Chappa 1

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Chapter 1 Rosalind's Pov "Where would you like me to begin?" I asked as I sat in front of a detective. "From the beginning." He replied with a stern tone as he got he's paper ready, as he wrote down my response. "Very well." I smiled back. "It all started when I was 10." ~A Decade Ago~ "Is your Dad not here yet?" My friend Timothy asked as he played with he's ball, I only nodded as I waited near the car park for my Dad to arrive. "So is my Mom, she's always late." He whined as he started kicking he's ball side to side. I only watched out of boredom. "You don't talk much, ya know that?" Timothy confessed as he got of the bench and started kicking the ball around. "That's because I have nothing to say." I reply with a bored tone. Timothy was in my class, but that doesn't mean we're friends. Boys are boring. "You sound like an adult, gross." He said as he scrunched he's nose in disgust as he kicked he's ball harder this time. The ball landed on the road where the busy cars were coming, but Timothy still went to go retrieve the ball as he ran stupidly in the middle of the road. At that time a truck was coming and the driver wasn't paying attention to the road. I soon felt something light up like a flame inside of me as I ran full speed and pushed Timothy and I out the way. I clenched my eyes closed as I did it, but when I opened them again I wasn't on the road but in a field with tall grass. I looked down and saw my uniform wasn't there bust instead a white dress. I looked around in a daze of where I was. That's when I saw a small white cottage nearby, there was also a young boy that just walk outside. He's gaze went upon me as he started to ran towards me. I clenched the hem of my dress, too scared to move. "What are you doing here?" He seemed worried as he gripped my hand in he's and led me to the cottage. "Wait." I protested as I halted from walking, not trusting this stranger as I didn't know what he was capable of. "You shouldn't be here, not yet." He then held my cheek in he's hand as he rubbed circles with he's thumb. "You have to return, but I promise we'll meet again." He then put he's forehead to mine as I closed my eyes. "Wait for me, Princess Rosa." He whispered. But this time when I opened my eyes I was back in reality. I was on the side of the road with Timothy. He and I was laying on the concrete with scratches over our arm and legs, outcome from the fall. "Rosa!" My Dad yelled in panic as he ran all the way towards me, giving me a bone crushing hug. "I'm fine, Dad." I said as I tried to breath. He then let go and looked over at Timmy. "Are you alright, boy?" He then examined Tim Tim after seeing if I was okay. "Ow." Timmo complained as Dad tried to check he's wounds. It was a scratch that started bleeding. "You're alright now." Dad patted he's back as Timothy's Mom came and put him on her hip. "Don't ever scare me like that again." She cried as she held onto him tightly. "I promise." He responded while he tried to be put down as he's cheeks turned a dark shade of red. That was 10 years ago, 6 years in the future was when it started becoming stronger and more known. I used to wake up in a pool of sweat as I gasped for air, every night in the middle of the night. My father would always come in my room and check on me. "It's okay, kiddo. It was just another nightmare." He explained as he pushed the sweaty hair away from my face and rubbed my back, calming me down. "I know." I said lowly, my tone was shaky as no matter how many times it happens I will never get used to it. The hardest part is that I couldn't vent my problems out to anyone, I had to use the cover up of a nightmare. When really it was reality that scared me more. "It'll get better, I promise." He kissed my forehead as he tucked me into bed and went to go shut my door. I only sighed I stared at the ceiling. These dreams weren't nightmares. My gift was becoming more stronger, it was growing. It started in my dreams. Every time I slept I didn't really dream, but instead time travelled to another town somehow in the previous century. And it scared me. It soon grew from my dreams to hijacking my daily life when I was awake. Which was even more stressful and scarier. I never knew how to control it, not until the day I saw him again. ~Present Time~ "Saw who again?" The detective asked as he stared to scribble down on he's paper. "The man who protected the time beings." I replied as I slumped in my chair eyeing the detective as he wrote down on he's paper. "Mhm, any details about this unknown man?" He asked as he looked up, I only smirked as I replied. "I can't, not because I'm held to secrecy like those nerdy school clubs, but because not even he's own blood can answer. He is simply someone who will only shows himself when needed, and when he feels the job is done he leaves until he chooses to return once again to the light." The detective wrote diligently as he kept he's gaze on he's moving pen. "What is he's name?" He asked, I only smiled. "He does not reveal he's name, for that is detail is it not? But he does go by 'Kage'. Meaning shadow. But that is not he's true name, for the legends say if you find he's birth name you have control over him. And that is not something he can risk." I then leaned back in my chair and folded my arms over my chest. "The name does suit him well though, like a glove that can only be worn by him." "I see." The detective responded as he scribbled more onto he's paper. "Shall we continue?" he asked he looked up at me. "Of course, I have all the time in the world to explain this to you." I replied with a sly smirk as I leaned forward on my elbows that rested on the table. "Of course you do, Miss Rose." He replied as he rolled he's eyes. He then straighten he's posture as he got a new fresh paper out, the looking back at me. "Ready when you are."
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