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HUSNAH's POV. I didn't just know why I did what I did, and for what reason. The only thing I knew was that, I planned on getting Nabeel against all odds. I believed I won't regret ever obeying my mother for accepting this faith. I'll be his wife... and he's gonna love me. I made up my mind to start it the way I wanted it to be that morning. Hey! Why shouldn't I even love a guy like Nabeel? He's also handsome by the way. He's tall.. I mean, very tall with broad shoulders. He also had beard, side burns. Adorable right? Yeah, I know. So, why couldn't I just love him? There is no way I shouldn't do that, hence there is no escape route for me. Fareedah will have to accept the fact that the two of us are going to share him! Amal sat by my side, looking at me as I made the phone call. I could see that she was so surprised. "Adda... are you sure about this?". She asked. "Ofcourse yes, Amal. He's my husband to be in two months. If I don't get to know him now, when would I? I just need your prayers". I said, as I took her right hand into mine. NABEEL's POV. Husnah must be stupid! How could she do such a thing to me? Asking me to come over to their house... because she's missing me. Wait, could it be that she's really missing me? I felt a warm feeling swept down my body. Missing me, as in for real? I had to lie to reedah that afternoon that I was going to visit Fahad before leaving the house. How could I even tell her the verity? It'd make her feel jealous, and would make her break down into tears. I chuckled at myself as I kept driving over to their house. I parked the car opposite the boys quarters before finally calling her. "Salamu alaikoom" she uttered as soon as she picked up the call. "Amin wa alaikis salaam. I'm outside" "Uhhh! Coming right away" My eyes were focused at the direction of the main house. I just don't know why, but I had this urge that kept pestering me, wanting my eyes to set on her. And there she comes... all dressed in red. Wait! Seems like red is her best colour so far. My Allah! Tho I'm not in love with her, but I couldn't deny the fact that she was just so beautiful. She walked slowly over to me. As soon as she was by the other side of the car. She kind of looked amazing. "Salamu alaikoom, Yaa Nabeel sannu da zuwa (you're welcome)". She uttered. I alighted the car and looked at her before replying. "Wa alaikis salaam. Thank you". "Come inside please, I made lunch" she said sweetly. Hey, what the hell is wrong with me. Why am I even smiling at her? "No, I'm okay" I answered. I could see the look of disappointment in her eyes. I didn't give a damn about that anyways. The only person I love and will love forever is FAREEDAH "So..." I said raising one of my brows. "Now that you've seen me, I hope you're good to go?" "No, Yaa Nabeel". "Ohh really? Then why did you call me over?". "To look at you and also spend sometime with you". "Look Husnah, I'm not into this so called game of yours. Don't you dare try playing a prank like that on me, okey? You know quite well who I am, I don't take bullshits!" I said, while looking at her angrily. Hey, what just got over me? I couldn't seem to find the reason why I was angry. She was hurt, I could see that. She couldn't hold the tears back and couldn't say a word to me. The only thing she did was turn and took her heels! HUSNAH's POV. "I can't do this!" I shouted as I got into the bathroom and cried my eyes out. "I can't, I just can't" I kept muttering. "If only Abba will listen to me, I don't love Yaa Nabeel and I don't think I can ever love him. I hate him!". "Addah, Addah come out" Amal knocked at the bathroom's door. "I know you're right in there, come out Addah". "Leave here Amal, just go. I... I don't wanna talk". "Hamma Nasir is back" she said slowly. Yaa Allah! I totally forgot he's coming back today. Why did I even waste my time on a fool like Nabeel when my favorite bro is coming? Dammit Husnah! You're also a fool. I took a quick shower, dressed in a blue and yellow ankara... A gown. I applied a little Kohl to my eyes to hide how terrible they look. "Hamma nah" I called as I went downstairs, "Hamma nah where are you? Lily is eager to see you". "Uh uh... I don't think so". I heard a deep voice beside me. I was shocked, that's not hamma's voice. It's Nabeel's. I turned quickly and my eyes caught his. He was sitting on a couch and beside him sat Hamma Naseer, looking at me smiling. "Hamma nah!" I shouted as I jumped over him, giving him a bone crushing hug, forgetting totally that Nabeel was sitting just a few inches away. "Yaa Allah, hamma ka qara girma!" I said looking at him from head to toe as soon as I broke the hug. "You silly girl!" Hamma said, smacking me on the hand at the same time pinching my cheeks. I swatted his hands away. "I missed you so much hamma, come on... lemme take you to your room, I cleaned it this morning". Hamma only smiled then turned his glance at Nabeel who kept looking at us with so much admiration. "In law, is this how you cope with her noise making? Husnah is a parrot!" "Hamman mu, yana iya? That's how I manage every day tunda ta maqale tace saini". Nabeel answered as he smirked. WTF! Look who's talking here. I opened my lips to talk but only a gasp came out. Yaa Allah! This guy freaks me! "I can see, you guys make a nice couple" Hamma said smiling at me. "We sure do big bro. A pleasure meeting you as an in law not a friend anymore" My eyes grew wide open as I stare at Nabeel with a confused look. This guy is really something else. "I'll wait for you upstairs hamma" I said finding my way out of the living room. I heard them chuckling, whatever that was for, I really don't care. As days goes by, it's almost a month to my wedding and nothing has still changed from the way we both treat each other. My phone rang. Alas! It was Amrah, the silly girl has finally decided to call me. "Babe" I said as soon as I picked the call. "Yaa Allah Husnah! I just saw the guy of my dreams!" She chirped through the phone. "Uhhgg! Are you coming or not?". I asked a little bit pissed off. Amrah was the type of girl that goes around with every dog. "Ofcourse I am" she answered. "I'm on my way already, I just couldn't help it when I saw him. Felt like breaking the news before finally reaching over" she added. "Make it snappy please, I have a lot to do". "Naji Amarya!". NABEEL's POV. "Buddy, I'm telling you, she's so hot! It's been three days since I set my eyes on her, and ever since then I haven't rest" Fahad said. Well, yeah. He looked worried, whoever this so called girl is, she really has got him this time. "So? what do you intend to do?" I asked calmly. "Look for her of course". He answered back. I smiled and focused on driving. We are visiting Husnah, and Fahad has never seen her so I invited him over. At least, she won't pour words on me like she always do. I called her as soon as I parked the car. "I'm outside". That's it! And I ended the call. Sometimes I wonder why I'm cold towards her. At least we are both in the same boat, we ought to reason with each other. I saw them coming, ohh! She invited a friend also. Well, I kinda like the idea. "Salamu alaikoom" they both said. Husnah looked exceptionally beautiful in her black abaya. "Wa alaikumus salaam" I answered, yeah, I answered alone. Why? Cuz Fahad was lost in thoughts! "Good evening" Husnah greeted, before I could answer she went on... "This is my best friend Amrah, we grew up together and she's the only friend I have" she introduced. But to my surprise, Amrah wasn't listening. Her eyes were focused on me. Something is wrong. I know it. I turned to see if Fahad has come back to his senses, but no. He's still lost in thoughts. What's wrong with these two? I wondered.
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