Chapter 4

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“Why did you not tell me Cass?” asked Sergio as he looked at her straight in the eye. Cassandra nodded her head slightly and said,” What is there to tell? There is actually nothing to reveal except the fact that I broke up with him and gave him back that engagement ring that he had placed on my finger.” “Are you f*****g kidding me Cass?” asked Sergio and this time she knew from the timbre of his voice that he was definitely not joking about this at all. “Alright,” said Cassandra as she whirled around and looked at him straight in the eye.” What do you want me to tell? What do you want me to do? Go around crying like a banshee that I am not engaged to that man anymore whom I thought I loved? What do you think I should? Shout from rooftops and proclaim that I was wrong and my father, which I hate to say was right in his opinion about the man whom I considered the love of my life?” “Ahhh! There it is…see, I knew that was it,” said Sergio as he went ahead and flopped down on the couch. “I am warning you Serge, if you want cake then you are not going to go down that road,” said Cassandra in a tight voice before she went back into kitchen. It was strange how her brother could pull down her defenses in a few minutes but she really wanted to talk but not in this way. “Whatever you want it Cass. I know that when you are ready you are going to talk to me, I mean I am never going to be like that with you how Dad always does. So you are safe on that count,” said Sergio as he opened his boots which thudded on her black tiled floor. “And that is why you are my favourite brother,” said Cassandra from the kitchen while Sergio laughed at that. “Cass you know that you don’t really have any brother except me,” said Sergio as Cassandra rolled her eyes. Finally she poured the batter in the baking tin and then placed it inside the oven and put the timer on. And went to sit down with her brother who smelled amazing like always. “So the dessert is going to be ready once I am done with it. But in the meanwhile would you like something?” asked Cassandra as she put her legs up on his lap and out of habit Sergio started rubbing her ankles and massaging the pads of her feet. “If it is for me then I would love strawberry milkshake and I know that you have made a jar of that and kept inside the refrigerator for chilling and I also know that you have a few jars of the Belgian Dark chocolate ice-cream in the chiller. But do you have what you like babe?” asked Sergio as he grinned at her and she smiled at him. He knows me so well that I cannot even think, thought Cassandra as she could not hold back the tears which threatened to cloud her vision. Sergio caught hold of her and then pulled her close to his lap. “Cass…I am your older brother. You don’t need to show that you are strong just for my sake. I mean, if you want to bawl your hearts out and scream and rant then I am going to be here for you. Just let me get the tubs of ice-cream and two spoons. I am sure you will have a tub of caramel butter-scotch. And it is the time for the big guns,” said Sergio as he rose up and a few minutes later he was back with the tub and two spoons and handed her the tub while Cassandra was sniffling as soon as Sergio put a reassuring arm on her back she could not stop the flood gates from bursting open. “You should start with the last straw,” said Sergio as Cassandra thought of Doris sitting in her apartment on their bed with a woman on his lap kissing her with such passion that she had never even seen in the last two years of her engaged life. And that too when in the morning he had told her that she should get a second-hand wedding dress because it was really going to be improper to have that much spent on just for the sake of her dress. “He said that?” asked Sergio with a loud gasp and he sucked in his breath and continued,” That freaking guts of a bastard to cheat on my beautiful gorgeous and intelligent sister which he was getting the prize of his life. But tell me Cass, why did you let him go? I mean, was it really necessary? I would have felt much more comfortable if you had gotten him strapped to the chair and then connected him to the wires and poked and prodded inside his head making him believe that he was this or that and then let him roam the streets naked. Although I doubt that it would be much of a pleasant sight. So what happened after that?” Cassandra could not understand what she was supposed to do at her brother’s reaction, either she was going to laugh or she was going to cry. Finally she decided on opening the tub of ice-cream and started her story. From the beginning. All the small things that she had kept noticing and still she had considered that maybe she was overthinking it. The way that he had been shocked when he had not allowed her to keep the pup that she had been able to rescue from underneath her car one night and then she came to know that his actual girlfriend was phobic to dogs. The life that she had been leading for the past three years had been nothing but a lie and that was the thing which shocked her to the core most. That even after knowing everything about a person’s mind, that is possible to know she was still duped into believing she was in love with that cad.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
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