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Chapter 8 Cherokee's POV It's my wedding day, and how on earth would I've overslept on such a day I had been looking forward to. Thanks to Phoenix who had to wake me up not even my husband, Brown though it is needful to be sure his bride was already awake for D-day. Perhaps, it is because we never slept in the same room. I will blame that and not Brown. I know it sounds dumb but I love Brown and can't blame him for anything or oversleeping. I flew up from my bed to my wardrobe to get my lingerie, bra, and the strapless wedding dress Phoenix had said she picked this very designer for me at the mall when she and Brown were getting ready for our wedding. I should have been the one to go with Brown, where is a bride ever deprived of being the one to pick her special wedding dress? No way but I Brown Scott mansion. But that wouldn't make me hate him still, this wedding is done for good. No one can stop me know from being officially joined by my long-time crush. The strapless wedding dress is one of the most popular styles for brides. I had known when I searched through ** for hot bridal dresses. Not only does it show off my arms and shoulders, but it does also show off my boobs. And that is often to make Brown want to have me all night for an unforgettable honeymoon. It’s also not as constricting as a sleeved dress. I show it also knowing that it was summer and It’s also great for spring and summer weddings. There's no time for primping, or even showering for minutes. I had nearly spent 30 seconds in the bathroom. As soon as I rushed out I roll on my deodorant, threw my gown over my head, and ran to the living room. Phoenix had just finished putting on her bridal gown and a Caleb black blazer suit. I like the wine color tie and his silver-plated cufflinks. "If this is what Brown will be putting on I will not be able to subdue the urge to leave a soft peck on his cheek. I know that might earn me a s***k but I can't help it." I mattered to myself staring at Caleb. Grandpa and Ma were going to look anything less than expected. Grandma wore a glittering diamond stone gown, " I usually don't wear this very precious gown of mine for any kind of occasion but this very one deserves it. Congrats on your special day Cherokee, I have wished for this day. What a beautiful girl like you will find our grandson, Brown Scott to be the right partner for you. I am so happy." Grandma said. Mere looking at the smile radiating from her aging face anyone can tell how happy she is today. As she was done talking Grandpa gestured for me to come closer, when I got to where he stood he asked me to lower my back and patted my back with his right hand. I know that means he approves our wedding. Everyone in the family was excited about today but I am yet to see the man I will be spending the remaining days of my with a smile at me and tell me how much he had wished to see the day. I know I may sound mean but I wanted to be sure he was me as much as I love him. Is that too much to ask for. I heard my name being yelled from the garage and I knew Phoenix was ready to drive me to the church where I would tie the knot with Brown Scott. The church was a large and lonely one. It look like we were the only ones who were going to be occupying the whole Church. "Why didn't Brown invite his business friends and his extended family?" I have myself a question I didn't have an answer hoping someone will give me a clue. The churchyard was richly treed and was shaded by great elms which stood just outside and stretched their majestic arms in benediction over the happy congregation. A large, low porch let one into the building by a Norman doorway and a heavy oak door studded with iron. Inside, the arches rose into darkness, and between them the reticulated windows, which stood out white in the moonlight. In the chancel, the windows were of rich glass, which showed in faint light their noble coloring, and made the black oak of the choir pews hardly more solid than the shadows. But on each side of the altar lay a grey marble figure of a knight in full plate armor lying upon a low slab, with hands held up in everlasting prayer. After we had settled down, the marriage clergy stood from his priestly couch and approach the podium before signaling with a manly voice, "May the couple arise and come to the altar to receive the blessing for their marriage matrimonial. do you take Cherokee to be your lovely wife in sickness and in health, till death do you apart?" He spoke so loudly that his voice echoed in the empty congregation. I could hardly contain my happiness. I am getting married! To with man I love the most. My cloudy grey eyes fall on the tall body standing on my side. Brown is the most good-looking man I have ever seen, my prince charming, my knight in shining armor. His moderate green eyes are thrilling. His pointed nose is as arrogant as he is. His lips always appear to be so kissable. I could feel with my imagination how my little finger were caressing his lips. The very first time I set my eyes on Brown, I had choosed him. The delightful part of his face is the long dimple on his left cheek. I will be formally married to the man I love. My long-time desire. "
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