Chapter 27: It’s not funny

1087 Words

Vavara POV I began to loosen up a little the longer I sat and listened to their conversations.. I even learned some things about them. Clover, she seems to be quite the person. She talks loudly to get her point across.. she likes to be the center of attention, whereas I on the other hand.. hate it. She pays plenty of attention to her looks, running her fingers through her hair every now and then to make sure not a single strand was out of place. She seems funny.. and likes to pick at Efim quite often. Efim.. he doesn’t talk much but when he does he makes everything sound so smart. Clover usually butts in when he talks.. but he doesn’t seem to mind and even encourages her to continue. He stares at me quite often.. and I don’t know why but I try my best to not pay too much attention to it

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