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He went away, leaving me all alone to myself. I had to find a way to survive the depression, fortunately for me my mother's Best friend rescued me to help me but along the line, she remembered how my Mom made her feel terrible, by taking away her fiance from her. So she subjected me to s*****y in her home. I got whacked every day and had nothing to eat. I thought I was going to fall dead someday until Scott showed up in her house and said ge needed her to let me come along with him to his family house and I agreed to come with him." Cherokee at some point in telling her story to Phoenix felt it won't do her more harm than good, since she is the first person to show her some can of friendship after a long time, but along the line, She thought it won't be nice to try to scare with the horrific sorry of her life so she stopped. "Phoenix smiled, " So tell me are you a full werewolf or half?" She asked. Cherokee glared at her like she didn't hear her well. "I mean do you sniff your mate's scent?" She asked again in a better way she thought Cherokee can understand. Fortunately, she did. "No, I am half." She said lowering her head like not knowing what reply Phoenix would give next. "But it doesn't matter if you are half," Phoenix said almost immediately. Cherokee eyes dropped, "I am human." She replied. Suddenly worried that this would be a huge issue. A still silence followed her words before a shriek filled the room. "Not again, no way." Phoenix screeched. " I have never met a full human before, Mom will never let me go near human. she tossed her hair over her shoulder and said in a high-pitched scolding voice. "Because she believed humans just want to kill us and all that stuff but here you are a loving human." She rolled her eyes and then laughed before bouncing off her bed to go hug Cherokee tightly. "This is awesome, I can't believe I got picked to have a human as a roommate! I expect you to tell me about humans and what you do, where you like to go for fun? Did you have that connection when you first met Scott?" Cherokee burst out laughing at her eagerness written all over her face. And held up her hand to calm her down, "Okay." She giggled, 'I promise I will tell you what humans are like but I guarantee it is not interesting. I am sure living with werewolves is much cooler than us boring humans. You are super good at fighting, well organized as a pack, and help everyone in the pack succeed and become better persons." Cherokee paused knowing that the young whom she is in her room can shift into a werewolf and tear her apart. Phoenix smiled, "Yeah we do all that, but we do not attack people for frivolous reasons. Unless the person does something unforgivable in the pack, like trying to kill the Alpha or planning to overthrow him in any other way, And if the Alpha gets to find out you know. Even those that go against the pack are banished rather than killed. Our Alpha at most times give pack offenders a benefit 9f doubt and even when it seems to be recurring a panel is set and efficient scrutiny of any crime is carried out. if the offender is found guilty, he or she is given one more chance before even being banished. Cherokee glimmered when she realise her thoughts must have been obvious and was relieved that Phoenix didn't seem to have taken her hesitance the wrong way. "Thank you for being so nice," she said looking at Phoenix, "I was really worried about coming here and being so different to you all. I thought that no one would want me here, to be part of such a successful and rich family." She said looking down at her hands so that Phoenix couldn't see the tears that had suddenly sprung to her eyes. Cherokee was suddenly overwhelmed with the realization that she had had no one for all these years, and to suddenly have a girl who was so different from her accept her and befriend her with no skepticisms at all broke down part of the wall that she had built around herself for all these years. Before she knew it, Phoenix was sobbing like her heart was shattering. Cherokee gasped and ran to her bed, throwing her arms around her protectively. "It's okay" she whispered "You are safe here Cherokee and I will always have your back, we are roomies, which means we are best friends. like besties!" She smiled weeping tiny tears from her cheek. I know Scott loves you and I do. We all do love your coming to our family. And I hope you get used to everything around and in the home. Cherokee couldn't help but laugh through her tears at the vehement way Phoenix had shouted besties like she was binding it in a blood ritual or something. "Besties" she replied, "I'd like that. Suddenly the bedroom door crashed open causing both girls to shriek in shock and Chloe to topple backward into a heap on the floor, arms and legs flying. Gathering herself up she glanced toward the door and yelled "Timmy! how many times! I have warned you. you are to knock before you come in! I could have been getting undressed! a young girl of about 6 years old with short black hair tied up in a rose shape, had entered the room looked completely unbothered by the older girls shouting. Timmy is the daughter of their pack cook and she likes to pry into Phoenix's room whenever she came around but Phoenix never likes to welcome her kiddy friendship. "What?" she asked, faking innocence, "it's not like you have a boy or a man in here, is it? Timmy laughed and dodged out the way as Phoenix threw a pad at her head. Gliding to a stop outside a large wooden door on the 3rd floor, Phoenix took a moment to smooth her hair and dress, before taking a deep breath and knocking smartly upon the polished wood.
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