Chapter Thirty Six

1081 Words
When I told John that Mary had left, he decided to go back to the house in the hopes that she would return. I tried to keep it brief and played dumb. It was the wrong thing to do because I knew it would lead to him blaming Marcus for her leaving, but I needed time. I had made the decision about Marcus at least and had invited him round to the cabin to talk. He wasn't due for a couple of hours and I busied myself tidying up while the babies slept. I probably should have been trying to catch up on some sleep, but I had no chance of being able to shut my brain off long enough for the luxury of sleep. The knock on the door made me pause. It was unusual for anyone to knock. Most people stayed away and those that came didn't bother to knock. When I swung the door open, there were two police officers standing facing me. "Can I help you?" "Yes. We are looking into the disappearance of a young woman and were given your name in connection with the case. Is your husband in?" "He's not my husband and he's not here. I believe he has gone out hunting with his brother." Fear was gripping me. The guards at the gate would have had no choice but to let them into the camp. It wasn't even something they were used to dealing with, because Turner used to keep the camp off limits to the police for obvious reasons. I could see Gerald charging over towards the cabin from across the camp. Assuming the guards must have tipped him off to the situation. I moved to one side and indicated for them to come in. Praying that the triplets did nothing supernatural in their presence. The only one I really had to worry about was Theo. At least Penny's powers were more subtle. The woman officer peered down at Penny and Aiden. "Twins?" I tried to think it through quickly. "Triplets, but their brother is at the nursery. They should have all been there but these little monsters have been a bit under the weather." I looked at Theo and felt awful like I was pretending he didn't exist. I had no idea if I had said the right thing or not, but I could hardly say they were twins. If they ever came back and Theo was in human form, I couldn't really amend my answer. I had left the door open for Gerald and spoke as soon as he came through the door. "Can you nip the pup out for his walk? He is due and I'm a little busy." I wanted to get in first before he could contradict anything I had said. I was also looking for some confirmation that my assumptions were correct. "Yes, of course. I'm heading over to see the Mrs anyway. The bairns will love to pet him, I'm sure." He scooped Theo up, looking slightly more relaxed about the situation than before. He also confirmed everything I needed to know. Both the officers were human for a start and they were there because Turner was trying to cause problems for the camp. Doubtlessly because Bodie had exiled him and his family. Despite everything that had happened, it seemed particularly stupid for him to be risking outing us all. The one thing I couldn't decide was if he was trying to get Brodie locked up so he was out of power or if he was just trying to expose us all. Neither was good. I seated myself opposite the officers and tried to concentrate on the task at hand. "You said you had come about a missing person?" "Yes. We believe you know Rachelle Evans?" "I do. Not very well though. She left the camp before I came to live here, but I briefly met her at university for maybe two weeks at most." I relaxed a little, at least I didn't have to lie. "You say she left?" "Well, strictly speaking, I have no idea where she went or why. I didn't know her well enough to be privy to that sort of information. She was in class one day and not the next. I think I only spoke to her once or twice in passing." "Your er hus.. boyfriend has never mentioned her?" "I can't say he has, no." "Despite them being in a relationship prior to her disappearance?" "It has never come up. I was aware they were in a relationship, but only because I saw them together at university." The female police officer looked down at the babies again. I knew she was trying to work things out in her mind and it made me nervous. "How old are they?" I had no choice but to lie. "Three months. Is there anything else? I really need to get them changed and fed." Hoping it would be enough of an excuse for them to leave it alone. "Just a couple more questions if you don't mind." She said it like I had an actual choice in the matter. "Is Brodie Myers the father?" "Yes." As soon as it was out of my mouth I realised I should have thought it through more. It wasn't like I could have brought myself to lie about their parentage. "So, you and Mr Myers have been involved for over a year?" "Brodie and I have had a complicated relationship, but I wouldn't characterise it like that, no." "How would you characterise it?" "As I said, complicated. Not to mention personal. Now, if you will excuse me, I really must get on." I stood, trying to make it clear that I wasn't happy with them continuing to probe at me. "We will be back tomorrow to talk to Mr Myers." I rolled my eyes slightly, but they had already turned away from me. "That is between you and him. I will let him know to expect you." "You do that." I didn't wait for them to turn away from the door before shutting it. Turner had a real nerve. He knew full well that Rochelle's disappearance had nothing to do with me. He also knew that I wasn't with Brodie back then. It was clear he was using everything he did know to try and make either Brodie or me look more guilty than we were. Although, as far as I knew, Brodie was guilty.
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