Chapter two

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Abby “Dad!!!” I yelled while pushing through all the unpacked boxes. “Have you seen the box with all my shoes in?” I called, opening a few boxes, checking through them and pushing aside. One would think that we would be all settled in after one week but it felt like the very first day and as if we never going to unpack. “Did you find it?” My father asked jogging down the stairs, looking completely comfortable. “No.” I grumbled pushing the boxes out of my way with a sigh. “You are going to be late for your first day.” My father said joining me looking through the boxes. I really didn’t give a rat’s arse right now. I didn’t want to be here in the first place. “Ah, here it is.” He said pushing a box towards me after opening it. I took out my ankle boots, slipped them on and went back up to my room to finish up getting ready for school. My father believed that this was some kind of a new start for me to make some new friends. And to widen my horizons creating art and finding a University that would see my talent. I could have done everything back home. We have great Universities back home, we have a city and we have the farm life. I still had no idea why he wanted to move all the way to Brooklyn. I finished up, got my bags and met my father downstairs. He gave me a ride to school, dropping me off and leaving me by myself. I started walking down the path that led towards the front doors of the school, I started to feel a few people looking at me. Maybe I should have worn my hair loose than braided. Or maybe I should have chosen something more appropriate to wear than wearing jean shorts, a short sleeve fennel shirt, and ankle boots. Or maybe their stares had to do with me being a new kid. I will stick with that one. I walked through the hallway searching for the Principles office, I greeted the receptionist who introduced me to the Principle. He handed me my roster and informed me about the rules of the school and then he set me on my own to find my locker and the classroom. I left his office and started to look for my locker when I neared the corner and someone decided to bump into me almost knocking me off my feet. I was at least strong on my feet because I had a history of training horses. And they were quite big and strong and always trying to knock me off my feet. I expected the person at least to be civilized and apologize for bumping into me but when I look up at them, I found myself being blown away by the looks of the person. It was a guy, a very handsome guy with the greenest eyes I have ever seen. And then I tried to train my eyes on his face but it was hard too as my eyes took in the width of his shoulders. But then I looked back at him. "Aren't you go to apologize for almost hitting me over?" I asked annoyed. I at least expected him to say something cocky back but he just stared at me. "What? Are you mute?" I just couldn't help myself from asking. I heard his friend laugh from beside him, it seemed to get his brain working as he looked at his friend and then back at me. He just mumbled something and walked off. But then I looked back at him. "Aren't you go to apologize for almost hitting me over?" I asked annoyed. I at least expected him to say something cocky back but he just stared at me. "What? Are you mute?" I just couldn't help myself from asking. I heard his friend laugh from beside him, it seemed to get his brain working as he looked at his friend and then back at me. He just mumbled something and walked off. I stared at his body in my shock state who also seemed shocked by his friend's sudden reaction. He at least acknowledges me with a nod, excusing himself and following his runaway friend. I looked down at my roster and groaned in annoyance when I realized I still haven’t found my locker and I still need to get to class. I also noticed the halls were empty and it gave me a pretty good idea that I was late for class. I gave up looking for my locker and decided to find the classroom. I was a little bit more relieved when I found out that the first class I had was art and when I met the teacher I was completely relieved to see that she is friendly and understanding. She welcomed me into her class, introducing me to the hand full of students in her classroom. “I guess not everyone here is into art.” I murmured. I found myself an open spot behind an empty canvas. I looked around in curiosity, finding the other students having different things scribbled on their canvas. I also noticed that they were quite the artists. The art teacher showed us the basic rules for creating art. She then let us on our own to create our own imaginary art. I watched as everyone went ahead starting with the outer lines. I looked at my empty canvas. I then picked up a pencil and started drawing the outer lines and slowly started to add more detail to my piece. I didn’t even know what I was drawing, I got so lost in my own thoughts that I just went ahead and draw whatever was on my mind. The bell rang after a while signaling class was over, I closed my canvas and packed my stuff away. I picked up my bags and left the classroom, I looked at my roster to see what class I have next. “Hey.” Someone greeted, making me almost jump out of my skin. I looked to my side and found a girl smiling at me. “Sorry if I scared you.” She said chuckling. “It's fine. Sorry, I am just trying to find my next class.” I said holding up my roster. “Let me see that maybe I can help you out.” She said taking the roster from my hand. “Hmm, you are in luck. Your next class is with me.” I felt much better. “I am Melissa.” She said introducing herself by handing me my roster back to me. “Abby.” She looked at me strangely. “You have quite an accent over there.” She said smiling. “Yeah, I am from Tennesse.” “And what are you doing all the way over here?” She asked. “No, idea.” I answered truthfully because up until this point I had no idea as to why my father took me away from home. “I am asking too many questions right now, aren’t I?” She asked sheepishly. I followed in her towards our next class when my eyes caught sight of the guy who bumped into me this morning. He was walking with two other guys who seemed caught up in conversation not bothered by the looks of the girls they were getting. In the meantime, I was also too caught up in staring at them that I didn't really watch where I was going and walked right into a wall. “s**t! Are you alright?” I heard Melissa ask but all I wanted to do was to crawl up into a ball and disappear. “The wall looked lonely, I thought it needed a hug.” I replied rubbing my forehead hoping that the contact didn’t leave an ugly bruise. Melissa let out a laugh at my joke grabbing me by the arm helping me to class. We entered the classroom that was still half-empty as some of the students were still on their way. It helped me to feel a little bit comfortable with fewer students staring at me. Melissa found out us some open seats close to the back. I pulled out my phone from my bag and opened my camera to take a look at my forehead. At least there was only a small red dot where I hit my head, nothing big. Hope Melissa was the only one who saw that. I touched the spot where the bruise was and looked up the same time when Mr. Himself entered the classroom. He was too caught up talking to his friends to notice that I was in his class. I should have removed my eyes from him before anyone catches me gawking at him and drawing up their own conclusions. But I just found myself awestruck by this guy. He seemed so coolly when he walked and talked with his friends. His frame definitely fitted him and even though he should be watching out from bumping into things, he seemed comfortable with his own frame. And that to me was sexy to watch. I just couldn't understand why this guy interests me so much, I mean there are boys back home the same size as him and just as handsome as him but they didn't trigger my interest as much as this guy did. Maybe it had to do with his lack of communicating to people he bumps into. Or maybe it was just those eyes of him.
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