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LINCOLN   It's been a year and some months since the last time I last saw Camilla Avery. The last time I got to hold her was when she lost her parents and almost got killed.    Since then, she has been so busy running her late parents' company that she doesn't have time for her friends. And that kinda caused a rift between us, (her friends) and her. Our friends sent me to bring her back and reunite us, so we could go back to how we used to be.   During these past months, things weren't working well with me at all, though I had the benefit of running my dad's company, there was a major issue in my life and that was my love life which sucked like hell.   Nothing about my relationships ever worked well, starting from my high school days to my college days I have always been dumped by my girlfriends.   I started liking Camilla at our fresher's party but I was scared of approaching her, so we ended up being friends, close ones at that. She wasn't giving the vibe of someone that wants to have anything to do with relationships, so I got scared a bit and backed off. I didn't want to lose the friendship we both had over a mere relationship so I had to settle for my ex Rachel.   I always thought, since the one you have feelings for might not want you in return, why not settle for someone else and have that special one as close friends. That someone else turned out to be Rachael.   I tried everything humanly possible to have feelings for Rachel but everything turned void, so when she cheated on me with our friend Blake, I didn't feel hurt or heartbroken. I just wished them well and moved on.   They both thought I would create a ruckus and launched myself at Blake beating the hell out of him but to their surprise, I smiled and tapped his shoulder, telling congratulations and I walked out of the house.   I was about to head home from her place when I remembered that Camilla's family company was around her vicinity, so I decided to visit her and check how she was doing.   Seeing her in her suit, her hair tied upwards, looking beautiful and cute as always ignited the feelings I had for her. I thought it would have been long dead and forgotten since I hadn't seen her for long, but I guess I was deceiving myself, as I ended up asking her out on a dinner date.   With her acceptance, I walked out of her office with a smile on my face. Finally, I would be able to bring us back together especially after telling her I was single and I know very well that with her busy schedules she too would be single.   This was fate after all and since we are both adults now and running our companies. We would both have the true meaning of a relationship and love.   Seeing her for the first time in ages, I was already planning on making my first love a reality.   I drove off to a business meeting I had canceled before, it was close to her company, I had to use that as a perfect plan to get to see her every day.       “Good afternoon. Robinson, this is Lincoln Aiden from the B&Q industry.”       “Good afternoon Mr. Aiden, I am glad you called me, what can I do for you, sir?" Mr. Robison asked.       “The meeting I canceled earlier, I glanced over it again and realized I love the idea. I would want us to see it right away and talk about it if it is convenient for you. I'm driving over to your office right now, to get a response in person.” I said.         “Thank you, Mr. Aiden, I will be waiting for you in my office, thank you very much, sir.” He replied and I ended the call.   Arrangements were made and soon I was parking my car in the parking lot of his company. Taking the elevator, I went to the 5th floor where I was welcomed by him and the meeting commenced.   He was able to finalize everything for me and his idea was perfect for the next big thing to do to expand the company. I guessed meeting Camilla was good fortune.   When we were done with the meeting, it was about 7:50pm and I remembered my dinner date with Camilla, just as she called it. After bidding Mr. Robinson goodbye and promised to see him the next day, I dashed out of his office, calling her.   After hearing her voice telling me the date was still going to be possible, I ran off to my car and ignited the engine. I drove off at full speed to her office. I would rather be the gentleman waiting for his date than his date waiting for him.   Soon after I got out of the car, I saw her walking out of her company's building with a smile on her face, we both greeted each other and I was off.   The whole time I couldn't take my eyes off her as I stared at her through the front mirror, she was just the same, beautiful as always, and still had her cute baby's face. She was just like a vampire that doesn't grow old.    I was able to spot a smear from her makeup on her right cheek. I didn't know if I should tell her, if it would make her feel embarrassed or if I should do it myself.   I was caught in the middle of telling or not telling her, I stopped the car at the restaurant. Her favorite eating spot. Then I saw the opportunity to, I leaned close to her and I could feel her breath on my neck, which sent a tingling sensation down my spine, and right there, I wanted to taste her lips so badly, but I didn't want to ruin our relationship.   I slowly wiped the stain off her cheek and sat back on my seat comfortably, before stepping out of the car.   Dinner was fun with her and I hate to say this but I didn't want this night to end. I wanted this night to go on and on but our work calls tomorrow and we need to obey.   Slowly I escorted her to her doorsteps, should I kiss her or not but what will she say if I do that. Would I be slapped or kissed back? Should I take my chance or let it go? This thought kept recurring in my head until I heard her say good night and I knew that was my cue to leave.   A little bit disappointed, I walked towards my car when she called me back.      “Linc" Camilla called out to me and I turned around to look at her.      “Yeah," I answered, walking back to her.      “Sorry, I totally forgot about this.” She said checking her bag.   She brought out an invitation card. I took it from her        “Here you go, you are invited to the art gallery, and the dress code is white. Goodnight and drive safely." She said,   I couldn't resist her lips any longer and I did what might ruin our friendship but I didn't care, I pulled her close to me and sealed her lips with mine.   I wanted it to be quick but I found myself deepening the kiss, our tongues were fighting for dominance. I couldn't control the feelings any longer, my hand slid underneath her shirt touching her bare skin, her moans made me realize that I was trending on a dangerous path and I quickly broke the kiss.        “I am sorry, I wanted it to be a good night kiss after our fake date night, let me know when you are ready in the morning. Sleep well.” I said to her, walking towards my car.    I could see her through the rearview mirror, she stood there not taking a step, I guessed she was surprised too and I ignited the car and drove on top speed to my house.   When I got in, I dashed towards the bathroom and turned on the shower. I allowed the cold water to wet me, calming every nerve on my body.         ‘What have I done?” I asked myself. ‘I hope I haven't ruined anything between us'.   Getting rid of my wet clothes, I climbed on my bed, texting her that I arrived home safely.   Tomorrow is going to determine if we are still cool or if there will be an awkwardness between us.
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