Chapter 30

214 Words
She was indeed correct, the exchange of bullets was ongoing when he finally handed the man nor the head of this f*cking terrorist. He doesn't have time yet to visit the old man in his cell. The huge amount in this old man's head, he wonder when it landed. Well, he don't need the money, corrupt officials can take them all. He was only after to the justice for his brother and not to anything even the money for he got plenty of them. "Here." "Yvonne's? You gave her a phone?" Ellen asked with so much wide of an eyes. She really couldn't believe while she was looking at him. The disbelief in her eyes was so clear was shouting as hell. "Naizen! Of course! Yvonne was just staying her asses inside your house, under your care an all. I maybe came into the idea that you would buy her a phone. However, I didn't expect for you to really do it. She don't leave the house!" Ellen retaliates. "She's not going to stay in much times at the house," he answered that narrowed Ellen's eyes in confusion. "Why? Where is she going to and what would she do?" she asked with her forehead knotted and really sounded like in need of an answer.
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