#2 - Leaving

1469 Words
Lily "Well, I guess this is it." Hands shaking after placing my bags down, I forced a smile and turned to Megan. "Are you sure you don't want to think this through some more?" My friend's concern only deepened and I understood all of it, but the real question was, did I want Adrian finding out about my baby? Because that was bound to happen if I stayed here even a day. It had taken me the drive to Megan's house last night to decide that it would always be just me and my son or daughter. A decision I wasn't about to change, no matter how much my heart ached. "I am. Besides, it's not like I can undo my actions from the past twenty four hours." I had not only secured my flight, but I had put down a payment on a small apartment in Radiant Springs that had left a huge dent on my small savings. The quaint little place I had randomly chosen to move to was a small insignificant town that was barely listed on the map, but it had charm and it was miles and miles away from the life I was leaving behind. And more importantly, I was certain that there was nothing that would interest Adrian or his company there, so the chances of even bumping into each other were close to impossible. "Lily..." Megan reached for my hand and caressed it, her eyes boring into mine. "I hate to be the devil's advocate, but are you sure this is not just your broken heart talking? I mean, you've always wanted to have the whole family experience with Adrian, maybe this - you being pregnant - is your chance to-" "It's my chance to be happy. To put myself first for once." I cut Megan off. She still didn't know that Adrian would be getting that whole family experience with someone else and would probably not care if I was pregnant or not. And with what was left from last night, I had already cried enough over that shattered dream. I buried it so deep I refused to be reminded of it, as impossible as it was. "Once I'm settled in, you'll be my very first visitor, I promise." I steered the conversation away from my ex-husband. Ex... The sting I'd been feeling about that made itself known, but I waved it away "I'll hold you to that," Megan finally smiled. "Now come here." She pulled me in and sighed. "I'm so sorry this had to happen." "Yeah, me too, but I promise I'm fine." I mumbled even if we both knew I wasn't. "Now, off you go. I've kept you long enough from your patients." I shoved Megan back into her car, grateful for having her see me off at the airport. "I'll miss you," she said with a wave. I would miss her too. Heart heavy at the thought, I sighed as I watched her drive off before turning around to pick up my bags. "This suits you, you know? Running, tail between your legs." I froze, teeth gritted at that mocking tone. Courtney... What the hell was she doing here? I caught the satisfied smirk before noting how well she was put together. She was always well put together. A perfect Mrs. Frost? I had never compared myself to her before, but watching her watching me, head held high and proud, I couldn't help focusing on those differences. Was this what Adrian had always wanted? "And you are right here sniffing my butt because?" I folded my arms, surprised at my own choice of words. Courtney looked as though she'd been slapped, her expression a mix of disbelief and outrage. I found satisfaction in that despite the painful stab her presence delivered to my heart. "He loves me, you know? Told me as much too," Courtney composed herself and confessed, her lips curled in that stupid smirk. My hand itched to slap it right off her perfectly smug face. I held on to my bag instead and smiled. As painful as it was, I did. "Congratulations." I barely kept from sneering as I side-stepped her, took a few steps, stopped, and peered over my shoulder to her. "You should know I don't really care, but since it was so important to you that I know, you can give yourself a pat on the back for accomplishing this insignificant task." Courtney's nose flared, her eyes blazing with anger, her reaction the only thing that kept me from giving in to the sadness that threatened to overwhelm me while I walked away. Adrian loved her? "Of course, he does." I bit out bitterly as I turned a corner towards my boarding gate. Knowing that shouldn't have hurt as much after his betrayal, but Adrian was a man of action, never words, so if he had gone to the extent of telling Courtney that he loved her, then he really, really did. The realization knocked all wind out of my lungs and left me stumbling towards my destination. He loved her... I hated myself for giving in to Courtney and letting her poison my thoughts with her spiteful words, but yet again, she'd gotten what I had always longed for from Adrian, maybe even more than the child I was carrying. I'd been walking, unaware of the world around me when I suddenly felt the weird feeling of being followed. I stopped and whirled around, expecting to find my ex-husband's vindictive mistress, but was shocked when I was faced by a familiar figure. "Benji?" I blinked at the boarding pass in his hands."What are you doing?" His eyes dropped to his hands before looking back up. "Well, it turns out I still work for you." He still worked for me? "I don't want anything from Adrian." I barely kept myself from growling. Despite how he'd been there for me last night, I couldn't have Benji here because that was as good as announcing to Adrian just where to find me. He'd surely keep tabs on me even with the no-contact agreement I'd insisted on and he'd know that I carried his child. "I don't actually work for Mr. Frost, the younger Frost that is." Benji quickly pointed out. I scrunched up my nose at him before my eyes widened. "Wallace? Are you here on Wallace's orders?" I had totally forgotten about Adrian's grandfather. Not that I would have gone to him even if I hadn't. I didn't need anyone talking me out of my decision of which going by Benji's presence here, he would have. "Yes. The senior Frost insists that you keep your security detail, which is me." He pointed at himself with a grin while I groaned. "Benji, the whole point of me leaving is that I have nothing to do with this place. That includes Adrian's grandfather and you, sorry." "He's promised that he'll keep your location and the news of your uh..." Benji's eyes went to my belly, making mine go wide. "He knows?" I laughed bitterly even before Benji could answer. Of course he knew. The man always knew things and I already felt terrible over my plans to exclude the older Frost from a great grandson he'd always wanted.. "And he wanted you to have these." Benji handed me a package and smiled. "A farewell gift to be opened once you reach your destination." Meaning Wallace didn't want me returning it. "It's for you and if it so happens that you don't want it, Mr. Frost insists that it be for his great grandson. He also says that if you do change your mind about this...uh... situation, give him a call." "Just like that? He's not going to force me to stay?" Surprised, my eyes narrowed at my body guard. "He said to tell you if you asked that he could never hold down a Summer woman even if he wanted to." Hold down a Summer woman? I frowned at that. Sometimes Wallace was more of an enigma himself than his grandson. I was only glad it wasn't him standing here instead of Benji because I had a feeling I wouldn't be able to say no to whatever he'd have to say. "Maybe having one familiar face won't be so bad after all." I mumbled, reaching for my bags, but Benji beat me to it. "What are you doing?" I arched a brow at him. "Can't have you straining yourself in your condition." I gaped at the man, but I was ignored and left to stomp after Benji instead. I would be making that call to Wallace alright. I was beginning my new life and no one, no matter how well-intentioned they were, would get to dictate my choices. I refused to be pampered.
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