The Anniversary

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"Happy Anniversary love, I will ever love and cherish you, you mean the whole world to me"... Daniel said while planting a long kiss on my forehead. It's our 15th wedding anniversary but it feels like yesterday each year we celebrate it. Daniel and I got married just after high school, I got pregnant in the 12th grade at the age of 17, Daniel was a year older. My mum would accept every other thing but having kids out of marriage, she believed so much that it would reduce my self-worth as a lady. We were joined in holy matrimony exactly a week after our final exams, — if I would be getting married while being pregnant, then it has to be done with no baby bump — That was my only condition for the impromptu wedding. Seven months after, I welcomed my twins, a boy and a girl named Patrick and Patricia. It has been a smooth ride ever since, and of course, we pursued our career paths afterward, my mum took care of the twins while I went to school. "Even more, than you love the kids?" I asked him while rolling over to his side. "I love my babies so much but I love you more, I got those bundle of joy because I loved you first and I will forever be grateful to you for reciprocating the love." "Awwwwwwwn... your words brighten my world, Dan, our love is forever". I jumped on him, pulled him from the bed closer enough to fit on his muscular laps, he circled his arms around me while caressing and mumbling some words I couldn't hear into my ears but I know they were sweet compliments. "I would love to savor every bit of your body but the kids are going to barge in any moment from now, so I think you'd want to go a little faster than that" "hmmm... An anniversary quickie, sounds yummy" he replied with a big grin on his face, he then picked me up and flung me in the middle of the bed. I quickly undressed out of my tiny strap nightgown and watch him do the same but just before he laid on me, the door flung open "The kids are here" Daniel jumped under the duvet while I try to hide our clothes. "Happy Anniversary mum and dad, we love you so much" Patricia hyped as she hurriedly makes her way towards us, I knew she was coming right into the duvet as she does every time she comes to the room. "No! No!! No!!! You can't come in here right now, you can sit at the edge of the bed or on the chair right there", I quickly stopped her. "Oops sorry", she said with an obvious dissatisfaction in her voice. "Don't be like that Patricia," Patrick said while he moved close to where she was seated at the edge of the bed and caresses her shoulder, "you should know better" he winked at her and they both burst into a laugh. "That's enough now kids, go on to the living room, your mum and I would join you very soon" "Alright, Sir!!" They chorused while still laughing and left. "Your dad and I are looking forward to the surprise you promised us, we love you so much and thanks for the wishes" I shouted at the top of my voice so they could hear me "Your kids are already growing wings, you need to do something before they fly off" I whined Dan, and got out of bed. I rushed into the bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth, Dan joined me, he was still interested in the quickie but it ended with a deep kiss, the kids were waiting, and keeping them there for a long time would not go well. "I will pick you guys from school and we will go for mum from there, I already booked a photo session with Harry," Daniel said at the dining table while scooping down the velvet cake the twins prepared for us. We take pictures for every celebration, no matter how little, it is our way of keeping track of events in our family. My dad passed the trait to me and I influenced my husband, Dan, too. "Babe, can we do this during the weekend, I have a work dinner with a client today, I'm sorry I forgot to tell you" I quickly rubbed his laps when I sensed the disapproval in his eyes. "Alright, but I'm not pleased with it, I mean who goes to a work dinner on their anniversary? why did you accept it in the first place? Babe, you know I would never do that to you? But it's okay" "Thanks for understanding babe, I promise to make it up to you," I said with an obvious feigned sad face and kissed his cheek. The rest of breakfast was in silence, Daniel later dropped the kids at school on his way to work and I went to my work as well. Dan has been a really good husband to me, every minute spent with him is bliss. It was kind of love at first sight, his family had just moved into the neighborhood and he had to join my school. The moment he was introduced to the class was exhilarating, our eyes met and we kept stealing glances at each other throughout the day. We were paired together in history class and the rest they say was history... I laughed out loud while still engaged in my thoughts. Daniel is a man every woman could ever wish for, I chose him without a second thought in high school despite several attentions I got from other guys who showed interest in me. Our wedding party was the talk of the street, most people condemned our parents, especially mine for agreeing to such union, they wondered why we had to get married at such young age but the mystery became more clear when I started showing. "Grrrrrrrgh! Grrrrrrrrrrgh!! Grrrrrrrrgh!!!" My phone ringtone sounded over the car speaker and jolted me from my thoughts. "Hi bestie, happy anniversary babes, I wish you many more blissful years ahead, I hope Daniel is treating you to a nice date tonight" Sonia talked with a high pitch note with so much excitement on the phone. "Thanks so much, babes, I appreciate it, I have a work dinner today so we had to postpone the date to another night" I replied. "Babe, you should have canceled the dinner, you should be with your husband tonight, but it's okay. I got to go, babe, have a nice day, I love you a full percent". She hung up before I could reply to her. Typical Sonia, we have been friends right from my childhood, and we do everything together, except relationship. She is the 'not so serious' type, she ends her relationship the moment it starts getting serious, it is as if she has a phobia for commitments.
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