The price of anger.

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EPISODE 01 The day has just dawned on the majestic palace of HOUEGBADJA in the historical capital of Agbomey. In the very sumptuous and vast courtyard of the palace, the chambermaids or servants of the royal court who had already finished their various household tasks of the morning are busy playing different games. While some of these maids use their best voice to sing, others offer scenes of swaying through beautiful dance steps, well timed. The guards also joined them to play, applauding to encourage them. The most audacious ones go until provoking the guards with their games of wiggles. They too are not afraid to take part in this entertainment. It is at this moment that the king and queen get out of their bed to join the court of the palace. At the sight of them, the maids quickly line up to pay respect and honor to them in accordance with the requirements of tradition and the royal court. The guards of the court immediately join their respective posts. But the royal couple had already seen them. One of the guards even nearly knocked over the queen who was surprised by the gesture. It is then that the king, his majesty takes the word as a great master of the place by telling them: - But go on! Go on! Don’t stop! You know how I love to enjoy watching all of you playing. - The king is always so generous with his words. Thank you your happiness, says a maid by smiling. - Ah, says the king. - You spoil your palace attendants with overindulgence my king, notifies the queen to the king. - What is life worth without the happiness of the people my queen? Retorts the king. Have you wondered why Agbomey kingdom is blessed with gold, diamonds, crude oil, oil palm and all other natural resources that makes it one of the wealthiest kingdom in the world? - Hmm! Tell me more so my king! - Because over the age, Agbomey kings have been entrusted with good hearts enough to take very good care of their people, explains the king. - Hmm! Yet there is this curse that silently bellies in the bosom of his royal house hold, says the queen to taunt the king. A few weeks have passed and the moon has just appeared over the kingdom of Agbomey. It is the time of the full moon in the whole kingdom. At this particular time of the year, the mood of werewolf people is constantly threatened according to some mythological stories in the existence of the kingdom. They have a taciturn, wild mood and live as real werewolves. It is this period that the prince of the kingdom of Hôgbonou unfortunately waited to burst into the palace of HOUEGBADJA in the kingdom of Agbomey. His goal was clear: to meet the twin sister of Princess Agossi in an unofficial way to declare his resentments to her again. When he finally finds her alone in the majestic and splendid marbled living room reserved for her and her elder sister, Princess Agôyi, the prince does not hesitate to declare to her: - Your beauty my dear, radiates a million stars, that cast a cloud of envy upon the sky, each time I set my eyes on you, entrusts the prince to Agôyi by touching her cheeks with a smiling face. That’s why the reason my heart cannot help beating faster than its rhythm, each time I come in contact with you. - Such glory flowery words I trust will price its tickle in the ears of my twin sister. She’s the one you have vowed your heart to, retorts princess Agôyi by staring at the prince. - Forget your sister. Agossi wallows in self debasement and I have vowed my heart to her in blindness. Besides, she doesn’t match your gate and elegant to compliment me as the future king of Hôgbonou kingdom, argues the princes, smiling. - Such guts! To stand in the middle of Agbomey palace and speak so derogatorily of the kingdom princess royal? - I speak nothing falasy my fear princess, besides gems they say are measured in valve and only fools settle for bronze when diamond is right her before me. After this beautiful speech of the prince of Hôgbonou, a flat calm took the whole room for a short moment. The princess didn't know what to say to this ingenious defense of the prince. She finally left the room to leave the prince alone in the middle of the room. Princess Agôyi is a perfect representation of a werewolf. She is very taciturn and lacks humanity. This character becomes more cruel and accentuated when the moon is seen in the sky. As a great princess and according to the royal habit, she is accompanied that morning by a royal guard and one of the royal servants for her daily walk in the forest of the kingdom. They went to a forest. On their way, two inhabitants of the kingdom passed them. The two men bowed to greet her in chorus: - Greetings my princess! The princess did not answer any time soon. These words that apparently sounded bad in her eardrums made her go back to find something to accuse one of the two men who had just greeted her. It is then that she looks at him with the eyes filled with blood before taking out this punitive sentence: - (Attached face): Did you make a face at me just now? - No princess. Not at all! The guard, embarrassed turns his face elsewhere to pretend not to follow the scene. It is then that the princess always animated by the spirit of werewolf, advances of two steps exactly to give him a violent slap before accompanying it of these angry remarks: - Why do you stand there like a moron? The servant who accompanies the princess is surprised by this attitude. She opens her eyes widely, and her mouth which she hurries to cover with her hands not to let escape sounds; under penalty of seeing herself rolled of blow in its turn. The guard who had just been slapped understands at the same time the message sent by the princess and throws himself on the respondent to strike him. Dressed in a long yellow dress embroidered at the level of the chest in gold, long earrings completely made of gold and a royal crown in diamond on the head shining under the brightness of the rising sun, she stands aside to observe the correction that the guard inflicts to this inhabitant of the kingdom whom she considers to have disrespected her. The guard drags him on the ground until the level of the princess Agôyi. She looks at him nastily from top to bottom and ends up asking: - You imagine that I am blind? - I did not do such a thing my princess! Trust me princess! Eeh, says the inhabitant implicated, with lamentations. She approaches the supposed accused and with a very quick hand gesture, she slaps him then adds: - You still have the guts to open your stinky mouth at me? The young man is astonished and looks at his second and allows himself to ask him what he did by holding his cheek. But the latter just looks at him with a docile air without any comment. - Take him to the dungeon this minute, immediately ordered the princess to guard with an authoritative tone. - No! No my princess! No, no! Please spare me, dare to beg the accused by looking at his friend. It is at this moment that his friend with whom he was walking very wisely takes the floor to ask the indulgence of the princess. He begins his request for clemency with: - Angel of our land, the bright Agbomey moon that lures out the stars of moonlight dance. Beautiful pride of our kingdom. These words of the second man had a calming effect. The princess suddenly becomes calm and her face is illuminated. A natural smile is drawn on her beautiful face. The young defender does not stop with these first words. He continues with royal praise: - Please show your good heart of mercy. Do not allow this mere stupid i***t spoil your beautiful day. - Hmm! I see it is not all dumb skull we have in this kingdom. After these words, she walks a moment her face on the one who pleads tolerance and says: - You are forgiven! - Hein? Shouted the accused with astonishment. - But do not let this repeat itself again! Ended up the princess by raising her voice. - My princess, no problem! After these warnings, she continues her way by hastening the peace. The servant follows her in the back. The royal guard pushes the supposed culprit by pointing at him as if to tell him to be careful enough next time. He then takes the same direction as the princess and they all three join the palace. The two men also continue on their way. In the meantime in palace of Agbomey, the princess Agossi finally came back to the big living room where the prince of the kingdom of Hôgbonou was. The conversation then resumed of more beautiful between prince and princess: - I warn you! My sister’s jealousy bears the anger of a wounded tiger, affirms the princess by moving away the prince. - I will rather be trapped in the lioness’s guile well complimented by the elegance of a gazelle than worry about the anger of a wounded tiger, resumes the prince with calmness as he comes closer to the princess. - Hmm! I confess. Your guts and arrogance do come with a flair that I admire. - Aaah! Confess it all, Agossi! I know your heart longs for me also, as much as my longs for you. - Your heart does you grave injustice if it can so deceive you. Agbomey’s tradition does not afford my heart the luxury of longing for any man as long my elder sister remains unmarried. - With your sister’s haughty disposition, it does not appear she will be attracting her knight in shinny armor soon. He succeeded once more to nail the beak to the princess, sister of the Agôyi princess with his eloquence. The latter not knowing what to say again to thwart the love intentions of the prince, crossed her arms and looked at him with great concern. The prince admires her in her beautiful traditional dress woven by hand by weavers of the royal court, but adds nothing more. He was devouring her with his eyes when one of the maids brings a tray with two glasses. The prince looked at her for a moment before turning his gaze back to the princess and their eyes merged. - Your drinks my princess, says the maid. She does not answer him anything. She goes out to leave them alone so as not to disturb them too much. On the courtyard, the maid from earlier crosses paths with one of her comrades who is quick to ask her: - Where are you coming from? I have been looking for you in the palace to wave my hair. - The prince of Hôgbonou kingdom is here. Her comrade hastens once again to pull her hand so that they move away from the entrance of the palace to better discuss without being heard by an indiscrete ear of the palace. - Prince Adeleke? Here in the palace? - Yes! His visit is discreet. He had flirting with princess Agossi in there. She instantly releases her colleague's hands at the announcement of this disturbing news. - Surely? He could not have passed through the full grail of the guards. Who let him in? - I did it. I sneaked him through the secret entrance into the palace. - What? Exclaims the maid opposite with fright. Ayaba? You know very well that the prince of Hôgbonou is an outcast in Agbomey kingdom! - Shhhhhh, make her Ayaba by covering her mouth with palms of her hands. - Let me talk, she says, removing her hands. - Shhhhhh! She says, to beg her colleague to keep quiet. - How could you? She asks, looking inside the palace under the effect of fear. Inside the palace, Princess Agossi finally regained her senses and the use of her tongue. But she was still on the alert because she kept glancing outside: - You cause me grave embarrassment sneaking in here to see me instead of my sister. - No darling! Don’t get me wrong. I have no control of the direction my heart now wills it courses. It is you that I love. - Well! But I have no control in the course of tradition. To love now is to condemn my heart to the b*****e of uncertainty. My father forbade you from setting foot in this palace again. Remember! - As much as I remember, all your father says, your beauty charms not only my heart but also my patience to risk whatever consequences as long as I have your assurance that your heart belongs to me. I will wait with you, my love. - Well! I am not waiting with you. Get out, finally concludes the princess by taking the stairs leading upstairs. - Agossi! The prince tells him. At the same time that she turns the head to understand why the Prince has just shouted his name, this last seizes his lips to kiss her. She tries to free herself but without succeeding. She succeeds all the same in articulating a: - Stoop! At the same moment, the door which was not locked gives way under the action of the wrist and let’s enter the princess Agôyi who falls on the scene. The guard also observes the scene with surprise. It is princess Agossi who notices the presence of her older sister first because her position gave a view on the door. She frees herself with all her strength from the arms of the prince by emitting a strong interjection. It is at this moment that the prince turns around and his eyes fall on the elder sister of the one with whom he was flirting at the moment. Princess Agôyi couldn't bear such a humiliation and used the first object on which her eyes and her hand fell. She pulled the sword held by the guard from its sheath before he realized it. She then runs directly to her sister with the sword and says threatening words: - How dare you? Raising the sword to stab the princess Agossi. On the spot, the door opens on the queen who without wasting time shouts at Agôyi: - No! Don’t do this my princess. I beg you, running towards the princess to calm her down. - She deserves to die mother! How many suitors has she treacherously snatched from me? How many? Questions the princess under the effect of the shock. - Anger profits no gain, my princess. Forgive her treachery! I beg you. Princess Agossi is all aflutter with fear. With the full moon, she is especially afraid that she will not obey their mother's advice by giving in to her anger and letting the sword come down on her. She stands at the step of the stairs motionless. Even the prince has lost his tongue. - How much more heartaches must I suffer from the hands of my young sister? How many? She shouts at her sister, wide-eyeing with the intention of stabbing her. - Drop the sword Agôyi, orders her the prince. Blame whatever treachery on me for my heart no longer long for you. - You manipulative scoundrel! Treachery mildly describes your mischievous toying with my heart… (Silent) but you know what? This ends here right now. No man will ever make a fool of me again, she says with power to end up stabbing the prince in the abdomen with the sword. On the spot, the prince has his abdomen pierced by the sword blow he has just received. He falls down on the ground which is covered in a lapse of time with blood bath. His garment made of valuable white Bazin from the Mandingo Empire has turned bright red, the color of blood. - My princess, says the queen. They were all overwhelmed with fear and amazement at the same time. Yes! Even Princess Agôyi suddenly became calm and strange at the scene. The guard moved closer to the prince to hold him. All the people standing in the living room where the incident is taking place are gripped by fear. - Hey! Get out of here, both of you go upstairs! I said go upstairs, orders the queen to princess. Princess Agôyi drops the sword from her hand and follows her little sister who has already taken the steps with great swings to go up to their respective rooms on the floor. The guard of the same leaves the body of the prince on the ground to take the steps, but the queen reacts: - Hey! She says to the guard. Not you i***t. Call the medical doctor fast. - He is bleeding your highness, he tells the queen when he comes back to touch the prince. - Call the family doctor, the queen orders him. - I am dying, the prince may have said in agony. - I think I will be better I take him here, propose the guard and lift the bloody body of the prince of the stay to go see the doctor. - Ok! Ok fast! Dossou listen! Use the secret gate and make sure nobody knows about this. When the guard clears the body of the prince from the royal living room, the queen between three breaths, jumps on the stairs to join her two daughters on the floor to have a discussion with them regarding the incident which has just occurred. Once in front of Agôyi she says: - Wipe those unprofitable tears off your face. It will not flush out the turmoil your untamed anger is about to bring upon this kingdom should the prince die…
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