My Best Friend

1565 Words
Dad had left a few hundred dollars. I bundled myself up warmly and called a cab. I headed to the supermarket some ways away and pondered what to buy. I walked through the aisle absentmindedly throwing items inside my cart. Snacks, juice, milk, and I went around to the frozen section. Selecting some large tubs of ice cream, I threw those in too. I turned to go back up the aisle the same time someone came rushing down and crashed into me. “hey!” I said angrily. The person turned out to be a male. He took off his mask and I seethed as Levi smirked at me. “What are you going to do now? No Hazel is here to save you” he said coldly. I grinned at him, thinking quickly, “oh but neither is your bodyguards.” He stopped smiling instantly. “you wouldn’t dare” “oh but I would.” “Rose.” “Levi… get ready to run. I shall show you mercy despite you making everyone at school call me Germ girl” “a very good deed I am sure.” He mocked. As if he couldn’t bear me giving him a good turn. “I’ll do it.” “Are you scared, Rose?” he asked almost in my face now. “Levi. Run.” Then I took a deep breath to yell. And I almost choked when the taste of cherry chapstick flooded my mouth. He had kissed me! What the hell! Something is definitely wrong with this guy’s brain! I struggled out from his firm grip, and pushed him away as his mouth sealed me to him. I had my teeth clenched together and he roughly choked me. He sucked my bottom lip into his mouth and groaned. I freaked out. But as his mouth began moving slowly over mine, the hand trying to push him away curled and I leaned into him. A warm feeling was beginning to form. I opened my mouth for my first real kiss and he pulled back. Smirking at my dumbfounded expression. Totally robbed of breath. “Well. What do you know? It worked. Tell anyone I am here and I’ll personally haunt you tonight.” And he strolled away, fixing his mask to his face as he went. I was still tasting his cherry flavored chapstick as I gulped in some much needed air. Not daring to say anything, I picked up my fallen cart and packed my goodies inside. I almost ran to the checkout line in my haste of wanting to get out of the supermarket. Levi had kissed me. I wasn’t sure how to feel about that. Happy? No. I wasn’t happy. I wasn’t some bimbo that fell to the first singer that showed interest. I wasn’t some bimbo that fell for a man who was so… so… dominant. I didn’t like being dominated damn it. Way, way, way deep down, a tiny voice stirred from it’s sleep, "yes you are!" it squeaked before going to sleep again. I sighed and paid before heading to the parking lot. Levi was leaning against a car not far away. “Good girl.” He said proudly and jumped into the car, backing out and leaving me with the smell of burning tires. I called a cab and made it safely home where Justin and Hazel were having a face off. “Gross. Rose get your friend.” He said to me before slamming his door in our faces. He was angry, she was pink with embarrassment. “What happened?” “I tried to kiss him.” She said. “What?” I was shocked. Genuinely. “And he pushed me away.” She looked at me bravely though I knew that must hurt. “I’m sorry. I bought ice cream would you like to share?” “Sure!” she said brightly. I hugged her to me and we went into the kitchen to put away the snacks and food I bought. I found a beautiful BL series on Netflix and we sat around laughing and blushing at the right scenes. Justin poked his head out the door. “Rose! Get me some ice cream!” “get it yourself!” I said back. “Or I’ll tell dad what happened at the supermarket.” I choked. “what happened at the supermarket?” Hazel asked. Ignoring her I said, “tell him that and I’ll tell him you smoke pot.” “who told you that? Never mind it had to be the brat next to you.” Hazel stiffened. “Yeah? At least she isn’t a pot smoker like you!” I shot back. “No. She’s like you. Tonguing strangers all over the place.” And he came outside without his shirt on, strolling in as if he had every right to. Hazel averted her eyes from the sight as I threw my spoon at him. “gross. No one wants to see your belly fat!” “its muscles twerp. And your friend had her hands all over it before you came in.” he plopped down beside Hazel and leaned over her to grab the ice cream from her nerveless fingers. “Justin! Stop bullying my friend!” I said angrily. Snatching it back and giving it to the rightful owner. “there’s more in the fridge. Go collect from there!” “where’s the fun in that?” he asked then grinned at Hazel. “do you mind?” he asked her. She shook her head and I gave up the fight. Fuming silently in my seat. “What are you watching?” he asked. “A series. Now hush.” And at the same time the two guys onscreen were having it out. “Gross. Is this the garbage you two are watching? No wonder you’re such perverts.” I didn’t say anything. He turned to Hazel. “did you see her new video tonguing another stranger in the supermarket?” he asked snidely. “What?” Hazel turned on me and I blushed. “Its not a stranger.” I denied. “Then who is it?” he asked. “Its Levi.” And I blushed. “So you two a thing now?” I shook my head. “Then what’s he doing kissing you?” “He’s getting back at me. Alright?” I said hotly. “He’s forcing himself on you?” Justin asked stiffening. I knew if I nodded I was sealing Levi’s death warrant and if I said no, Justin would leave me to get bullied. “It was just one time.” I said. “I threatened to sell him out to the store and he did it to shut me up.” Justin didn’t relax. “you will tell me if he hurts you right?” “duh.” I roll my eyes. Anxious to change the subject. He turned to Hazel. “and what’s up with you? Why are you crawling all over me?” He pulled her away from me and pinned her on the couch as she giggled. “Gross Justin. I am eating here.” I said before it can escalate further, “Besides, I thought you turned her down.” “I did.” He paused not taking his eyes off of her, “but I can’t have my sister’s best friend going around kissing random people, can I? It won’t reflect well on our family.” I rolled my eyes again and excused myself from the room. Leaving them up to whatever they thought they were doing. I awoke to dad screaming, “what in the hell is happening here?!!” and I figured they were busted. “dad. It’s nothing! We just fell asleep together!” Justin said. “I raised you better than this you... you overgrown child!” “dad please.” “and where is Rose? Did she go off as well?” I clumped into the living room. “What’s with all this yelling?” I asked as I walked in. Hazel was standing trembling beside the TV. Justin still had his shirt off and he was red faced, dad was standing over them like a bull dog. “Where were you young lady? And why is your friend fast asleep with my son?” “I went into the bathroom to.. to..” I searched frantically for a lie, “to brush my teeth. We had all fallen asleep watching a movie.” “oh really?” he asked quietly. “so why were they cuddling in my couch?” “they must have changed positions after I left. I don’t know. But I was here almost all the time. Nothing happened.” “you’d better pray that’s the truth or I am banning this girl from this house. I will not be having my son impregnating a barely mature girl.” And he stormed away. I glared at them. Justin looking at me gratefully, Hazel was still looking scared. “you owe me one.” I told him and tugged Hazel into my room. “I’m sorry.” She said. I signaled for silence, knowing dad can hear everything happening in my room. “Tomorrow.” I whispered and we fell fast asleep on my bed.
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