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HUSNAH's POV. My heart felt heavy. I felt like I was carrying the whole world right ontop of my head. 'Yaa Allah, This photo can't be true!'. 'Not Nabeel'. 'Definitely not my Nabeel!'. It's a photo of Nabeel and Amrah in a restaurant. The photo was took showing Nabeel feeding Amrah! I closed my eyes, hoping that what I saw wasn't real, and praying silently that the photo was fake. But it was still thesame. 'Why would Nabeel do such a thing like this? Why? Am i the reason he's chasing my mriend or what? I thought I and Fareedah are okay for him. Why must he chase after my friend again? My best Friend for that matter!'. I slipped down to the floor, clutching my feet tightly and breaking down into tears. 'Nabeel why? Why Nabeel? I thought you love me, I thought we could live together forever. Why do you have to do a thing like this? Why? Just why?!'. Then I heard the doorbell, I wanted ignoring it but whoever it was won't let me be. So I went into the bathroom and washed my face before proceeding to the living room. It was Fareedah and Amrah! Thus, I recalled that the MMS I got has no contact number. Could it be that Amrah sent it? I could understand Fareedah's mischievous behavior but not Amrah. I smiled and let them in, With Amrah giving me a side hug. "How you babe?" "fine Alhamdulillah. What a surprise, you didn't tell me you are coming over. Ya gida?" I replied closing the door behind us. Fareedah was already seated on a couch, munching an apple I kept on the center table hours ago. "Yeah, just thought I should give my bestie a surprise visit" Amrah replied "Aunty Faree, yau zumuncin ya motsa kenan?" I asked smiling. That smile I referred to as a grin. "Felt like I should come over and see what my lil sis is gonna cook for our hubby today. Or have you forgotten he's at your place?". "Lol! Kai aunty Faree, how could I? he's my life partner, my way to jannah. There is no way I can forget things concerning him". I replied. Thus, I caught them exchanging glances, smiling, and then... I got to know the source of that photo. We had a little chat chit and then my phone buzzed. It was Nabeel. I smiled and said, "Excuse me ladies, teddy bear is calling". I said happily as I quickly received the call. "Teddy bear" I chirped in slowly, keeping my voice low as both Fareedah and Amrah focused all their attentions on me, "how you doing?". He was silent for a while and I had to check the phone again to see if he was still there or not. To my surprise, he still was. "Teddy bear, hey! Are you okay?" I asked sounding worried. God knew my heart beat have increased. "Asmaa' where are you?" He asked slowly. By Allah! My heart almost skipped a beat by the sound of his voice. What could be wrong with Nabeel?. "Home love, everything alright?" I asked feeling scared. "Yeah, don't worry. Can you please cook dinner with me?". He asked pleadingly. How could I ignore his command? With that voice melting my soul. "Wish granted sweriee. Come back soon. I'm missing you so much". He was silent again, I bet he was shocked about how I was treating. But I have made up my mind that In shaa Allah (God's Willing), I'd accept his love today. I won't sit back and watch these bitches ruin my married life. Impossible! "Bye and take care of yourself" I said and then ended the call. I was really really worried, was already lost in my thoughts when I heard Amrah's giggle. I felt her hands so cold as she pinched my cheeks saying, "hey, kin manta damu ne or what?". I faked a smile and replied, "I was lost in thought. Teddy bear told me to cook something nice for him, dunno what to cook. Wanna help?" I asked looking at them both with a smile on my face. "I don't think I can" Fareedah said as she stood up, "I wanna take a nap. See you guys later" she added walking away. She was angry, she definitely was angry! "I'm also leaving. Umma sent me to the mall" Amrah said, picking up her veil and handbag before kissing my cheeks, "see you some other time" she added and left. I couldn't help but laugh as soon as they were out of sight. If only they saw the expression they both had on their ugly faces. Now, I was very sure they were behind that photo. They wanted to create a rift between us, and In Shaa Allah (God's Willing), I won't give them that pleasure! I made up my mind to cook rice and vegetable stew with mixed fruit juice. I also baked a cake, the red velvet cake, chicken cheesy doughnuts, minced meat and also fish pepper soup. 'Wow! I'm gonna feed him all these myself, In Shaa Allah'. *** *** *** NABEEL's POV I looked at the bunch of papers on the table, my mind wasn't on them at all. 'What is this photo about? A photo of Asma and Fahad!'. I checked again but the sender hide his/her number. 'Something is fishy here. I won't judge her without knowing what exactly happened!'. 'Yaa Allah! Give me the strength to bear this'. I picked up my phone and called Reedah but she didn't pick up, So I called Asmaa'. By Allah, her voice was the most sweetest thing I had ever heard. Melodious! (The above conversation took place). I had to stay at work till 7pm. 'Mehn! I was exhausted. I only need a hot bath and a very touchy massage. Husnah's hands will be the best for that job'. I shivered as I remembered how soft and warm her hands were. 'Damn! I'm so much in love with that lazy'. I drove like I wasn't gonna reach home anytime soon. 'Lord! I'm being my lazy self today'. I put the car to a halt in the parking lot, took my briefcase and my coat before storming out of the car. I turned to go to Reedah's part before saying hi to Asmaa' and suddenly my eyes caught the most beautiful creature on earth standing right outside her front door waiting for me. Asmaa' My jaw dropped, almost touching my feet. Uhh! Don't mind my exaggeration please. But I couldn't help but thank Allah, because she looked extra ordinarily beautiful. She cat-walked over to me smiling. "Hey" she said sweetly, her voice sending shivers down my spine. I smelt the mint breathe outta her mouth, "Welcome back. You look tired, lets go in, I prepared some hot water for you to take your bath" she added, as she took the coat and briefcase from my hand and walked ahead of me. I trailed behind her. The living room was tidy and smell of heavy bakhoor. I knew Asmaa' was the best when it comes to cleaning. I caught a glimpse of the dining table, it was beautifully arranged with lots of warmers on it. I was salivating already!. I walked straight into my room and found her struggling with my closet arranging some cloths in it. "Go in, ruwan na ciki (go to the bathroom, your water is ready there)" she said and continued what she was doing. I took a warm shower, letting all my worries flow out. I came out with a big fluffy blue towel tied around my waist. I dressed quickly and walked out to the living room. Asmaa' was sitting on a couch with the remote control in her hand, and as soon as she saw me, she flashed me her best smile, and that gap between her teeth was visible. "You look sweet" she said slowly averting her gaze. "You look hot" I replied looking at her like I was gonna eat her up that very instant. "Come and eat" she said walking over to the dining table, she served the rice first and fed me with her own hand, without even using the cutleries. I was feeling like a king, an emperor. Next came the pepper soup then the cake and doughnuts, Lord.. cikinah kaman ya fashe!. She stood up and started parking the dishes to the kitchen and I helped her even though she insisted I sit down and rest, but I didn't. She stood against the sink washing the plates and cutleries we used. I felt uncomfortable, I wanted to touch her, kiss her and do some crazy things to her, but I didn't wanted ruin that moment. Husnah was free with me for her own self, not acting. Whatever she was doing, it was to make me happy, to feel contented. "Hey" I said as I stood beside her, "let me help you, baby". "No don't worry, I'll soon be done. Just go and watch or better most, lie down and sleep. You look tired" she replied. I stood there like a statue looking at her lips, looking at how they move and I couldn't help but move close to her. "I want to kiss you Asmaa'" I said huskily, licking my lower lip. She looked at me, and her gaze burned me up. She then smiled and answered me back. I almost loosed my senses when she replied. "Well, why don't you do it teddy bear. I'm all yours remember?".
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