Chapter 31

2043 Words

Carly As we tread the path to the witch’s house through her thick garden of greenery, Caden walks ahead of me. His broad shoulders are straight, and his posture is determined when he knocks on her door. Answering our summons is an old lady with a kind but suspicious face. Her eyes have that giveaway gleam in them which tells me she isn’t afraid to speak her mind. She might also be slightly crazy since a raven’s skull rests atop a magical cane she holds in her gnarled fingers. “Hello there,” she says, her gaze narrowing. “What brings you here today?” Caden explains our purpose for visiting, and she nods thoughtfully at the conclusion of his story. “I see,” she says. “Well, I can certainly try a location spell to see if I can find your family. Let’s go to my back room, and I will take a

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