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NABEEL's POV. I sat in the living room, a cup of mixed fruits juice in one hand, and my phone in the other hand. Fareedah was busy in the kitchen preparing lunch. Just then, my phone rang. Alas! It was Husnah. I was angry. 'This girl is trying to get on my nerves! Just because I told her we can pretend doesn't mean she can stick her nose in my day to day activities'. I answered the call, deep inside my heart, I've made up my mind to tell her something that'll stick in her heart till the end of the day. "Hubby" she chirped in as soon as I picked the call. Then I realized she wasn't the only one. Our game of pretense was on. "You've got the sweetest voice ever my Asma" I said slowly. "I love you so vey much". "Awwwwnnn, I love you more. Hey! Wait up, did you know that Amrah and Fahad are already in a relationship?" She asked. WTF! She can't be serious. "Are you serious?" I asked. "I'm damn se..." I heard glasses shattering. My heart missed a bit. I didn't know why, but I had a bad feeling about this. I ended the call before I could finish listening to what she was saying. Hasbunnallahu wa ni'eemal wakeel!. I just knew it. Fareedah was standing right behind my back, plates shattered into pieces and the cooked food poured around. She looked like a ghost, more like she's outta her senses or maybe lost it all. I drove in some courage and walked up to her. She still stood there, and by the time I stood by her side, I was sure she didn't even know. I took her warm and soft hands into mine. She jacked, grabbed her hand away from mine... looking at me. Yaa Allah! That look pierced through my soul. I saw it, it was a look of hatred. "My reedah... listen to me dan Allah" I said, trying to take her hand again. "Don't! Don't you dare touch me!" She shouted. Well? What did I expect? For her to hug me tight in her hands and tell me she love me? I must be stupid. "Dan Allah ki saurareni! (Please listen to me)" I said, grabbing her shoulders. She yanked away, and this time around when I looked into her eyes, I knew I've hurt her way too much! If only... if only she'll let me explain. "You've betrayed me Nabeel, betrayed my trust. I hate you Nabeel! I hate you. Kuma yau din nan zanbar gidan nan!" She shouted on top of her voice, crying... crying so hard. I was speechless. Totally outta words to say. Yeah, I knew what she said was the truth. I had betrayed her, betrayed her trust. "I deserve a chance to explain things, My Reedah, don't just judge me dan Allah" I pleaded. "What do you have to tell me? What's left for you to tell me? I heard you with my own two ears Nabeel, so you loved her? Why didn't you just admit it in the first place? That would've make things easy for me, I could have accepted the fact that you're marrying her because you love her" she said again. I could see how hurt she was, deeply hurt... "I'm broken Nabeel, I'm so broken" she added, slipping to the floor. Okay, here goes my chance... I slipped to the floor together with her, giving her a bone crushing hug. She didn't fight to free herself, instead she hugged me back. I whiffed the scent of her intoxicating khumrah. "You are my life, you mean the world to me. I don't think I can emphasis this, but I LOVE YOU MY REEDAH" I said, kissing the tip of her nose, her earlobe, her cheeks and finally rested my lips on hers... giving her a lip crushing kiss, it was demanding, wild, but passionate. I nibbled her lower lip and she nibbled mine too, moaning to my touches. "I love you, My Reedah. Never doubt it. You mean the world to me, you're mine alone, and I'm yours alone. You're MINE FOREVER". I said, looking deep into her eyes. She didn't say another word, all she did was grab my lips again, nibbling them the way she wants them to. We broke, gasping for breath. I looked at her, and I knew it, she wasn't mad anymore. "Those lips are the best" I said, my finger tip caressing her lips. She blushed, turning all red. I chuckled at her expression. 'I so much love my wife, and I don't think I'm ever gonna love someone as much as I love her'. "I'm sorry, My Reedah" I whispered slowly. "Shhhh...." she shushed me, "Say no more baby, I love you way too much. I love you just like a mother love her kids, just like a fish loves water, just like the love monkey has for banana's. I love you baby, I love you". Yaa Allah! What will life be without reedah? "Not mad anymore?" I asked carefully "Why should I be?" She asked, her left hand on my right cheek. It felt warm... so warm that I felt like sleeping that very instant. "I've got the perfect husband, and I love him way too much for words to describe" she added. "Okay" I said, putting my right hand on hers "I'll cook lunch again. I'll feed you, nah! I'll even chew it before putting it into your mouth". "Awwwnn... aren't you the sweetest?" She said sweetly. "Not as sweet as you are, My Reedah". Wheeww! That end it all. I always thank God for knowing Reedah's weak point, else, I wouldn't have known how to handle her. That very day, I reminded myself that I can't love anyone as much as I love Fareedah, she's my life, my everything!. *** *** *** "So? You'll be my wife tomorrow?" I asked Husnah a silly question. Lol. Silly of course. She was dressed in a plum silk boubou, her hair carefully wrapped in a scarf. Well, she looked amazing. "I guess so" she answered back, absent mindly. "Are you angry?" I asked. 'Hello! Why did I even ask? Its not like I care if she is or not'. She gave me a look I couldn't comprehend. Whatever that look was for, I really couldn't tell. "Yaa Nabeel, you think that pretense is gonna work? I'm having a second thought on this" Husnah said "Do you have another plan in mind?" I asked, and she was silent. Her eyes on her feet, "Or do you intend on telling our parents to call off the wedding?" I added She gave me a quizzical look, and then she giggled. "You are always full of surprises yaa Nabeel, why don't you help me do that?" She responded. Well, ladies are always the same. Answering a question with a question. "Fine, we'll live in our so called married life. I'm not promising you a good life over there Husnah. All I know is that I have someone i love and I don't love you. Please, don't fall for my looks. I know I'm way too cute!". I could see how she clenched her teeths after hearing that. She looked visibly angry. "Sai anjima yaa Nabeel" she said, and off she went. *** *** *** Today being Saturday... 'I Nabeel is now the de-jure husband of Husnah'. I thought Fareedah would be mad at me, maybe wouldn't even look at me. But No, I was wrong. She made my night, she made my day and she'll always make them. That's My Reedah. That very day, after the wedding being officialized, I slipped back home to her. According to the custom, Reedah ought to invite her friends to keep her company, but she didn't. She was sitting alone by the swimming pool with only a pair of bikini. I felt my cheeks burning. Hello! I just turned red. She looked sexy and I couldn't get my eyes off her. I tip toed over to her, wrapped my arms around her and gave her a lingering kiss on her neck, going up to her cheeks. "Mmmmmnnnn" I moaned, "I missed this scent" I said as I rubbed my lips on her ear lobe. I came face to face with her, looking into her eyes before finally crushing my lips on hers. It was wild, filled with passion and love for her. I nibbled her lips eagerly, as if someone was trying to snatch them. She nibbled mine back, trying to catch up the pace. We parted our lips slightly, and she blushed. "You drive me crazy, My Reedah" and before I could close my lips again, she crushed her lips for the second time on mine. And this time around, I knew I've got it!
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