Chapter 4

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Oliver POV My brother is an i***t, first he blocks us so we cant link him, then he runs of with Aurora and Noel. The meeting in dad office was basically going no where. I don't understand why this is any of our problems. If the girl is in trouble, then let her deal with it, clearly she can protect herself, but something about her and her guy/boyfriend/brother or whatever the f**k she calls him is bothering me. Aurora handle that rouge a little to professional for my liking, is she more hunter than wolf? Is she and Noel a danger for the pack? These questions kept replaying in my head and yes while I would like to have some answers on this, I also have a pack to think about, as we three will be alphas soon. Aaron have been silent since the moment both of us realized Landon left, and I'm not entirely sure if is the fact that our bother is siding with her or the fact that we might be in this prophecy. Standing in this office was causing my wolf to go crazy, we need to know where Landon is and still have a word with the mysterious duo. I need to get to the bottom of this, if they turn out to be a danger for the pack then there time here is over, however if the prove to be an asset they will move into the pack house whether they like it or not. I'm not going to have powerful brings who don't know to control their powers running wild in my pack. Touching Aaron on his shoulder to get his attention, I nod to the door motioning him for us to leave. Silently both of us left the office, one of the best things about our powers was if one of us go missing we would be able to find them, our bodies are in tune with each other, if one of use is injured we all feel the pain and even though I hate to say this but having Aurora heal Landon help us out as well. Once we reached outside we shifted and took of in search of our brother, his scent with hers and Noel lingers as we headed for the forest, sure enough there he was in wolf form laying next to her and Noel. Aurora was out cold while Noel was staring at the sky look at it as if the answers to all his questions will be answered, Landon was laying his head across her lap and appeared to be asleep as well. Something deep inside my chest ache at the sight but I quickly shook it of, I don't want to examine that right now and besides we have mates to wait for. As we got closer we slowed down enough that you wont notice two wolves coming towards you but as I suspected, Noel was first to his feet then Landon. Landon even though he knew it was us growl lowly at us, warning us not to f**k around but yet again my wolf is an asshole just like me and didn't take kindly to our brother growling at us over a little miss nobody. Lex, my wolf, growled at Landon warning him, its something that hardly happens but when it did Landon and Aaron would always come around, only this time he stood firm in front of Aurora who only turned to lay on her belly. Then peered one eye open before closing back her eyes and taking a deep breath, "Relax boys your brother is safe, but be careful of the growling Azura is still hyper", Lex snarled at her dismissive tone while Landon bowed his head growling another warning. All the while Noel just stood there waiting to step in if needed, like a small human can handle alpha wolves. Lex scoff through our link but made no moments to shift back as both Landon and I stared at each other. The sound of bones shifting broke us out of our tense stare down and Aaron came into view. He moved to stand between Landon and I placing a hand on each of our heads forcing us to shift, its a power he alone is privy to. Once the three of us are back to human form he chant the spell we use to full cloth us before turning his attention to Landon. In the most authoritative voice I ever heard from him he spoke to our brother "Why did you pull a wall up on our link, didn't we promise each other to never do that incase of an emergency?" Landon looked to me then to Aaron and by the crease on his forehead I knew what he as was about to say, "I won't need to block you if Oliver stop being a d**k, Aurora saved me, she didn't need to but she did and Jax and I agreed that we would like to be her friend if she allows us", He finished looking behind him to look at her but her eyes was still close and even though it looked like she was asleep I could tell from her breathing she wasn't. Landon word hit me only causing my anger to grow more intense and as always I let my mouth take over before my brain. "So all of a sudden you and your wolf is choosing her over us, pathetic, if its p***y you want you can get that by just walking into school, no need to beg", That statement seem to anger not only Landon but Aurora and Noel as well, she moved so fast of the floor and stood in front of Landon just as he was about to throw his fist at me, placing a hand on his chest she turned to Aaron completely ignoring me while talking around me. "I can see you're the sensible one so I'm kindly asking for you to let us leave or you leave, because I wont stand her and be insulted, if Landon follows its at his own choice but I wont stand here and watch two brother tear them selves apart because one brother don't have a brain", I was about to reply but Aaron beat me to it and surprise the f**k out of me, "I apologize on my brother behalf, he really is an asshole, but I need you to come with us. Whatever is about to happen is really big and we need to gather whatever information we can to start to prepare for it. I know you wont want to but I can offer you and Noel a guestroom to stay tonight and figure out where we go bright and early tomorrow", Aurora was clearly stunned by my brothers offer so when Noel moved behind her and nudge her shoulder like some sort of silent communication, she looked over at him as he shrugged his shoulder letting her head nod agreeing to the offer. The walk back was silent Aurora and Noel was up front while the three of us followed behind, my thoughts were all over the place and while all I wanted to do was keep everyone safe, I did come out as a big asshole today and while I know I should apologize I don't because I don't trust them. We all walked into the pack house to be greeted with dad, Theodora and Prince Kylen. They looked like they were finalizing a plan, I moved away from my brothers and closer to dad because I'm the oldest and so far the only one who doesn't have his head wrap around a certain chick. Dad looked up when I got closer with a newfound determination in his eyes. "Kids, where have you guys been we need to speak with you immediately, go to the office and wait for me as I see the prince out", My brothers and I immediately started for the office but stopped when Landon noticed the prince heading over to Aurora, he wrapped his hands around her and whispered something in her ears making her smile wide, two low growls was heard behind me, rolling my eyes at them I took of for the office. Inside the office I took a seat behind dad desk notice the information of two Alpha's I trained with out for display, Alpha Caleb and Alpha Colin both really good guys but reserve. They were the ones to focus on training while my brothers and I could usually end up partying half the night and passing out. I was looking through when I notice another file under the pile of paper work. A picture of a girl, beautiful, but not my type. Annalise Elizabeth Shaw was written on the side. Inside the file had everything from her birth to the death of her parents, her first mate rejecting her to her currently being missing, but the file also started that they knew she was captured by the rouge alpha, I looked at the file confused, why isn't someone looking for her. Wait are we going to look for her, a mission right isn't ideal but need for me and my brothers. I was deep into the map in the file when everyone walked in, including her, her rose scent alone was very overpowering. Dad came and stood over me looking at the file I'm currently studying. "Ah yes that's the princes niece, she's working on taking the rouge alpha down", Looking up at him I frown my brows and pulled out the sheet of paper that had in red bold letter's MISSING and showed him, chuckling he wave it away and motion for me to give him his seat back. "Ahh son, you need to think outside the box, she is a very powerful wolf if she want to leave she could of, but her plan is bigger than that. The prince has assured us that we are safe and he will inform us of the events that unfold, now to other important business, we need you to go back undercover in the council", FUCKKKKKK NOOOOOOOO Dad looked me directly in my eyes letting me know it was a order and not a suggestion. Standing I ran my fingers through my hair and started pacing the office. Last time I went undercover I almost ended up being married to another alpha's daughter, but faith intervene when her mate showed up. I left immediately under the illusion of being heart broken but to go back I don't think I could stand that stupid hybrid Zachary. Letting out a breath I turned to dad and Teodora, "Dad, please", I pleaded looking at him with all my emotions on display "Please don't send me back there, I also got f*****g married last time", A low sound came from behind me as the words came out my mouth, turning I notice Aurora eyes pitch black. Huh? Shaking my head, I focus on the matter at hand. Teodora place a hand on dad shoulder then looked back to me then to my brothers. "I know this will be hard but you are our only connection to the council, your brothers will take to long to fit in and after the incident, my friend was more than happy to place you in a safer position, you will be an enforcer so you will be out most of the time, meaning you could be home all the time", That's not so bad but still the question of why I have to go back still haven't been answered, as if its any of her business Aurora asked the question I didn't get to, "Why does he need to go there", her voice was low and raspy, most likely her wolf has taken over, Teodora looked at her then to Noel, it was a silent battle in her head that we could all see, which meant the reason I'm going is because of them, f*****g perfect just more reason to dislike these two. "There is a library that hold all the information from the minute the council was formed, so we are hoping that Oliver can get as much information as he can as well as keep an eye on the prince's niece, from he told me I get the feeling the council maybe involved, if she is as powerful as he calms then she will be considered a threat", Makes sense, but still doesn't help the fact that I don't want to go. The council can be very intimidating and for me to be in the right mind set I need to pass there stupid test to show loyalty, I will need to train hard for the next week. Which leaves a very important question, "When do I leave?" I ask standing from my seat, "In two weeks, you will have enough time to train as well as prepare mentally, Teodora will be here to help. Now another important matter is that Aurora and Noel, you are both requested to stay in the pack house until I'm certain that you aren't a threat to the pack", Dad said looking between the both of them, Aurora and Noel both look at each other and started signing to one another, have a silent discussion in front of all of us. It was amazing actually, for as long as I knew them, they both have proper senses. If she was to be mated to an alpha that skill would come in handy. Just as the thought run through my mind imagines of another man touching her caused a pain deep down in my chest. No, Nope not going to happen, I'm going to stay far the hell away from her. Both Aurora and Noel turned to face us apparently finishing their conversation, "We will stay, but you need to let us continue training and allowing us to leave when we need to", "Done, you both will stay on the same level as my boys, let me know if you need anything and before you can ask, yes you will still be sharing a room, you are all dismissed", So not going did they cause problems with my brothers and I, they are moving in with us, and I have to rejoin the ranks of the council, SERIOUSLY. By the time we reach the second level of the pack house, my rage had taken over causing my body to shake. I need to train to get rid of this pent up feelings and as if the universe answered my prays, standing outside my door is one of the patrol warrior. Pushing pass my brothers and the other two I quickly nod to the man then quickly change to work out clothes. Training normally helps me calm down but after three hours and a lot of beaten warriors my anger hadn't gone down at all, with my back facing the door I looked around for another opponent but the gym was emptying. Everyone was leaving, then that stupid rose scent fill my nostrils. What the f**k is she doing here. Turing, expecting to see her and her guard, I was stunned to see her alone in a full workout outfit. I kept my eyes on her as she moved to drop her water and towel on the bench next to mines, then jumped up and joined me in the boxing ring. She stood on one side while I stood on the other. Both of us not saying a word, just looking at each other. As if she has seen when she was looking for she pulled her T-shirt of and stood in front of me in a sexy as f**k black sports bar and leggings. This should not be so hot, but what the f**k is she trying to do, tilting my head to the side I looked at her as she walked over to the center of the ring. Huh she wants to fight, yea not happening. "I don't know what the hell you think you're doing, but get the hell out of my ring, I don't hit little girls", "For you to hit me means you have to touch me, and from the few times I saw you guys fight I'm pretty sure that wont happen", I couldn't help the scoff that came out of my mouth, she's far to confident for a little thing, maybe someone should drop her of her pedestal and I'm all for it, after all, its her fault I'm this messed up. Keeping my eyes on her, I reached back grab my T-shirt peeling it of me throwing it on the bench outside the ring. Being an alpha meant that we would be training all the time so it wasn't a surprise when I her eyes widen as she took in my body. Her breathing grew heavier and for some reason that made me smile. I liked the effect I had on her, that meant I could use that as a distraction. We both circle each other and just as the doors open again I launch at her, she dodged the attack easily while making sure I don't touch her, as I regain my footing we circle each other again, her eyes was focus on my face studying me, "Why do you hate me Oliver?", her question surprise the s**t out of me causing me to lose focus and allowing her to slide under me, going behind and landing a kick behind my knee. I went down and before I could regroup she had her legs wrap around my stomach and her hands around my neck pulling us to lay flat on the floor my back to her chest. She was indeed strong and from the side lines I could see Noel, Landon and Aaron starting to make there way over but I'm not going to let that happen. Raising my hand to stop them I push all my weight on her kicking of the ground taking her with me. She so small its like having a monkey on my back, her legs tighten around me making her press her p***y to my back, at the same time she tighten her arms around my neck while panting close to my ear. The adrenaline started to fade and a different feeling started to take over, the blood rush to c**k make it hard while I stood there not moving. She wasn't cutting of my air supply just simply hold on to me. My body relax and instantly Lex took over. With his strength he was able to grab the side of her sports bra with one hand and the side on her leggings with the other turning her so now we were face to face. The second her eyes meet Lex's hers change color showing her wolf took over. Lex and Azura stared at each other before her arms got slack and she lowered her legs, being the little thing that she is she had to raise her head to keep her eyes on me, Lex lowered our head bringing our lips close to her ears and in a very unlike Lex voice he answered her question, "We don't hate you, we just don't trust you. In our lives we protect the pack first and that's not going to change", Straighten back Lex gave me back control, as I took a step I turned and left the gym. I don't know what the hell was that but I'm not going to let Aurora get in my head. Clearly my brothers change their minds on her but again one of us must remain level headed, "She's kinda cute, you sure you're not going to change your mind", Lex questioned. "No and stop thinking like that, we don't know if they will be a danger for the pack, I hope you didn't forget what happened to our original pack", "No", He whispered, the sadness evident in his voice. "Good, now lets get to work, the council will be on high alert now, we need to be prepared",

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