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Jared Hunter opened the door to The Hound's Basket thinking that it was going to be empty after the breakfast rush. He wanted to get something to eat and he preferred that it was somewhere quiet. He travelled all the way from New York and it had been a long-haul-ass flight. He was tired, jet-lagged and hungry. The minute he stepped one foot forward into the pub he knew he made a mistake. He literally could hear the whoosh as the noise inside the bustling room disappeared like it had been sucked out by a huge vacuum. He stood still as all pair of eyes turned to look at the direction of the door. He cursed internally and decided to avert his gaze to the less crowded part of the room and that's where the glint of hot white hair caught his eyes. He blinked once then focused on the person who owned the long, elegant hair. He breathed slowly as his eyes met light gray ones.  She looked shocked as if she recognized him. He wondered if he knew her from somewhere.  Jared mentally shook his head. He would never forget a woman that beautiful. He straightened up as he heard a growl from the deep corners of his being. He mentally shushed his mind and looked away from the beautiful blonde behind the counter.  He cleared his throat and closed the door behind him. This was not he had planned but the smell of breakfast, pancakes and bacon have already assailed his nose and he wanted to eat. Ignoring the blatant stares, he walked towards the empty table for two at the very corner of the pub. "They aren't even pretending to look." Jared muttered as he recognized Jackson Colt looming in front of him. He watched as the guy placed a cup of coffee in front of him, a smirk on his face.  "Not everyday we get a celebrity come into the Hound." Jackson replied. "You back for good?" Jared glared at Jackson. They were not exactly close friends but they used to hang out with the other guys their age before Jared left for New York. They have not kept in touch but since they grew up in the small town, they always had that camaraderie buried deep. "Just came for the funeral." Jared replied, taking a sip of the coffee. He glanced at the counter and saw the blonde looking at him.  "Right. I"m sorry about your father." Jackson replied. "Are you having the usual?"  Jared nodded, a little bit distracted as another growl sounded deep in his chest. What was going on? He had never felt his wolf spirit so restless since he left this town. He sighed and figured that maybe it was being back in the place and being near his family.  Somebody is glad to be home. He thought, smiling a little. "I'll be back with the food. Ignore the folks." Jackson offered, patting him on the shoulder before turning around to call the order out and then he headed to give the ticket to the cashier.  Jared strained his ears and heard the girl ask Jackson who he was. He almost chuckled when Jackson replied that Jared is a movie star who decided to grace the Hound on a whim. The girl clearly did not buy it and she shoved him playfully on his arm.  Jared could not put a finger on it but he felt like he should know the girl behind the counter. He had seen her before. Her hair was not the color you would often see, especially if was a natural color. He watched as she smiled and talked to the customers seated on the stool. She looked sweet and her eyes sparkled with unknown mischief.  The crowd's noise picked up once more as conversation swirled around the dining area. Jared began to relax but just as he was about to settle comfortably into his chair, the door opened once more, ushering three huge looking men. Everyone shushed as the three looked around and settled their eyes on Jared. They made their way towards the table, surrounding him.  "Gentlemen," Jared greeted them without so much of an expression.  "You are requested to come at once." The middle guy said.  "After I've had my breakfast." Jared drawled out. He gestured at the empty chair in front of him, asking them to sit down and wait. "Your mother-" The guy on the right started but was also cut off. "Can wait..." Jared snapped. "She's waited seven years. She can afford to wait a few more hours." Jared knew everyone is watching but he did not care. He had not even stayed for more than an hour and he already wanted to get the hell out of Redwater. If it were up to him, he would never set foot again in this remote area, smack in the middle of nowhere. He had left this part of his life behind when he was sixteen.  "Your father's burial has been on hold already for a full day, Al-" "Don't!" He suddenly snarled, his icy blue eyes flashing.  "But you are the heir..."  A low growl emitted from Jared. "There will be no rough housing this early in the day, folks!" Jackson's voice cut through the tension as he placed the breakfast plate in front of Jared. He also placed a decanter of maple syrup and some extra butter beside the plate. "Shall I get you guys anything to eat?" Jared watched as Jack, the biggest and tallest among the three shake his head at Jackson. He returned his gaze at Jared and nodded. He stood up and the other two followed suit.  "We'll wait for you outside. You're riding with me." Jack declared.  Jared smirked at him and shook his head. He was met with steely gaze from Jack before the guy lowered his voice just loud enough for Jared to hear. "Don't take too long and don't make me come here and haul your ass out." They glared at each other before Jack turned around and headed out of the pub, everyone's eyes following their retreating backs. Jared managed to let out a loud breath before he started attacking the food in front of him. "Seriously, aren't you too old to have bodyguard?"  Jared knew that it was the blonde girl even before she spoke. He could smell her scent as clear as day. He did not look up but glanced at the fresh glass of orange juice she placed on his table. He stared at it as if it confused him.  "I think you're wound too tightly to binge any more on coffee." She replied with a chuckle and Jared finally looked up to meet her gaze. He heard a soft sound echo from his wolf. It was like he was purring like a kitten. What the frack was that about? "Is this a habit of yours? Butting in on someone else's business?' He put enough ice on his tone just so she would get the message and leave him alone. The last thing he wanted was some girl flirting with him. He did not mind a hook-up now and then but if it was in Redwater, he would rather not involve himself with anyone from around here. "Hold your horses, pretty boy!" She drawled out, her eyes twinkling at him. "I'm here to deliver your bill since it's going to be lunch time. I need to change registers so I'm going to have to ask you to pay before you finish your meal."  Jared smirked and decided to check the girl out. She really is attractive and if he met her in a club or something, he would definitely make a play for her. The girl's hair is long, shiny and fell just above her waist. Uneven hair fanned her heart-shaped face daintily almost giving her an innocent and angel-like feature. The glint in her silver gray eyes told him she was as innocent as he was.  "If you stare any longer, I might just have to charge you extra!" She teased but her eyes had lost its playfulness. Jared's eyes fell on her plump, pink lips. He unconsciously licked his own lip and this time he wasn't sure if the soft groan came from him or his wolf. "You can't blame me for admiring the view if it has been presented willingly in front of me." He replied, finally finding his cool. He raised an eyebrow at her, daring her to say something back. She rolled her eyes at him and slammed the ticket on his table. "Pay up and get over yourself, Pretty Boy!" Jared watched as she walked back towards the counter, flipping her hair back. He almost smiled but managed to stop himself. She intrigued him but not enough to even make a move or think about it too much. He had other important business to attend to and the sooner he faced them, the faster he would be back in New York. He grabbed his wallet from his back pocket and pulled some bills. He decided to just double her tip for entertaining him at least. He stood up and without a backward glance, walked out of the pub. He did not bother checking his bag that he left by the porch. He knew the guys already had taken care of it. Besides, it wasn't a huge bag, just a knapsack with hardly any clothes. He stepped off the last step of the porch and a black Escalade stopped in front of him. He sighed and opened the passenger door behind the driver's seat and pulled himself inside. For the first time, since he arrived in Redwater, he and his wolf agreed on one thing: they did not want to go home. After an hour and half of driving, Jared found himself in the woods that led to his family's estate. He closed his eyes and pictured himself back in his loft in Manhattan. He did not have to do anything but think of work, his friends and have a good time. He wasn't responsible for anything but himself and he was free.  He scoffed while thinking about it. He had always been so intent on pleasing his father and showing his worth but when the moment came that his father finally acknowledged him as worthy to take his place, Jared did not want anything to do with it.  He managed to convince his parents to let him have a year, living normally outside their sphere, and then he would come back. Well, except, he did not come back and he managed to stay away despite the different forces and tactics his father had sent after him.  Why should he care about being the Alpha? Why did he have to accept the responsibility now? He did not owe his father anything especially after the torment and pain he had inflicted in Jared since he could learn how to comprehend and feel.  Yes, it felt lonely being alone and without a pack for years but in his heart, he knew it was worth it. He had become more independent, powerful in his own right without having to lean on his father's power. He made his own connections and friends even if he had been without his pack. "You are about as excited as dead prey, Jared." Jack's voice cut through his musings. Jared noticed that they had reached the gate and it was slowly opening. He breathed deeply and brushed his hair away from his face.  As soon as the vehicle stopped in front of the mansion's front steps, Jared did not make any move to come down. Instead, he watched the people waiting for him on the steps from the inside of the car. He spotted Randolph, looking almost the same except his hair had a few silver in them. He also saw two of his cousins, Amara and Armand. They looked excited but the rest of the faces were all serious and stiff.  The door beside him opened and Jack waited for him to go down. As soon as Jared moved, he stopped him by putting a hand on his shoulder. "Remember, this is your father's funeral. Whatever problem you have with him over the years, put it behind you and pay respect. He was your father no matter what he may have done in the past." Jack murmured, forcing Jared to look at him.  Jared only glared back. He tried to brush off the older man's hand away from him but it only latched more firmly on him. Jack's brown eyes turned a flash of yellow and he bared his teeth at Jared. "Don't make me hurt you, boy!" He snarled. "I'm not afraid of you, Jack!" Jared hissed back, his own eyes flashing with power as his wolf growled louder. "Well, you should be, pup!" Jack hissed. "I will not allow you to hurt your mother any more than you have had the past years." Jared snarled but managed to hold himself from lunging forward to fight Jack. He was right. In spite of what had transpired between him and his father, his mother did not deserve his hatred. She had tried her best to protect him and make him feel loved as much as she could without disobeying her Alpha. A part of him still thought that she should have fought harder, had been braver and loved him more but he knew she did her best. "I am no longer that young boy you can push around, Jack." Jared growled at him, prying his hand away from his body. "I will think of mother and I will suffer through all this fallacy. After that, I will be leaving and you can do whatever you want with this family!" He pushed Jack aside and got down the vehicle. He looked at the time and reminded himself that he only needed to survive a couple more hours and then be rid of everything and everyone in Redwater for good.
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