Chapter 3

1322 Words
I pace back and forth. Where is he? I have been waiting for what seems like an eternity for him to barge through the door. I haven’t even heard the traps go off. Maybe, just maybe he changed his mind and no longer wants to come up here? What will he do once he gets up here? I walk to the mirror and look at myself, my hair is a mess. I look like I just laze around all day in here, well I mean, I do, ugh. I try to smooth out my hair and fluff it where I need the volume. When I’m finished I pinch my cheeks to add a little color and plump my lips, there that should do. Then I’m struck with the realization that I just did that so he would find me attractive. I do not care what he thinks of me. Disgusted with myself I snarl in the mirror, huff then turn back around to continue my pacing and waiting. Just then the door opens, slowly. In walks in the most gorgeous man I have ever seen, he is tall, I mean really tall. He has to duck his head to come into the room. I knew he had black hair but looking at him closer I can see that its curly and pulled back and tied at the back of his head. His jaw is sharp and distinguished. His chest is broad, and his arms are delicious. No, stop that! I’m acting like I’ve never seen a man before. I instantly look to his face, but he saw me looking at him already and there is that smirk. Oh, it looks so different close up. He has a dimple, and his canines are sharp! “So, you finally made it up here, took long enough.” I say crossing my arms. He doesn’t answer me. He walks toward me slowly. His heavy books pounding against the stone floor. I stumbled backwards, slipping on my dress. His arms shoot out to catch me, wrapping around the small of my back. The warmth of his hand on me seeps through my dress and into my skin. It is like a bolt of electricity between my legs. I look up at him and meet his gaze. His eyes are the most gorgeous shade of green, like the rich moss that grows on the forest floors. I can smell him, and I have to close my eyes so he doesn’t see them rolling into the back of my head. It is rich and manly; I feel as if I were to get a smell of any other man the smell wouldn’t be the same. This smell is him and I feel it intertwining into me. I can feel it becoming part of me, and I can’t explain it. This has never happened. “I can smell your arousal princess,” he leans down his nose brushing the shell of my ear. He takes a deep breath, smelling me. A deep growl vibrates through his chest, the chest that I am pulled tight against, making my body buzz in need and want. “Mm mm..” he growls into my ear, “it smells delicious”. He lifts his face from my neck. My chest is heaving trying to catch a single full breath as I look at him, but his eyes have changed. The green is almost gone and instead is black, like a reptile. I scream and push at his chest to let me go. He releases me and I stumble backwards but he doesn’t follow me. He just stands there with his hands fisted at his side, eyes closed, and nostrils flared. He turns and walks back to the door and closes it, flicking the lock closed. He places his hands on the wall above his head and I can see his back moving with the large inhales of breath he is taking. I hear him mumble to himself “f**k, that ruins the plans now,” but is he talking about? He turns back to me and then opens his eyes watching me slowly taking steps to hide myself behind the chair that is placed in the middle of the floor of my room. he c***s his head and lifts one of is brows watching me. Slowly a smirk crosses his lips. “Do you think that chair would stop me if I really wanted you princess?” He throws his head back and laughs. “That is adorable. I wouldn’t want a spoiled, entitled princess like you even if she was offered on a silver platter and draped in gold.” He finished in a snarl. “What do you want then? Why come here and why me?” I asked. “Nothing particular about you other than your status as a princess and the gold that Is attached to that title. I bet dear old king dad would pay a handsome ransom for his shiny little princess back safe.” He said so casually, like I was lost and found. Like I was a pet that wandered away from home and he was answering the call to return the pet for a reward, like he was the hero here. Then he walked to my table and started sticking his nasty giant fingers in all my treats and my cake! I hate him, it is official. “You need to leave before he finds out and send the guards to kill you. There is a daily gate check and if I do not give my signal that I am fine then he will send swarms of troops in here to commandeer this tower and his daughter back from the clutches if your filthy hands!” I told him. I’ve concluded that he is just ignorant, outright illiterate. He shrugs his shoulders and sits down to help himself to my wine, that I so do enjoy. “I supposed you better play nice then when they come around here soon then. I would hate to have to shift, kill your dragon and fly off into the sunset with you to never return.” He said and his eyes started to change again. “You leave Richard alone!” I yelled at him and threw the closest thing I could get my hands on at him. It happened to be a puff pastry but damn it I was serious! It hit him on the side of the head, and he laughed. “Who the hell is Richard?” he asked me but there was some bite in his tone, a small growl. “My Dragon, you scoundrel!” I tell him. “You told me he didn’t have a name.” “Well...I… I’m working through the names I like to see if one fits, Richard is not it, but it could have been.” I say standing up straight so he takes me more seriously. “no, it couldn’t have been for two reason. One, he is a she, your dragon is a female. Two, you aren’t allowed to speak another mans name again. If another mans name crosses those lips, other than mine, I will kill everyone in the human race with that name. understood?” This man..he…ugh.. I can’t even from proper sentences he has me so mad. If I am mad though, why do I feel a drop of myself dripping down my leg from the gravel in his tone? “You can not be serious! You just wait till my father hears of this!” I scream at him. He smirks and continues to eat my delicacies like they belong to him. “You might as well have a seat love, we have a few hours to kill before check in time.” I huff and throw myself down into the chair and stare holes into his head!

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