f**k man, I even told you then.” He definitely did. After, he had eye f****d my soon-to-be wife on my wedding day and I had almost chopped off his head in a jealous rage. In his defense, he hadn’t known she was my soon-to-be wife. He had approached her at the house party and tried to get her number. I was so f*****g angry, I couldn’t control the sudden jealousy that shot through me. Jealousy was such an alien thing to me until I met Rubi. That’s why I decided to get away from her. As soon as I got the chance, I ran away like a damn coward. Kelvin was smitten by her in an instant. Who wouldn’t be? I don’t blame them. But I still don’t want any assholes around her. If it had been anyone else other than Kelvin, I would’ve certainly chopped the motherfuckers head off. Kelvin had warned me then. That if I wasn’t careful I'd be doomed by her beauty and abandon the Playboy Club. True to his words, I’m f*****g doomed. He offered me a glass of whiskey and I shot it down my throat in one go. Slamming the glass down the table, I poured more into my glass before I got up from my seat and walked towards the glass window that viewed the large city. “That’s never going to happen, Kelvin. I hate her. Remember? She took away the woman I love, and she’s going to pay for it.” “Why not give the woman a chance? Maybe you can learn to love her? She seemed like a cool person to get to know.” I abruptly turned around with one hand in my pocket, pissed at the i***t for even thinking about something like that. I leveled my gaze at him. “That’s never going to happen.” He twirled the glass in his hand as he stared at me head on. “Well, you never know. But just in case you don’t want her. I’ll gladly have her.” I squeezed the glass I was holding so goddamn hard, waiting for it to break. “Get the f**k, out!” The bastard burst out laughing again. He raised both hands up in surrender. “Man, you are so f****d. You want to rip my head off so badly right now.” He got up from his seat and walked towards the door, still laughing as he stopped by the door and turned around and said. “Believe it or not, you are jealous. You just won’t admit it. You want your wife, and you hate what you are feeling right now.” I snorted. Kelvin reads me like a damn book. And I don’t like it. “Ahhh, don’t forget though, I’ll fill in a resume if I have to.” I frowned, not understanding what he was talking about. “What?” “You know." He shrugged. "If you don’t want Rubi, can I have her?” I tossed the glass as hard as I could against the wall. The sound that followed was Kelvin’s laughter as he disappeared out of the boardroom. “I am not jealous…” I hissed out between clenched teeth to the now empty office.
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