Chapter 16

1027 Words

He had a call with Emilio, he told him that I'll be staying in the dorm, in the room, but he's giving me time, I have to think about it, if I'm okay with being in an open relation or not. If not then I can have a new daddy or maybe a mommy, I'm good with having Tasha if she'd take me, at least with her I know she'll be looking at other girls for s*x, she won't call me her boyfriend only to cheat on me. That was a month ago, I still live in the same place as them, but we don't meet, we don't talk anymore. He tried to talk to me, but I refused to sit down or hear or listen, he cheated on me and that's all I cared about, Caden tried to talk to me once, but when he saw that I wasn't listening, he just stoped trying to defend Emilio. They had another game, they lost the last two, the spirit i

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