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Chapter2 Eva knew in that movement no matter what she said or did her fate was decided. These men did not look like she could or her mother could deal with, she had heard stories of how women were sold and used for s*x. She was not a kid either she had been aloof and a lone wolf all this while but still it did not mean, she knew nothing about the way this society worked, how easy it was for these people to get rid of them. Her innocent eyes were filled with tears they threatened to fall down, she was scared she wanted to hide, run far away from here and never come back if possible but how could she do that. Her mother was begging them to spare her but she knew if not today then some other day, her father was going to get rid of her, he never wanted her to begin with, he hated her for being born in their house, before she was a kid now as she was growing up, she had started to fight back with her father and always came in between him and her mother's way to protect her mother. She had threatened him if he ever touched her mother again she would give him away to the police. was it because of that reason that he sold her out so, that she could never come in his way? was she not his child, did he never loved her, she said those mean things to him but she always loved him in her heart, she wanted her father to love her as all the other kid's father loved them. Why he hated her? What wrong she has done? what crime she had committed that he hated her to this extent where he had gambled with her life, sold her out cold-heartedly without caring what will happen to her. "Please let my daughter go, we will pay you back, whatever he owes you...just let my girl go...I beg you please don't take her, she is innocent in all of this" Shelly begged for the first time she wished she had shown the courage and have taken Eva with her, she should have protected her daughter at all cost and should have thrown this spineless, filthy man away, if she had done that, her daughter would never have to face things she did growing up. Shelly felt she had let her daughter down, for the first time she regretted not being strong enough and protecting what mattered the most in her life. she did not care what happened to her but she wanted to save her daughter at any cost. "Well, why don't you come with us as well..." said that man with the scar and licked his lips and continued " this way both of you can be together and might as well pleasure the customers together as well," he said and everyone laughed around them. they did not give a s**t about their life "you son of bitch.. let my daughter go...if you did something to her I will hunt you down even in hell...I will kill you" Shelly shouted and as soon as she said that the man in front of her slapped her and blood started to drip down from the corner of Shelly's mouth...if those men were not holding her she would have fallen on the floor as well. Shelly felt her head spinning, she was monumentally blacked out, that man used too much strength when he slapped her and Shelly was not that strong, to begin with, and now when he used brutal force on her she could not hold herself up. "Moooommmm" Eva shouted and ran toward her mother but before she could reach her she was pulled back by her waist and in another guy's arm.."Let me go...momm...let me go you bastard...I will call the police....let me and my mother go" Eva shouted and threatened them to let her and her mother go. She has to save her mother or else these people were going to sell both of them. They might as well kill them both. She had only one thought to get to her mother whose blood was coming out of her mouth and at that movement she looked even more fragile, Eva felt the strong need to protect her mother, hold her down because if she did not she might lose her and this thought alone made her become wilder. Eva started to struggle more, she refused to give in just like that, she would not give up for her mother for herself. "hahaha" everyone laughed and looked at Eva like she was a naive and foolish girl. "Why don't we give you our phone to make a call" the bulky man who was holding Eva threw her away and flashed the phone in front of her. Eva snatched the phone and dialed 999 for help. she was scared that if she did not call right away she would never be able to ask for help again. "helloooo....please help me there are men in our house they want to sell me and my mother into slavery please help us," Eva said all of this in one breathe afraid her voice would not be heard or call would get disconnected if she delayed even one second. "Wrong number," said the person on the other side and all Eva heard was a dead tone. Suddenly she froze for a movement because she had not expected this from the other side, wasn't Police for their help, why did they say the wrong number, she looked at the phone in her hand and once again called but no one picked up. "Hello...Hello ..hhhhheeelllllloo" Eva cried out in desperation now her tears were running down, her mother was thrown down in the corner, her father tried to shrink in size so that he would not get hurt and Eva was looked down on by all those men's they all were laughing at her desperate cry for help. "Come on girl try some more if you want but no one will answer your calls"...said that bulky man and came forward and Eva backed up in fear and that man came to her height and smiled at her sinisterly " Because they are scared of us as well...and they already knew we were coming here today to collect the material...so no matter what we did with you no one will come to rescue you," he said and backed away "do you understand little girl?" He said and smiled when he saw the look of horror on Eva's face. "no no noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" Eva shouted with all her might she felt like a caged animal, she had always dreamed of getting away from this place once she was of age she would run away she would not return to this hell hole. she would earn with her mother and would rent a place for both of them but all of this was destroyed she was sold...she was sold...she had wasted all these years in dreaming and saved some of the money without anyone knowing, in a hope of one day finally getting free of all this pain and sorrow but today all of her dreams her last chance of getting free was taken away from her. Shelly felt her body hurt but still when she saw the breakdown of her daughter she wanted to run to her..it was her motherly instinct that made her want to hide her daughter from all these people's eyes save her from all of them, wipe off her tears, shield her from all this pain but she felt helpless. Shelly saw a piece of glass next to her and she took it and ran forward. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh" a cry came out and all of them looked and saw Shelly had stabbed one of their comrade in the neck and she had killed one of their men when they all were busy looking at Eva. "you b***h" said the man with the scar and pulled out his gun and shot Shelly without blinking. "Evaaaa" came a whisper from Shelly's mouth...she wanted to save her daughter...she wanted to tell her how sorry she was that she had never protected her well and how at her last movement as well she could not protect her. Shelly wanted to one last time hold her daughter in her arms tell her not to cry and run away from here... "Moooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" shrieked Eva, she felt her heart torn out of her chest at that movement, she saw how her mother was shot down by that man, how she fell down and blood coming out of her chest and making the floor red with her blood, she could not help but shiver, she was stammering nothing was coming out of her mouth other than "m...o..o...m..." "Shelly" shouted Eva's father peter but soon he quieted down when he saw those men's eyes on him. he feared that they might kill him as well. Eva crawled stumbled to reach her mother, she could not help but cry and feel like she was dying with her mother as well.. she felt scared she saw her mother covered in blood, Eva's body turning cold and her mind going numb. Eva felt her hand shaking when she tried to touch her mother's face. "mom.." Eva said crying not caring about anything she wanted to save her mother and she feared if she touched her wrong she might hurt her, she feared that she was never going to see her mother after this day. "Eva...darling pleeassee....forgivee your mother," Shelly said and touched her daughter's face lovingly..." mom please don't talk...everything is going to be fine...I won't let anything happen to you" Eva said in between her crying. "Nooo...hear me out, please...I don't have much time...left Eva I never gave you a good life and could not even protect you even in death....but still, I want you live your life and not to give up...crawl from hell if you have to but make yourself so powerful one day that everyone would bow down to you...I could not protect you but I still want you to protect yourself and not give up..no matter what" Shelly said and felt her breathing get abnormal...she knew she did not have much time.."promise me Eva" she held onto Eva's hand tightly..she wanted her daughter to promise her so that she could die. "no, no mom...nothing will happen to you...I won't let anything happen to you..."Eva said and turned around. "Please please save my mother I will go with you...without any fight..I will do whatever you want but please save my mother, please...I beg you please save her" Eva begged them she was on her knees she wanted nothing but her mother to stay alive she could not let her mother die because of her. her mother had always been the one who got beaten up by her father because she always protected her and would many times receive a severe injury but still, she would smile at Eva and tell her not to worry that she was happy that Eva did not get hurt. "You bitch..who do you think you are to make demands...your mother killed one of our men do you think we will let her live....also you should be happy that you are not killed by us," spit out the man with the scar he looked at Eva with so much coldness that Eva felt her whole body start shaking once again. before she could say anything Eva felt her skirt pulled from behind and she looked back and saw her mother shaking her head in no fresh tears started to fall out of her eyes Eva could not help but hold her mother's head in her embrace she was frightened, terrified to think what was about to come for her. Eva's whole body was shaking like a leaf. she felt petrified by all of this, she was overwhelmed by this heartwrenching feeling, after all, she was just 17 years old. teenage in an age where most of the kids lived a carefree life but she had struggled all her life and now all the innocence her was taken away by those man's as well "My baby girl please forgive your mother for leaving you all alone," Shelly said and touched Eva's face and wiped her tears before she died and Eva seeing the light leave her mother's eyes. In the silence of the night, Eva's cries felt like a wounded animal howling in pain. it was the last time Eva cried like that, she mourned for her mother and for herself, she turned into a cold person in just a few hours, that night not only took her mother from her mother from her but took Eva alongside her mother as well, what was left behind was a nutshell of Eva which held no emotions in it. Eva was taken away by those men's and she did not complain she went along with them, she was now turned into a mute, walking and talking dead body. She had experienced herself turning into a dead, who felt nothing no matter what because she felt no pain when those people dragged her out by her hairs, even when they tied her hands. She had no idea how she was taken away and where she was taken too, nothing mattered to her at that movement. She went numb. That night not only Shelly died but that innocent, naive and gentle Eva died too, until this movement she had always been gentle, warm, and kind, from inside even after facing so many hardships she did not change into a cold person but today was different in just a few hours Eva had turned from gentle to cold, warm to numb. She did not care if she was sold or made into a slave, or was cut into a piece, everything would have been better than this pain she felt inside her chest, which felt like it would swallow her whole but how wrong she was because what waited for her on the other end was another nightmare, another hell that she was going to live in and one that she might never be able to escape from or come out of. Eva once again looked at that shining moon and felt how in this dark night it still shone so brightly and mocked her for being so useless and ever dreaming of having a good life. How it stills shoon when she felt her whole world is turned dark for life.
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