200 Words
Hello, everyone. I don't know if anyone is actively following the story. If you are, I am deeply grateful for it. I do apologize for the large gap in time; life has certainly gotten in the way over the past year or so. Thankfully, things have begun to calm down on my end, which means I can spend more time focusing on my writing. To be honest, I hate this story as it is. I know that its current format is a rough draft, however the pacing has been throwing me off. I think I finally figured out the issues with this book, and I intend to give it a complete overhaul. I will wait until I have the first 3 chapters re-written before replacing them and deleting the rest. I want Women of The Night to be the best it possibly can, and it simply is not there yet, not by a long shot. I have been getting feedback from fellow writers, and as I said, I intend to make major changes to this story in the future. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me. Thank you, and happy reading :)

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