Chapter 1

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Chapter 1  Aurora POV       “Uhhhh, I hate it here, I can't stand these people", I murmured to my best friend Noel as we both stood by our school gates looking into the carpark, he and I have been together since I escaped from the attack on my original pack and every time, I deal with these entitle assholes he is always there to help me pick up the pieces.       Every day is the same thing over and over again, the alphas sons and his minions always gives me s**t about being an orphan. Everyday it’s the same thing, they start on my clothes, I love black clothes its easier to hide blood so sue me, then it’s the 'your homeless' lines and that don’t bother me at all. What bothers me is when they talk about my parents, they pick on me during school and thank God it’s the only place they will ever meet me. While both Noel and I are in the crescent moon pack we are not official members. We preferred to have the option to leave when we were ready, the house we are currently staying in is a human one full of orphan children. All left by either their mothers or there grandmothers, never have I seen a man dropping of a child and I think they are too prideful to show up at an orphanage.       I meet Noel while escaping from my original pack when they were attacked and killed by the rouge alpha Jackson after our alpha failed to submit. My alpha at the time was my step father, my mothers mate. He took one look at me and claimed me as his daughter and my mother couldn’t be happier, I was really happy for her at least she will stop crying over my sperm donor. Dereck my step father had me protected at an early age by a band of witches with some powerful spells which meant I will look and smell like a human, every time I question him, he would say and I quote “when the time comes you will be our savior, but for now be silent, watch and learn and then at the time show everyone what you made of, our little huntress”,       That was the last conversation we had before the pack was attacked, he led me to a trapped door in his office and told me to run, I didn’t want to because I was one of the best, even at the age of twelve I was better than most. Dereck had me trained like I was an alpha in training but in secret only three people knew, Dereck, me and the beta of the pack Uncle Raymond. As I ran through the tunnel, I could hear the howl and cry of wolves as they were killed and the cry of agony of the ones who lost their mates. It was a much needed wake up call, the metallic coppery smell of blood was overwhelming causing me to gag as I ran towards the end on the tunnel. I for one will never forget it.     I ran for days not sure how long until I was in a small village just on the outside the crescent moon border, I was hungry, wet, tired and irritated. There were small houses on the edge all humans and they smell so disgusting it was revolting, as I passed the last house my wolf Azura came forward for the first time in my life. It was such a change to my senses it was like I could finally see and hear properly, my wolf however was something else I could feel her aggression more than any other emotion, using her hearing we listen to a child being beaten and cries of pain that came from the child, something snapped in my wolf and she took over.       I don’t remember much of that day the only thing I do remember is when I woke up Noel was with me, he was beaten so badly that both his eyes were shut with the amount of swelling that took place, his thin body was clearly being used as a punching bag. He had on a white t-shirt that wasn’t white with the amount of blood on him and his black jeans were to big for his body, he had no shoes on so I could see that someone broke one of his toes recently. He looked so broken and scared that my instincts was to immediately take his pain away.       It was there my first power was unlocked, the power to heal. Noel was scared at first but after talking to him and calming him down he warmed up enough for me to touch him, it took a lot of energy from me to heal him, his bones were back in place and his eyes were perfectly normal so normal I could see his eye color, he had beautiful steel gray eyes. Noel and I formed out friendship right there and I cant even explain the feeling of having someone be there for me after losing everything not even a few days ago.       Noel and I spent months on the streets together, stealing from food to clothes, even money from people who looked to rich to be true, one evening we had broken into a dinner party that was held in one of the most fancy Italian restaurants, we would normally break into this restaurant since the workers turn a blind eye to us and that were we meet with alpha Harrison. At first he thought we were two humans children looking for food, but then his beta tried to grabbed noel causing Azura to come forward so fast that alpha Harrison took a step back and ordered the beta to let noel go. I couldn’t shift because of the spell that was cast on me when I was younger but some how Azura found a way to break the shield to allow me some of my powers and ways to communicate with her.      That night the alpha invited us home to the pack house were we spent the night, we had a room for ourselves since they couldn’t separate us, we had unlimited hot water, clean clothes, a hot meal and the most comfortable bed to sleep on. Both noel and I stuck together, we became each others life line, even when we were called into the alpha office for a meeting. Noel stayed with me despite not being a werewolf. Noel had know all about wolves and vampires because Azura thought it was wise to keep him updated on the world today.       Both noel and I entered the office and on instinct Azura took over to shield noel from everyone in the room with our body, in the office was the alpha, Luna and a witch. Once the witch proved she was of no harm Azura retreated and allowed me to speak with the alpha. He explained to us that we couldn’t be on our own as it was to dangerous since the rogues were getting stronger and taking over. He offered us a place in the pack house if we joined there pack but the safety for Noel was also important to me and Azura, so we declined and took a spot in the human orphanage with the rule that we wont be adopted or separated. Another topic that was discussed was using a stronger potion to hide me, especially since Azura can come out any time she feels like it. After explaining to the witch whos name is Teodora that my step father also sort witches help before, she decided that she will do some research before going any further.       Since then we have been joined together at the hip, but now with both of us at the age of seventeen we are not defenseless, powerless children anymore, Noel always joke about me being his alpha ever since he knew what that meant while he proclaim himself my beta, so we trained everyday just like my stepfather would. We took on rogues on the border as part of the training and then go back to the home like we never killed anyone and we liked our life like that.       The only problem with being under the watch full eyes of the alpha was his stupid annoy kids although there is a rumor going around saying that they weren't his kids but I would never snooped so low to tell them that, even if they hurt me bad I could never hurt them like that. Noel on the other hand I don’t know, his temper started to get out of hand and very soon he will do something he regrets. Noel changed a lot since his first kill and apart from being super protective he was also super aware of everything around us. He don’t trust anyone at all.       This morning he woke up in a super bad mood and dealing with the alpha kids would be enough to send him of edge. As soon as we got to school the alpha three sons was sitting on there car waiting in the car park, there school was a special school for only supernatural but Noel gets to come because of me. While I know I can defend myself and kick there asses I wont, there father help Noel and I a lot more than he should.       Noel and I walked passed the three of them this morning completely ignoring them while making plans to go after the rogue alpha. Noel, the ridiculously good looking bastard that he is, is wearing his black jeans, white t-shirt black shoes and a leather jacket, his dark blond hair is shaven on the sides and a bit longer on top, his steel gray eyes always has this dark look that scream dominance. Safe to say he's hot but not for me, Noel is like my brother and we never looked at each other any other way.      As we were about to open the door I felt someone grabbed my back pack pulling my backwards shamming me into a rock hard chest, from the height and the smell of vanilla I already know it's Oliver. Noel grabbed my wrist pulling me back toward him setting me on the side of him while he glared at Oliver.  "Hand of pretty boy, I'm sick and tired of your guys picking on her", Noel snapped taking a step closer to Oliver now they were both face to face. Aaron and Landon stepped forward ready to defend there brother and I wasn't backing down either, Noel maybe good but I wont back away from protecting him if its necessary.      "Don't forget who's in charge human", Oliver growled while his eyes turn black. Noel was about to say something when the bell rang, taking a step back he grabbed my hand and turn to head to class. Alpha Harrison hooked us up so we had all our classes together.      The minute we got into class we found out seats, Noel grabbed my hand under the table giving it a squeeze just as Oliver, Aaron and Landon walked in. Leaning closer I squeeze his hand to get his attention, we were both just inches apart were I could whisper in his ear,      "Don't take them on they are just jealous", he raised a questioning brow at me, we have been doing this since we meet, we could read each other without a single work being spoken, rolling my eyes I nodded my head to there direction,     "Your hot and you don't need the alpha title to get girls, do you think without the title they could land any of those bitches", I said a little louder knowing that with there wolf hearing they could hear me, I scuff and shook my head "Please, they got nothing on you".      I could feel all three pairs of eyes on me, Noel just smirked leaning back into his chair getting more comfortable while straightening out his legs allowing me to lean against him to get more comfortable. Now don't get me wrong the guys where hot like really hot, hell even I had a crush on them but that still don't give them the right to behave like assholes.      Oliver had dark hair, dark eyes, toned and carried himself with grace and authority. Every girls dark romance fantasy, he take things seriously and rarely smiles but when he do ohhh my god his dimples shows up making any panties in a five mile radius wet. Oliver is the leader of the three or so I'm told but he have a strong dominating aura around him. Aaron is the flirt of the group, he is basically boy next door type, blood hair, blue eyes, muscular and he makes all the girls laugh. I don't like it but I hate it even more when it bothers me. Aaron have this uncanny ability to always pass by me and constantly touching my stomach every time my T-shirt move up. Landon is different he is more on the silent side, he doesn't encourage girls and he stop the bullying a while ago but still it doesn't change the pass, he hard dark brown hair and eyes to match and being that all three is werewolves they all had the body to match.      During class Noel and I zoned out, we spent most of our time in class figuring out which side of the border we will look for rogues that were trying to sneak in. We both would spend two hours every evening studying so we were on top of the classes. Still, that never stopped the bullying. The morning classes went by normally, which was surprising considering I would at least have to pick up my stuff all of the school by now. Noel noticed as well because he was more alert, which meant the Alpha sons or there minions was up to something.      By the time the lunch bell rang both Azura and I knew something was wrong, the atmosphere was tense and our senses heightened, before we reached the cafeteria Azura started to come forward, I grabbed Noel hand stopping him,     "Somethings not right", I said, my voice deep and heavy as a combination of both Azura and I.     "I know", he said as he turned us around and headed for the doors, "Azura is coming forward isn't she, s**t, we need to go, lets head for the forest for the day, what do you say", he asked as we reach the front doors of the school, he opened it going out first as he normally would to ensure it was safe for me.     "Hell yes, lets get some fo--", I was cut of when Noel was punched from the side falling down the steps,  "NOEL!!!" I screamed, trying to get to him but was hold back by a pair of strong arms, pulling me back into his chest incasing me, the scent of oranges fill my nose and immediately I knew it was Landon.      Noel looked up and shook his head telling me No, he got this but Azura and I couldn't for the love of god see him hurt, my body vibrated with the untamed anger that course through my veins, Landon must have felt it because he tighten his hold on me and leaned his head closer to mine, his lip brushing against my ear,      "Relax, they won't hurt him much, they just want to drop him of his pedestal a bit", he said chuckling causing his body to vibrate against mine. Hurt him!! I looked up again to see Aaron holding both Noel hands behind his back, Oliver was standing before him, Noel could see the panic in my eyes and again shook his head saying No.     I couldn't look, I closed my eyes and held my body still, trying to push Azura back,     "Azura please calm down, Noel doesn't want us to help",      "I don't like it Aurora",      "I don't either but trust him we trained him well",      I was so focus on calming down Azura that I didn't realize Oliver was standing in front of me, his vanilla scent circled around us, but all it did was fuel my anger more.      "Open your eyes", he demanded, but Noel shouted No.      "Open your eyes and see what happens when your boyfriend mouths of to us",  Boyfriend? wait they think Noel is my boyfriend, in an instant my eyes snapped open, Oliver had a small smile on his face like he won, but it soon fell when I started laughing in his face.      "You hear that Noel, your my boyfriend", I shouted while laughing, Noel bust of laughing, Oliver, Aaron and Landon was taken aback by our out bust. Then there eyes clouded over and I knew they were getting a mind link. Landon dropped his hand and Aaron let go of Noel.      "Stay in the school compound, rogues are attacking", Oliver ordered but didn't look at me while he started to walk away,       "Which side to stay away from",      "North, inform the others", Amm no.     With that the three of them shifted and took of leaving Noel and I outside the school, but of course we didn't listen we took of to the south. Over the last few encounters we noticed a pattern, the rogues attack big on one side and sneak in on the opposite side. They will normally be in a group of ten or fifteen not much but they cause a lot of damages when they get there way. Our orphanage was on the south side as well so it was easier to sneak back home.       One advantage the rogues had on us was speed, we had to steal a car and try to make our way by road and then on feet through the forest, by the time we meet up with them there were almost to the clearing close to the orphanage, there were only ten which meant five each.      Noel and I stood side by side as the rogues stood a few feet in front of us all still in there dirty wolf form, there eyes were red which mean they were wild. Azura came forward and the aura around us changed,     "Shift", she shouted,  The wolf in the middle stepped forward and shifted into a tall dark muscular man,      "Why are you here?" Azura questioned,      "We are here to inform your alpha that our alpha is interest in forming an alliance which is NOT up for debate",      "Hard pass, the alpha won't form any alliance with you even if the moon goddess herself ask him", Noel answered.     "Very well, we will just have to take the fight to him", he said as he shifted back. The rogues started to circle us, as per our training we stood back to back.     "Hey Noel, how many rogues does it take to deliver a message?" I asked causing Noel to laugh and the rogues to growl.     "One", he answered and then they attacked, Noel and I don't hold back simply because I can heal us after, although I have to keep reminding him I cant heal the dead. The first four was easy, like they were drunk, the next five was harder and we both got banged up a bit but we killed them, the last one however he will be giving us answers. Noel knocked him out, then tied him to a tree using a rope we had embroidered with silver.     Once the rogue was secure, Noel and I hold hands letting my power run through us healing our wounds. During this time we have to keep our minds open and focused on each other, that way it wont take to much energy to heal, the only down fall is that we lose sight of our surroundings. Once the healing process was done we both turn our heads to the snapping of bones, Oliver, Aaron and Landon butt naked with the most shocked expressions on there faces.      "What the f**k is going on here"     Oh for f***s sake.
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