Chapter 6

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Cassandra had finally told that she needed to get away to her office once. She had two patients for today and she was going to be back by afternoon. Sergio said that he had more than enough things to do for a couple of hours and he was a grown man and could entertain himself. She went to the office which was a close distance from her house and felt good in so many weeks for the first time after letting everything of her chest. They had studied that catharsis was the best way to start the form of holistic healing but then again she could have never opened up to anyone else except Sergio. Elle was looking at her appointment schedule when she went in. “Hello Elle. Are the patients in today for their session?” she asked as Elle nodded at her. “You have a couple’s therapy today for Mr. and Mrs. Rosario and also you have one another man, with a weird name and I am not going to be able to pronounce it. So I shall write you a slip,” said Elle as she smiled apologetically at her boss. “Oh that is fine Elle. I know who you are talking about. I am going to take Mr. and Mrs. Rosario first. So send them inside please,” said Cassandra as she went in her room and opened her jacket and then opened her diary for taking notes. All her colleagues or the professional psychotherapists who did this practice always thought that recording always made for a better way to take care of the patients but Cassandra had always felt uncomfortable violating the privacy of the patients as for recording their most private and vulnerable moments without even telling them. So pen and paper always made her feel comfortable and the best while treating patients. Even though couples were a common category of patients, it was not very interesting to treat at all. Cassandra was sitting when a couple came inside one after another. The man was a thick-set one in his middle thirties while his wife was stunning. She had this perfectly coiffed up blonde hair and she was used to people looking at her while she entered the room. Cassandra wanted to roll her eyes but she could not. That was not a professional thing to do. “Please take seat, Mr. and Mrs. Rosario,” she said in a soft detached cool voice. The haughty expression of the woman and the disbelief etched on the husband’s face made Cassandra feel like bile was rising up her throat. Why on earth did she agree to do this when she had the chance for doing research which was going to take psychotherapy to the next level!!!! “I am going to introduce myself. My name is Dr. Cassandra Night and I am going to be taking your case today. And before we start talking in anyway, I shall have to tell you a few things. The first and foremost being amongst them is if you both are not ready to be counselled then I am going to be of no help at the end of the day. So if you are not interested in the entire process of therapy, then you may leave now. And the other thing is this place and this room is safe, and a secure zone where all your secrets are going to be safe with me so you both have nothing to fear. As I might understand that this is perhaps the first and foremost time that you are entertaining something like this?” asked Cassandra and the woman looked at her with a vile expression. “We are here because I want a divorce but even if I divorce this piece of scum, I am going to get nothing in my alimony. It was written in the pre-nup,” said the woman and the husband looked at her with such shock which only he could have imagined. “Are you sure that you have come in the right place? I mean, after all you are talking about terms which are basically never going to help any of you if you do not want to get back together,” said Cassandra as she looked at the husband with a sad smile on her face. “I don’t want to get a divorce. Neither do I want separation. But she is not even telling me the reason why she wants to be separated in the first place,” said the man and Cassandra nodded. There was panic and hurt in his voice and his wife scoffed at him. “Why would I want to stay with you in the first place? Why on earth? There is nothing for me in this marriage!!! The finances are controlled by you, and since I told that I am not ready to bear a child you have cut me off from everything!!” said the wife as the husband winced once but then he glared at her. “I want a child and we both promised to each other that we would have a family no matter what. The people and those obnoxious rich bitches at your poodle party told you that being a mother means it is the end of life and since then you have been doing like this. Why do you think I don’t want you near them at all?” asked the man as he scoffed this time. “Of course. Because before meeting them I was nothing else but a cute little wife who waited for you at home the entire day with nothing to do and then warmed your bed. Have you seen me now? Do you even know how much effort I put into creating and image and figure like this? Do you have any idea how much work I had to do to be like them?” asked the woman and Cassandra knew what was the problem. But she let them bawl at each other for the next forty-five minutes waiting and pausing each and every second to take notes. Nothing very interesting at all but then again monotony never was.    
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