
408 Words
gavs: i know i say this a lot gavs: but gavs: your d**k is so cute :( gavs: i just wanna wrap it in a tiny burrito and keep it protected from anything bad in the world praisewhore: did you call my d**k tiny gavs: no i called it cute praisewhore: no praisewhore: you implied it was tiny gavs: baby :( gavs: i said i'd never lie to you gavs: it's cute i promise praisewhore: SHUT UP YOU KNOW IM SENSITIVE GAVIN praisewhore: YOU KNOW I AM AND YOURE BEING SISJSKSSKSKS gavs: I WAS JUSR TRYING TO COMPLIMENT YOU praisewhore: BY CALLING MY d**k SMALL gavs: it's not big :(( praisewhore: f**k you praisewhore: it's the correct size for my body gavs: it's because you're tiny praisewhore: i honestly feel so attacked rn gavs: that's why you don't top gavs: you're just so twinky baby gavs: i just wanna tuck you in my pocket and carry you around everywhere praisewhore: i- praisewhore: last week you told me to carry the tv because it was too heavy gavs: it wAS praisewhore: i carried that tv like a f*****g stud you twink gavs: you may have more muscle than me. i adMIT gavs: but you still bottom and have a cute tiny d**k so ¯_(ツ)_/¯ _____________________________________ gavs: i shouldn't be surprised you have a weird fetish but i am praisewhore: we don't kink shame in this house gavin gavs: like gavs: i probably should've guessed from the amount of times you've done it gavs: but ?? i'm surprised. i didn't even know that was a thing praisewhore: shut up and let me suck your d**k :( gavs: you're trying to distract me :(( praisewhore: leave my kink alone :((( gavs: you judged me when i told you i liked to c**k warm :( praisewhore: gasp praisewhore: i did not praisewhore: i even let you sleep with your entire f*****g d**k in my ass praisewhore: do you know how loose i was in the morning. you're not small :( gavs: you kink shamed my food fetish praisewhore: you don't have a food fetish stfu gavs: i've been trying to tell you :( praisewhore: ~> praisewhore: baby :( praisewhore: i support your food fetish if you have one gavs: i don't ^^ praisewhore: 0-0 gavs: O.0 praisewhore: :/ gavs: :3 praisewhore: o,o gavs: 283383829347 gavs: sksksksk gavs: 6996 gavs: foursome praisewhore: is this you gay panicking gavs: ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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