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[ E+ MISSION: Clear the horde of monsters swarming the perimeter of the town. This is to protect the traders and travelers from entering the town. Kill- Goblins x 12 Giant toads x 8. ] Bella and I were outside the town and doing the E+ mission we have chosen. This includes killing 12 goblins and killing 8 giant toads. Lora was very hesitant to allow us to take this mission. According to Lora, we need to have a full balanced party in order to take the mission. So we had to negotiate with Lora for about an hour. But we managed to get our way with it, thanks to me, as Lora actually remembered how strong I am after she witnessed my examination. So presently we are clearing up some low-level monsters. Surprisingly, the outskirts of the town were somewhat kinda refreshing. It kinda reminds me of a lot of farming provinces, the flat grasslands kinda wanna make you stop and have a picnic. “Goblins! 12 of them about 500 meters ahead of us,” I spoke to Bella, after my helmet which has a binocular and search function located the goblins. Bella also looked at the direction I was looking at, she then used her skill, “Scout.” “Wow, how were you able to see those goblins Mr even without chanting any skill name?” I answered Bella with hesitation, “I kinda felt their presence, it must be due to the mercenary instinct that I have gotten when fighting in wars.” I couldn't tell her the truth about my helmet's capabilities, if she knew she might spread out the word. Then people or even the government will start targeting me to get their hands on my armor. “Then how should we attack the goblins Mr?” “Well charge through.” Bella scratches her head after hearing me utter those words. I look at her and knew she had a confused look in her face, so I tried explaining. “Well just take them head without any strategies.” “Are you crazy Mr! You know-how dangerous it is to attack 12 goblins without a tank or a fighter to charge for us.” I pulled my futuristic AUG A3 gun which was magnetically attached to my back. I then spoke to Bella, “Do not worry, I got this.” “Fine, then let's just get this over with.” After hearing Bellas word I immediately aimed my assault rifle at the goblins directions. Bella then looked at me with a dumbfounded expression, she even started to scold me. “A-are you crazy! Do you think you can hit those goblins in this range? Even a bow with an enhancement couldn't hit something this far away.” I look at Bella and spoke, “Do not worry I got this.” I then set my assault rifle to semi-automatic and used my skill snipe. I then looked at the iron sight that I have and aimed at the twelve goblins. “Then it's not my fault if you fail...” *BANG!* Bella was shocked by the loud noise that my rifle created, she passively covered her ears. *BANG!* I am starting to notice that I wasn't feeling too much recoil from the rifle. *BANG!* *BANG!* *BANG!* *BANG!* *BANG!* *BANG!* *BANG!* *BANG!* *BANG!* *BANG!* “They're all eliminated Bella, let's gather the materials they have dropped.” “W-what!?!” “You didn't hear what I said, guess I have to say it again. Let's go there and gather the materials from the goblins.” “I-Impossible you're saying you killed those goblins in this range!?” Bella who was in disbelief immediately activated her skill to see if I was lying. She suddenly fell down on her knees while uttering the words. “T-this is I-Impossible a w-weapon that hit an enemy five hundred meters away! T-this is absurd, right Mr. Destroyer!” “No, it's real Bella.” Bella who was still dumbfounded let out a sigh and spoke to me. “You still continue to amaze me with your skills Mr. Destroyer, I might be thinking that you are on par with the strongest warrior in the Kingdom. You might be even able to join the strongest party here, the blue rose party whose leader is one of the kingdom's heroes.” “The blue rose party?” “Well, they are one of the only fifteen S-class adventurer parties. The leader of that party is one of this kingdom's heroes her name is Myriad, the moon warrior.” That's an additional knowledge about this world. So I have to remember the details that Bella spoke to me regarding the S-class adventurers. “Now then Bella, let's get those materials so we can proceed to the giant toads and go home early.” I then reach out my hands to Bella which she immediately grabbed. She then spoke, “Fine, I also wanna go back and drink some booze.” As we got near the corpses of the goblins I killed and it immediately disappeared like dust and left some materials. Mostly goblin stone, which is mostly used in making containers for the potions. After collecting the material drop of the goblins we immediately proceeded to the next mobs we have to kill. We were now searching for the giant toads which we have to eliminate. After fifteen minutes of searching, we finally found the giant toads. All of them were ten feet tall and had a slimy-looking green body. I look at them and wondered if my rifle would be able to one-shot them. Bella looked at them disgustingly, I then looked at her and asked, “Is there a problem with those toads Bella?” “Well, they are kinda disgusting especially with their slimy body, just thinking about it just creeps me out.” “Oh, then we will have to get closer to those toads then. I kinda think they're cute, so come with me Bella.” “N-no way I'm coming near those slimy ugly creatures do you know how weird and disgusting their body is. They always give me nightmares when I think about them. Also, I'm a marksman so I prefer staying away from those things.” I don't know if Bella was able to see my mischievous look as my face was just made from metal and glass. Without any warning, I immediately grabbed Bella in her sexy waist with only one hand, I then carry her like some sort of sack. Which surprised her but she did not try to fight back. After checking that I was carrying Bella properly I immediately moved forward. “Uhm, Mr. Destroyer where are you taking me?” “We're going to go see something very cute.” “Wait, don't tell me those cute things are those things!?” “Yes, those things, those very adorable things.” Bella suddenly had a scared look on her face after I replied. She then started to struggle to get out of my grip. “Let me go, Mr. Destroyer!” “Come on I'm sure those cutie patooties would like to meet you as well. Hahaha haha.” “As long as they're not slimy and toads then I would be willing. But from your laugh, it's not good, I know you are bringing me to those toads.” I then saw one of the toads jumping around, it was also able to notice me. The toad looks at me but its gaze was captured by someone who I am currently holding. The toad then stretches out its sticky long tongue targeting Bella. Then every strand of hair in Bella's body stood up as she felt the slimy and sticky feeling of the toad's tongue. “Kyaaaaaaaaaa!” she screamed like a little girl. She then begs me to not let go of her. “Please Mr. Destroyer don't let go of me! I don't wanna be inside that toad's mouth.” I kinda wanna show a big smile as I saw Bella beg like her life was on the line. But the problem I can't smile as my face is made of metal. I then let go of my grip and Bella was pulled by the toad's tongue. Bella's half body was then put inside the toad's mouth, her head was inside while her legs were outside. The toad then faced the sky and slowly swallowed Bella. I then started to laugh at the scene unfolding in front of me. After realizing that I don't have any emotions to laugh I just went in to save Bella and kill the toad. I punched the toad's body which surprisingly took one hit. After a few moments… “ *sob* How could you do something like that Mr!? *sob* Do you even know how painfully bad that mouth smells!? Now I have been tainted by this toad slimy saliva, I can't get married anymore because of you Mr. Destroyer!” “That's kinda overexaggerating things now Bella.” Bella continued to cry which attracted multiple toads to come towards us. Bella suddenly looked at me with an expression begging to be saved. She did her puppy eyes trick on me but too bad I don't feel any emotion. So I just snubbed away from Bella and left her. “Wait! Are you gonna leave me here Mr!?” “I'm just gonna take a break for a moment, I'm pretty sure you can take care of yourself.” I then left Bella who was crying as the toads came towards her, If I were human I would have felt sorry but too bad I wasn't. I was actually experimenting if I truly had emotions and the results are telling me that I do not have any emotions. Bella was now surrounded by seven toads which looked at her like she is some kind of a rare food. Bella's face was filled with fear as the toads towered her. I then heard this scream, “HELP MEEEEEE!” I guess I should help her now, my experiment is already finished. I do not feel any emotions like happiness or pity. “Uh, then time to save Bella. ” I immediately dashed forward the toads and prepared my fist, which could one hit a toad. With my fist impacting the soft squishy body of toads, my fist sinks in until I hit the internal organs and bones of the toad. Until it drops dead with one punch, I did the same to the remaining six toads. After ten minutes of fighting the weak giant toads, Bella was on her knees covered in slime and was crying. I told her that we can go back to the guild now as the mission was already finished. But she refused to stand up and started hitting me. She hit me with her first which ended up badly as she hurt her knuckles. I then carried her again and started to cry. I then realized that she was traumatized by what I did to her. Two hours later… I then went back to the guild and noticed all the female adventurers gave me a degrading look. They actually gave me that look after they saw the slime-covered Bella who was crying. “ *Sob* I have been tainted by Mr, he saw everything. He even covered me in slime to satisfy his fetishes, *sob*” “Wait she's completely giving you the wrong idea!” The people in the guild didn't listen to what I said, they only give a glance of degradation. It was the look they give to criminals who have committed heinous crimes. I didn't want to deal with any of the looks, so I went straight to the counter to bring the materials so they can confirm that we had finished the mission. But as I got to the counter, the clerks gave me a weird look as they clicked their tongue, this includes miss Lora. One of the clerks brought a basket and slammed it in my front with full force. She then spoke, “Please put all the materials you have gathered to confirm the completion of the mission, MR. p*****t!” She then spits on the floor after talking to me. “Wait what!?” “Don't look at that adventurer, look at what he has done to poor miss Bella. ” “He covered her in slime to satisfy his fetishes, what a p*****t. Wait his looking in my direction, I should look away from that pervert.” “I even heard that he looks at girls thinking of his fetishes. He even steals undergarments of women adventurers, so tell the other female adventurers to be careful around him.” And henceforth I have earned the nicknames Mr. Destroyer the Horndog of Leora, Mr. Destroyer the panty thief, Mr. Destroyer the fetish master. I don't know how to feel about the nicknames they have given me as I have no emotions. But it kinda affected my credibility for a promotion, damn it! Meanwhile… Ms. Ann Marie who was with her party was in the middle of a forest. Ann Marie was actually tasked to hunt something that has been wreaking havoc to nearby villagers. “Miss Ann Marie I found tracks! ” Ann Marie went to her subordinate who yelled, Ann Marie looked at her subordinate and asked. “How far do you think it is?” “About a few kilometers, I say, but with this size, I don't know if we can handle it by ourselves. ” “So do we need more people to take this beast down?” “I think we need an entire army, Ms. Ann Marie,” her subordinate then pointed out his index finger. Ann Marie was baffled by what she saw, it was tracks of the same beast but were smaller. Not only that but the number of tracks was in incredible numbers. “We do need the entire adventurer guild if we want to stop this beast and it's babies.”
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