Chapter Five

4964 Words
***Unknown Female’s POV*** It’s been a few weeks since we have been out and about again. Feeling like someone was watching me really freaked me out. I was so scared that night that my husband had found me that I cried myself to sleep silently while my kids slept in my bed. Luckily here, it is summer time. So no school. And I had enough money saved up to keep me afloat until I found a new job. I saw some waitressing jobs posted in the windows a few places down from the park. The little plaza that has a water fountain in it, with all the little shops and cafes. It’s so homey and cute, it really warms a spot in my soul that I have never felt before. “Momma, what are we going to do today? It’s so sunny out, can we go to the park?” My daughter Angel, called from the kitchen. The girl is fascinated with nature. Loves being around animals. Caring for strays, hurt animals. I am hoping one day she becomes a vet like I wanted to. I sighed, taking in all the hopes and dreams I wasted on someone who didn’t love me. Someone who just wanted to hurt me. My baby boy’s eyes were sparkling at me, patiently waiting for me to answer. “Of course we can!” I said in a giggling voice that sent giggles to both my kids. “Afterwards I have to stop at the butcher shop and get some meat. I hear they have better cuts than anyone in town. And I figured I could get a big pot roast tomorrow night. How does that sound?” If they weren’t happy before, they definitely were now. “Now momma, how is that even a question. Pot roast is our favorite!!” Angel squealed. If there is one thing I am one hundred percent good at, it’s cooking. No matter what it is. I can make it. And that is something the kids love, cooking and baking with me. I decided today I need to take a step in the direction of loving myself. So I wanted to dress a little cute. Cute skinny blue jeans with small tears in the knees, my favorite vans, and a black and floral blouse well bell sleeves. Angel always say I look so young when I wear this. And Chase just tells me I look like a beautiful princess. “Wow mommy, you are so pretty.” Chase coos to me. I just giggle. “Thank you, my handsome prince. Now let’s go and get you and your sister to the park to run some of that energy out.” His eyes sparkled again. And that is what I live for. Them. Luckily our house isn’t far from the cute little plaza. So we just walked there. Watching the breeze blow some fall leaves around the fountain. I watched a few couples giggling together enjoying the weather in the plaza square. I watched a group of girls around my age walking and laughing and conversing as they took pictures together. Then I saw a group of moms sitting on the bench. They didn’t look like besties but they were all casually conversing, so as my two darted to the slides and swings. I just found an empty bench by the wood line and took my seat. Pulling a book from my purse. “Kitten in the Wolf’s Den.” I hope no one ever finds out I read werewolf fantasy books. But dang it they are addicting. Marcelline being swept away from her terrors by the sexy Alpha male Wolfgang. I mean, what woman wouldn’t want that. But even I know, those are just what the genre is. Fantasy. I can fantasize all day long about having a big strong man, sweep me off my feet. Love, honor and cherish me and my kids till our last days. But there is just no way that is real. Plus, this particular book reminds me of my life with my ex husband. The villain vampire Typhon.. Manipulative, controlling, excessive, and has a temper. Dax. Always reminded me of Typhon. He was mean. Degrading. Abusive. Manipulative. And most importantly evil. “Excuse me. Hi, is anyone sitting with you?” A pretty raven haired woman with a newborn in a stroller asked as she toted a diaper bag on her arm and a sippy cup in the other hand. “Oh no, please have a seat.” I chimed, throwing my purse on the ground to make room for her. I was staring at her beautiful baby. Wrapped in gray chevron swaddle blanket with a matching hat. “How old is he? He’s beautiful?” She smiled sweetly at me. “He’s 2 months old.” She cooed while checking on the swaddle. Making sure it wasn’t too tight. “Do you have any kids?” She asked. It’s just a casual conversation, Maura. She is literally sitting here with throw up on her blouse, bags under her eyes, and all the things she would need to actually be a mother. Not a private investigator. Calm down. “Yes, I have two. A girl and a boy. They are pushing each other on the swings over there.” I smiled, as I locked eyes on my kids. No matter what I was doing I could just sense where they were, or in which direction they were roaming. “Awww, they are adorable. My other son is standing right next to your daughter. How old are they? Jordan is 9.” She cooed. “Angel is 7, and Chase is 4.” I smiled gently. Not wanting to give last names since I had them changed. “They are so precious. Looks like Jordan has a crush though. Nice to meet you, in law.” She laughed as she stuck out her hand and I looked over at the kids. Angel and Jordan were both blushing. I just giggled to myself. “I am Maura. Thanks for making the conversation not so awkward.” I giggled some more. This time she laughed a hearty laugh. “I am Nicole. And this little fella is Jacob. Are you new to the area?” She asked as innocently as she could. But for some reason I felt like I could talk to her, trust her even. “I just moved here from out of town. I’ve been here about a month and now that we are sort of settled I am getting ready to find a job before school starts back.” I said honestly. “Oh that’s great. My mom and I run a restaurant in the plaza and we were looking for a waitress. If you are interested, you can come by this afternoon with the kids and have dinner and I could show you around and see how you like it?” She was being so kind. It’s foreign to me. Before, the only women that were nice to me were just trying to put up a good front so they can weasel their way to my husband. But little did they know they didn’t need to be nice to me. Because I long ago quit caring about his escapades, and just focused on an escape. “That sounds so great but I am not sure how that would work for me with my kids. I am not sure where they can go during the day during the summer time, or after school. It’s hard to trust just anyone with your kids, ya know?” She smiled warmly at me. “Maura, I don’t know you. But I like you. I consider you my friend now, okay? And your kids can hangout at the restaurant, or go with my granny who watches mine while I work as well. But that would be your choice. You can meet everyone, go over everything before you make your decision.” She smiled as she slipped a pacifier into a wailing little Jacob. “Besides, I think with those two over there we are going to be around each other a lot more now.” She giggled and I just shook my head. “Is it bad that I am not even ready to think about her dating?” I laughed. This is the most laughing I have ever done with another adult I think. “I will also be honest with you, Maura. This little town. We take care of each other. No one goes homeless. No one goes hungry. This whole town is a family. A very close knit one at that. And now that you are a resident here, you are a part of the family. And whatever it is you are running from, you are safe here.” She said, grabbing my hand again. I didn’t even know I was crying until I felt the cold streak on my cheek. I wanted to ask her how she knew I was running from something. But if I talk now, I’ll choke. I could feel my two running towards me. “Hey momma, you okay?” Angel asked me as she reached her spot in front of me. Chase threw his sweaty self into my arms. “Of course, why wouldn’t I be?” I said smiling while drying my eyes. I saw Angel begin to protest but I shot her my “we will talk later” look. She just smiles. “Well, I have to get these two munchkins some lunch, or I might just be eaten alive.” She laughed as she handed Jordan a sippy cup of juice. It almost sounded as if he growled and sucked down the whole juice in one swig. “Here is all of my contact information. It has my number, my address, my husbands number and the address to the restaurant with the name , phone number as well. I will see you this afternoon.” She said with a megawatt smile. I just looked at her dumbfounded. “I meant what I said, Maura. Friends.” She said and hugged me before she turned to leave the playground with her now exhausted 9 year hold following. He stopped and turned around to look at us. “Bye Angel…” He pauses. “And Chase and Ms. Maura.” Chase and I waved. But little Angel is BLUSHING. “Does my little baby have a crush? ON A BOY??” I squealed. “Ew, no mom. Boys are gross.” She giggled. “I better get yall fed as well. We have a big afternoon planned after we stop in the butcher shop.” I said stretching. I put my book away in my purse. I grabbed ahold of both of the kids hands. I suddenly felt a chill run down my spine. Someone is watching me. But this gaze isn’t the same warm gaze I felt the other day in the plaza. No, this gaze was murderous. But instead of running, I took Nicole’s words to heart. I am safe here, I am cautious but I feel safe in this town. But even still I hurry to a café for lunch with my babies. Today could be the beginning of happier days. Something I desperately need. ***Alpha Louis’ POV*** It’s been a month since Ludo has been gone. A month since my mother ended up in the hospital from a rogue attack. A whole month of her being in a coma. A month of dealing with all the pack duties on my own. And a month of having to kick my dad’s ass for losing his cool with the hospital staff. A month of pure headaches. On top of it all, fu.cking Blair has been throwing a tantrum almost everyday. Always about how I need to mark her, take her as my Luna, make her one of the leaders of this pack. But I constantly tell her, I am no longer interested in her. I wasn’t really even interested in her to begin with. I want my mate. I have only ever wanted my mate, but I am a man. So cliché to say but I have needs. But strangely before Ludo left her need to be on top of me was deafening, now she doesn’t want to be near me but she wants me to mark her. Like I don’t have enough to deal with. And poor Zeke, being the Gamma he is doing everything he can to help. But it is rough for him too. Ludo is his best friend. They still talk and keep in contact. A lot more than Ludo will talk to me that’s for sure. I have gotten reports though from the town I sent him to that he doesn’t come to work smelling of liquor. He is on time everyday. He has been promoted for his hard work and keen sense on spoiled or incorrect meats. Reports also come in about him helping some of the younger wolves train. It warms my heart to know my baby brother is getting over his alcohol addiction. But it saddens me at the same time he couldn’t do that here. I know it has everything to do with me being Alpha but I feel like there is more. Father said he chose me fair and square. But the day I was chosen something in him shifted. My dad pulled us both in the office and chose me. I left to go celebrate but Ludo stayed behind. He said he wanted to talk to dad. Wolves, especially of Alpha blood, hate losing and he was prolly wanting to know what the determining factor was. But ever since that day, he hasn’t been the same. I try to get him to talk to me. And he just calls himself, ‘the replacement Alpha’. But never opens up about what it means. ‘Alpha, it’s Dr. Miller. I think you need to come to the hospital right away.’ I heard the doctor ring through the mind link. ‘Is it my mother? Is she okay?’ I asked frantically, thinking she is no longer stable and has taken a turn for the worst. ‘No Alpha, your mother is fine. She is still healing slowly, but she is fine. This is something much bigger. I won’t let her leave just in case what she is saying is false. But it is of great importance that you get here quickly.’ He said sternly. Whatever it is he isn’t messing around. ‘I’m on my way.’ I left the papers on my desk in my office and took off to the hospital. Usually the doctor doesn’t call me for anything. But if he does, it’s important. When I get there, everything is quiet. I walk into the doctor’s office and I see Blair sitting in one of his chairs. “What the hell are you doing here, Blair?” I ask her, already pissed off. “Alpha, please have a seat.” Dr. Miller said as he motioned to the chair next to Blair. I reluctantly sat down. “I asked you to come here because Blair came in to have a check up. Which is fine, she is a grown she-wolf. But we ran tests and something came back. She is pregnant. When I asked her who the father was and if she wanted to keep it. She wouldn’t tell me who the father was. But all she would say was that she was keeping it. Which you know as well as I do, that is perfectly fine. But what alarmed me and made me bring you here is what she told a nurse who was checking on her.” He said sending daggers to Blair. “And what is that?” I am shocked that Blair is pregnant, but it doesn’t automatically mean it’s mine. “Go ahead Ms. Blair. Tell the Alpha what you told Francesca while you were waiting on your blood results.” He said, seething by the moment. If one thing is for certain, Dr. Miller is the most fair man I have ever met. She shook her head no. So Dr. Miller called Francesca into the room. “Good afternoon Alpha, Dr. Miller.” She said slightly bowing to us both. Francesca is a nurse but she is also a warrior. She likes to be on the battlefield but also helping other wolves in battle as well. She is very pretty too. But I have kept my distance from her, she is still underaged. “Hello Francesca. Can you tell the Alpha what Ms. Blair told you earlier today?” Dr Miller said to her calmly. She nodded her head and looked at me directly and when she did my breath caught in my throat. “Ms. Blair told me, or rather said in front of me that ‘This baby is the answer to all my problems and with it I will be Luna.’” She said with a slight growl that she was covered by a cough but I caught it. “Thank you, Francesca. I appreciate your honesty.” She blushed a little when I said that and bowed her head again but looked at me under her lashes with adoration. “So, you think your baby is mine, Blair?” She whipped her head to me, possibly causing some minor whiplash and glared at me. “Are you fu.cking kidding me?” She cried in anger. “This is your child. Your Alpha Heir. My baby will be the Alpha. And I will be your Luna.” She seethed. I just chuckled and Dr. Miller looked at me with a question in his eyes. Giving him a nod he leaves the room. “Until that baby is proven to be mine. You get nothing from me. And even if it comes back that that child belongs to me. You WILL NEVER be my Luna. My mate is the ONLY one who will hold that position. I don’t care who I have a child with. My mate will be the ONLY Luna for this pack. And when the time comes, my children will compete and train for the title. And the best Alpha will win. So try again.” I said as I stood up abruptly, knocking the chair out from behind me, hearing it slam into the floor. “And if you try to pull any during this pregnancy, I’ll have you arrested. When I find my mate, if you try any to make her leave me, I will have you arrested.” I said to her in the most serious tone. Tears streaming down her face, she got up out of the chair and left the room. FFFUUU.CCKKK!! I really hope that baby isn’t mine. I don’t want to be tied to Blair forever. I need my brother… I need his help…
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