Chapter Three-1

2015 Words

Chapter Three “So, now what?” Ron asked. “What’s next on the tour?” “Well,” Carla said, “All we have on the ground floor is the initial processing. Most of the…real action takes place on the second and third floors.” “The fourth floor is empty, then?” “No. We use the fourth floor. Part of it has been turned into small apartments. The staff uses them at times. The rest has a few specialty rooms taking up most of the space, along with a number of small suites, much like an inexpensive hotel.” “Specialty rooms?” “Yes,” Carla’s smile was a little crooked. “I’ll show you those too. “But first, let’s have a look at the second floor, shall we?” “All right. How do we get there?” “We have stairs, but I prefer to use the elevator. It’s this way.” The elevator wasn’t cramped, but it was cert

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