Chapter 5- Anna

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It’s been six weeks since Katy and Alex got married, and as promised by Alpha Andrew I am allowed to visit.  Alex has come to collect me to ensure my safe passage and it’s the first first time I’ve been alone with him.  We make small talk about their honeymoon, and their new house and our family’s. I feel comfortable in his presence which is a surprise as I don’t tend to spend much time with males, but I also expected this too, he is my best friends mate after all, and he will therefor become my close friend too.  I try to keep my questions light about his family, what I’m trying to gage is how Alpha Andrew is and whether he has shared our secret with anyone. From my conversation with Alex I decide my secret is safe for now. Andrew has been busy with pack business and looking after poorly Mrs McClaren who is still desperately ill. Alex mentions nothing of Andrew’s engagement and I don’t want to draw attention by asking too many questions so I turn my thoughts back to seeing Katy. I’m so excited and have missed her desperately. Alex said she spoke of me everyday too!  We pull up in front of a double fronted house with a large lawn front garden, Alex keys in a code that permits us to enter through the gates. The house is beautifully adorned in Autumn blooms and from the outside it looks like the front of a magazine. As soon as the car parks and I opened the door I see Katy’s small frame come bounding at me “OMG I can’t believe you’re finally here, I missed you sooooo much!”  She throws herself at me and we hug each other, moon goddess I have missed this girl, while we was apart it felt like a whole year had passed and yet now standing here it feels like no time has passed at all.  Alex is getting my suitcase and bag from the boot and as though something had just occurred to him he looked to Katy, “You should be resting! You could have fell and hurt yourself running like that, you promised you would rest!”  Katy looks shamefaced “I’m sorry baby, I forgot, I was so eager to see Anna! I promise I will rest.”  Alex kisses her on her head “come on get inside before you give me a heart attack!”   I feel like I’m missing something here, is Katy sick? I look at her worriedly if anything she looks radiant- married life suits her! Maybe Alex is just overprotective of his new wife and wants to keep her safe. I’m not sure but all will be revealed. The large double front door opens into a marbled hallway, everything is light and clean. Alex takes my bags to the room I’ll be sleeping in and Katy walks me through to a spacious lounge tastefully decorated and furnished “Katy your home is so beautiful!”  Katy is puffing out her chest with pride “Andrew assigned it to us when we married isn’t it lovely! I mean it’s got a massive kitchen but I haven’t got a clue where to start there and 5 bedrooms, 4 reception rooms and a small guest annex at the back with a pool and pool house!”  Katy and I hug again “I’ve missed you so much Anna and I’ve got sooo much to tell you”. I hear talking outside the room and an older lady comes in “sorry to disturb you Mrs Katy I just want to finalise the meals for over the weekend”. I feel my eyes go wide in surprise Katy has a housekeeper! Katy is talking to her housekeeper “yes yes but tomorrow I want my favourite dinner for my birthday... Anna will you give the recipe to Mrs Jones please?” “Yes that’s no problem but it would be nice to cook it for you myself if that’s okay?” Katy smiles. “Okay, okay,  Anna, I thought you might like a break but I know you love to cook, please leave the recipe too though and Mrs Jones you may as well have the night off”. “Thank you Mrs Katy, I hope to spend time with my grandchildren, don’t you forget to rest!”  And she directs Katy to a reclining chair “I’ll bring your tea”. I turn to Katy “Ok I’m worried now, I’ve heard twice in the last 5 minutes that you need to rest, are you sick?”  I can feel anxiety bubbling in my stomach but I’m confused both Katy and Alex are smiling, “I’m not sick but you best sit down, me and Alex have the best news. we are expecting! I found out yesterday after I fainted so it’s obviously still new and hardly no one knows but can you believe it Anna, I’m going to be a mummy!”  I jump up in excitement... a baby! I can’t believe it! “Congratulations both of you, I can’t wait! Yous will have the most beautiful baby, and I will babysit whenever you want”. I give them both a hug, “don’t worry Alex, I will ensure she rests now, feet up missus!”  Alex actually looks relieved! 
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