Chapter 9

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Cades POV “I- am okay.” she's hiding something. “You know I wouldn't ever hurt you, right? I have never hit a woman, and I don't plan on ever doing so.” her eyes softened. “I know. You're a good guy Cade.” I just shook my head. “There's a lot you don't know about me, Shaw. While I would never hurt you, I'm not a good guy. Not by a long shot.” She grabbed my hand. “I know enough about you. Friends?” she asked and I smiled and nodded. I heard a door slam and Taylor jumped. She looked at the house and there was a man standing on the porch. His face looked tired but angry. He was roughly 6’3 and built. He had jet black hair like Taylor. Her breathing quickened and her hands started trembling. “I... I-I have to go. I'll see you at school on Monday. Tell Trinity I will wash her dress and bring it back to her.” she grabbed her bag and rushed out before I could even respond. She stopped by the guy on the porch and he leaned down and whispered something into her ear. Her spine straightened and she nodded at the man and ran inside. He turned and glared at me. I didn't move. Something didn't seem right. Something was off. The man went back into the house and I finally backed out of his driveway. The ride home, my mind was plagued with thoughts. Thoughts of mine and Taylor's conversations. How she was funny, sweet, smart, kind, and observant. How she seemed to open up and relax around me and me with her. I felt like I could be myself with her. I didn't have to strive to be something I'm not. I was thinking about how f*****g beautiful she was and smacking myself for not noticing it before. How could I have missed it? All of those years of having her in my classes and I never once paid her any attention. Granted she probably made it that way. She seemed to want to be invisible. But now that I know her, I can't let her be hidden. And yes I got her all figured out after today and the day in the library. She's actually quite readable. It's during this drive though that I realized she is hurting, she is hiding something, she is amazing, she is beautiful and I can't go through with this bet. I can't. I can't hurt her even more. Trinity was right. I can't do that to Taylor. She's been through enough. I can't add to it. I am going to call off the bet. But I won't call off getting to know her more. For some reason, I feel drawn to her. Like a damn moth to a flame. I feel a pull towards her. One that's begging me to pursue her, one that's begging me to get under her skin, one that's begging me to find out everything about her. What makes her laugh, what makes her smile, what makes her mad, what makes her tick, literally everything. I want to know it. But then I thought about that man. How fearful she was when she spotted him. Then it doesn't shock me. The way she acted, those texts I read over her shoulder, that mark on her face, her fear, and oh my god. I think I know what's going on. I pull into the garage and burst through the door. Mom and dad are sitting at the table. “Mom I think I know what's going on with her.” I say urgently. She sits straighter but doesn't move. “She didn't say it, but I think I put it all together. But I want your opinion.” she nodded for me to go on. “I think she's being abused.” she motions for me to sit with them. “What makes you say that, son?” dad asked. “Well, it's a combination of things. I got mad at her earlier, and she acted as if I was going to hit her. She recoiled, shook, whimpered, if she had a tail it would have been tucked between her legs. She has alienated herself from everyone. She only has one friend at school that she truly talks to. Not to mention she has a burn on her cheek and despite her trying to cover it up I saw it. I could have sworn I saw bruises on her neck, but I can't be too sure. She was afraid of you when she first saw you. Until she realized that you're no threat. She's always wearing long pants and long sleeves. Today is the first time I've ever seen her in a dress and she's been in our classes for years. She tries to be invisible. She told me in the car that she doesn't think she's worthy of having people there for her. She talked so lowly of herself. She even said she doesn't care what she does she just wants to get away from this town. And that's not all.” I look at both of them to make sure they're still listening. “When we got to her house I asked her if she was okay. If she was safe. She avoided my question by answering in a roundabout way. Their house wasn't being taken care of. There were beer bottles everywhere and cigarettes covered the yard. And then I think it was her dad who came outside after I parked in the driveway. As soon as she saw him, she started shaking. She was practically vibrating with fear. She stopped talking and rushed out of the car mom. The guy, I don't know what he said, but whatever it was she turned as stiff as a board and ran into the house. And he looked at me like he hated me. Tell me I'm imagining this? Tell me that I'm wrong?” my parents looked at each other. Finally, mom spoke. “As much as I don't want to say this. I agree with you, Cade. Clearly, something is going on. Please keep an eye on her. I will see what I can find out at work. If she has a medical record there, I'll be able to see it. However it's illegal for me to look at her chart without her permission, so this stays between us.” me and dad nodded. “Stay close to her, Cade. watch out for her. She seems like a sweet girl, and from what she told us today she's hurting. She's been left alone. She's been abandoned. And she only has her dad. And if her dad, the one person left that is meant to take care of her is hurting her then she's not... just watch out for her son.” my dad said. I nodded. I would. After tonight I can't leave her alone. I don't want to leave her alone. “Get some sleep love.” mom said and I left the room. I decided to text Taylor. Me: Thanks for coming over today and thanks for coming to dinner. I actually had a lot of fun. There wasn't a reply at least not for about 20 minutes. I was lying in bed staring at the ceiling when my phone went off again. It was her. Taylor: you're welcome. Thx for having me. I had fun too. Her text was short and to the point. Me: are you sure you're okay? I meant what I said, Taylor. I would never hurt you. But I know we haven't really known each other for long, but I'm here if you want to talk about anything. Taylor: I know. I'm fine though. Thanks, Cade. you're alright, I guess(: I wanted to hear her say my name. But I guess a text would have to suffice. Me: You're pretty cool too, Shaw. But in case you didn't know. You looked amazing tonight. Blue looks good on you. Taylor: Thank you... I actually felt pretty. Well, I am going to go to sleep. Talk to you later. Me: oh you bet. You're gonna have to do better than that to get rid of me. I am Cade Thomas after all. Taylors POV I knew I was going to be in for it as soon as I saw my dad's face. He was not happy. Even though I was home before he told me to be. I didn't want to leave the car. I couldn't explain it, but I felt safe with Cade. “So this is what they call working on a project, huh? Why am I not surprised to find you out whoring around?” I flinched at his tone. I have never even so much as kissed a guy. “I was working on a project.” He laughed. “What do you take me for? Stupid?” I shook my head. “No, sir. But we were working on a project and then they invited me to dinner. I tried telling them no. But they insisted. I'm sorry. I'll do better.” I had my back to him. I figured to apologize and move on. Try to get back in his good graces. I knew the look on his face. I knew the anger it would hold. The next thing I knew a vase was slamming against the wall beside me. “You will look at me while I'm talking to you!” he shouted. I turned slowly. My eyes meeting his cold grey ones. They lack so much emotion. How can someone be so heartless? “What the f**k did you tell him huh? You know you're not allowed to have people here! What did I tell you would happen if you told anyone what goes on here? You have it good. You have a roof over your head and food in your stomach.” I scoffed internally, but due to his face turning red, I think I may have actually done it out loud. “I didn't tell them anything. And yes I may have a place to live but this isn't life! You know damn good and well that if anyone knew about the monster you are I would get removed from this home and you would be a disgrace!” I covered my hands over my mouth as soon as the words left my mouth. I knew at that moment I f****d up. I just called him out on his bullshit. I had never done that before. He stalked towards me like a lion hunting his prey. His face was malicious, and his body tense. Every step he took forward, I matched with one backward. “You won't say anything. I'll make sure of it. You are so ungrateful for all I've done for you. I've provided it for you. I didn't even want you, but I took care of you.” I'm already in enough s**t, I think to myself. Why not keep it up? “You didn't take care of me. You beat me. You hurt me. You treat me like I'm your slave. That's not a life. That's not a life worth living!” I say with tears building in my eyes. “Then don't live it! No one will miss you when you're gone! It will be one less burden on my f*****g plate!” I felt like I was punched in the gut. Yes, I know he's hated me. Yes, I know that he blames me for his problems, but never once did I think he would tell me to die. To give up. “But that would cause too many questions. So no, it won't be best. But you will be punished for your attitude and your slip of the tongue. Don't forget about you acting like a little slut parading around. Just like your no good mother.” he said as he slapped me. It hurt, but it wasn't too bad. I stood back up and raised my head. I will not be weak. I bit my lip to keep my sobs of pain in. But he didn't like not hearing his victory. He didn't like my show of strength. I don't know where this Taylor is coming from. Spending the day with Cade and all of a sudden I can stand up to him? Another slap, but this one was enough to send me reeling back sending my head into the wall causing my ears to ring. I slid down the wall cupping my head which was apparently a mistake because that left my ribs open for a perfectly placed kick. He had apparently gotten the satisfaction he wanted because he walked away grabbed a beer from the fridge and continued to sit on his recliner in the living room. It had taken some work and I'm pretty sure I bit my lip until it bled, but I finally got to my feet and climbed the stairs to my room. Everything hurt. My head, my face, my ribs. It was hard to breathe, but I knew going to the ER was out of the question. They would do X Rays and then they would know. I could tell someone, but what's the chance of anyone believing me? What's the chance of me winning any case that goes to trial? I took some ibuprofen to help with the pain and laid in my bed. My mind immediately went to Cade. Why do I think about him? Why do I care? I've only been working with him on this project for a week. That's not nearly enough time to develop any kind of feelings or crush on someone is it? When my phone lit up with a text, I was pleasantly surprised that it was him. I felt all giddy and happy. Literally, Taylor just stopped. I can't afford a silly high school crush. But I couldn't help but smile at every text he sent. I wonder if I could ever learn to open up to him? Could I learn to let him in? Could he be a friend? With those thoughts, I finally passed out. The next morning I woke up and could hardly move. Every breath I took in felt like fire in my lungs. Finally gathering the strength to sit up and get out of bed and look in the mirror. The whole right side of my face is swollen. There's no amount of makeup that will cover this up. Great.
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