Chapter 9

2307 Words
Carly After my weird dream, I went back to sleep, but now, it’s too bright to stay asleep. With a yawn, I wake up to the sound of birdsong and Caden rustling around in the bedsheets. My eyes are so puffy I can barely open them. I spent the entire night crying, but I did it quietly so that Caden wouldn’t hear. He is also a deep sleeper, and I like that because I rather suffer alone than let him into my heart. I’m vulnerable right now, and I couldn’t handle him being nice, only to break my heart when he grows bored of me. “Morning, sleepyhead.” I snort. “I’m the sleepyhead?” “Oh yes, you are! I’ve been awake for quite some time, but you’ve been dead to the world, “he chuckles and gives me a downright wicked look. “Did you know that you snore?” “I do?” I awkwardly laugh, embarrassed. “s**t, I’m so sorry.” “Don’t be. God, it’s bright outside,” Caden growls and lets out a deep sigh. “Do you want another one of my shirts to wear? I can go to your place and pick up some new clothes for you later today, but for now, you might have to wear my stuff.” “No, I don’t want my stuff...” I shake my head and lift my teary eyes to his comforting green. “Please, I want nothing from that house. I keep thinking that the murderer might have touched everything, put their scent everywhere.” “Oh,” his face falls, and he runs a hand through his wild and unbrushed blonde hair. “That’s true. We have found their scent in your old house, actually. And they sort of...peed everywhere. It was a bunch of rogues who…did it. We don’t know who they are, but they definitely smell like werewolves.” I swallow thickly. “So that was what the phone call was about yesterday.” “Yes,” Caden looks ashamed. We are both sitting on his bed and staring at his feet that are poking out from the covers. “I’m not really sure if I should keep things away from you or not. Like, I want to protect you from getting hurt, but at the same time, I want you to know the truth. So should I be blunt?” “Be blunt,” I demand. “I couldn’t stand you sugarcoating the truth for me.” His eyes meet mine. “Are you sure?” “Yes.” He nods and looks at his feet again. “Do you want me to prepare a bath for you? I’m taking the day off today. I will be back tomorrow, but today I’m just going to focus on taking care of you.” “You don’t have to do that.” He shrugs as if it’s no big deal. “But I want to. You’ve lost the people dearest to you, and you’re my friend. I should be with you today.” A weak laugh leaves my lips. “You don’t even know me well enough to call me your friend. I bet if you stuck around, you would eventually grow to hate me.” That piques his curiosity. Though, rather than interested, he looks almost insulted that I would say such a thing. “Why?” “Why?” I almost laugh. “Because I’m nothing like you. I’m not loud and popular and the center of attention. You’re the Alpha of the pack and also a football legend waiting to happen.” “And?” “And you should be dating some super pretty girl who is less of a problem than me. Someone more put together.” Those beautiful eyes stay locked with mine until a faint smile curls his lips. “I never said anything about dating. I thought we were discussing our friendship.” My face burns. Gosh, I’m so humiliated. “Right... erm...sorry...” “It’s alright,” he chuckles and gets up from the bed. My eyes stay glued to his bubble butt that is covered in the fabric of his boxer briefs. It’s seriously a full apple. Is it as soft as it looks? “Do you want me to prepare a bath for you? I know nothing will bring your parents back, but it might be relaxing.” I lift my gaze to Caden’s eyes, and there is a knowing look on his face. I was caught checking him out, but he doesn’t point that out. His smirk, however, says more than a thousand words, and I blush deeper. “T-that would be nice. Thank you.” An hour later, I’m bathing with rose petals floating all around me while the air smells wonderful. This bubble bath is amazing and perfectly warm. Caden is still standing in the room and gazes down at me from the other end of the bathtub. I’m covered in bubbles, so he can’t see me naked. Yet, I’m still a bit unnerved by his presence. “You know that you can leave me, right?” I tell him in a humorous tone. “I won’t drown in the bathtub.” “Right… I’m just… will you be fine being left by yourself?” His voice is so sweet and tender it feels like I might break, so I avert my eyes. If I start crying again, I know that the tears won’t stop for hours. “I will be fine. Thank you for setting up the bathtub for me. It was really sweet of you.” His tense shoulders ease, and he walks around the bathtub, placing a large hand on my shoulder. “Carly, darling. You’re in pain, so I will get you anything you need.” My vision becomes blurry as tears crawl out from the corner of my eyes. Tears that I want to hold back. But my defenses are crumbling, and it’s all Caden’s fault. With a shuddering breath, I lift myself a bit from the bathtub and wrap an arm around his waist. “Caden,” I choke on a sob, unable to say anything else. No more words are needed. He leans down and gently hugs me from behind, his pectoral muscles turning into pillows behind my head. I lean into him and revel in the feel of his strong body holding me. I feel so safe and protected that I consider pulling away, terrified I will come to need this too much. Afraid that my trauma will make me turn him into my crutch. But I can’t move away and find myself frozen in place. A single, heartbreaking sob leaves my lips. “You’re being awfully sweet right now.” His huge arms tighten around my neck, just a tiny fraction, but enough to make my heart pound. “I am a rather sweet guy if you haven’t noticed.” “That’s actually news to me. You’re usually loud and barking orders to everyone, so my former opinion of you was that you’re incredibly scary.” His chest vibrates when he laughs. “I’m not scary.” “A little bit.” His chuckle is amused. “Maybe a little bit.” “Most Alphas are.” He snorts. “Is that the idea you have of Alphas?” “Yes, they are all toxic assholes.” “Wow, is that what you think of me, huh?” “Before I spent time alone with you? Yes. That’s exactly what I thought of you.” Caden sighs. “Geez… I hope you’ve changed your mind now.” My heart flutters. “I have.” “Good.” I say nothing, and Caden stays behind me. He sits down on the tiles, and I don’t bother to tell him to leave. It’s too comforting having him hug me, and his scent of fine wool and clean man makes me smile despite the situation. This man is devastatingly sweet. My eyes close on their own, and Caden holds me for a while longer before he sighs. “Okay, this is getting uncomfortable,” he chuckles lightly. “I’m going to go and make some coffee. You want some?” A bubble of joy lifts from my chest at the mention of him bringing me coffee, and I smile. “That would be nice. Thank you, Caden. And I’m sorry for being so useless right now.” “You just lost your parents, and you’re still talking and functioning. I wouldn’t call that useless, I would call that being strong. You’re actually letting me in.” My lips twitch while my chest fills with the need to hold him tighter, which is why I have to tell him to let go. If I don’t, I’m going to end up falling for him. And I can’t have that. Now isn’t the time. My judgment is poor because I’m heartbroken, and I bet any man could make me swoon right now. I’m vulnerable and can’t ruin things between Caden and me by mistaking my need for solace for love. Caden is the only person I have, and if I kiss him or hug him and it doesn’t work out, then I would be all alone. I force myself to pull away from him, and Caden gets the hint. He straightens to his full height behind me. Oddly enough, I feel empty and off balance the second his thick arms are no longer around me. I take a deep, staggering breath. “I should wash my hair.” “I will leave you to it.” Caden walks out of the bathroom, closing the door and bringing all the light with him. The only thing left is the darkness and the pain in my heart. I’m shaking as I get up from the bathtub. My legs can barely hold me up as I make it to the shower, and when the water hits my skin, I cry to my heart’s content because no one can hear me. After I finish washing my hair, I find a bathrobe hanging on the wall. It’s many sizes too big and probably belongs to Caden, but I don’t care. I put it on and waltz into the kitchen. Caden is standing by the stove with his back to me, wearing nothing but a pair of briefs. The sight is almost too much to handle, and I feel my cheeks flush with heat. I can’t help but stare at his broad shoulders and the contours of his back muscles as he flips a pancake. He turns around and catches me staring, a playful smile on his lips. “Ah, the little wolf finally found her way out of the bathroom. For a moment there, I was worried you had gotten lost.” Even though I’m hurting and my eyes are puffy and red, I can’t help but smile back. “I followed the scent of pancakes and bacon. You’re going all out, huh?” He nods. “I am. I thought a hotel breakfast would be rather tasty. I hope you approve.” I can’t believe how thoughtful he is. “Thank you, Caden. You really didn’t have to do this for me.” “I want to,” he says, handing me a plate with a stack of mixed breakfast food. “Wow, it looks delicious.” “I’m glad.” We sit down at the kitchen table and eat in silence for a while. The pancakes are delightful, and I can’t help but feel grateful for Caden’s presence. As we finish eating, Caden stands up and starts cleaning the kitchen. I offer to help, but he declines, saying that he wants me to rest. I nod and go back to the bedroom. Once I’m alone, I lay down on Caden’s bed and stare up at the ceiling. My mind wanders to Caden and the way he has been taking care of me since my parents’ murder. He has been nothing but kind and understanding, and I can’t help but feel drawn to him. But I know I shouldn’t. I just lost my parents, and I’m in no place to start a relationship. Besides, Caden is my friend, and I don’t want to ruin that. I close my eyes and try to clear my mind, but all I can see is Caden’s face. His bright green eyes and his warm smile always grow when he looks at me, and I can feel myself getting lost in thoughts of him. Suddenly, the door opens, and Caden walks in. He is holding a cup of coffee in his hands. “I thought I should give you this. I’m heading out for a hunt with the pack, but there are guards outside. Nothing bad will happen to you while I’m gone.” I take the coffee and give him a grateful smile. “Thanks, Caden. Be careful out there.” He nods and reaches for the door handle before pausing again. “You gonna be alright on your own?” I force a smirk. “Yeah, I’m good. No need to worry about me.” Caden stares at me for a moment before giving a nod. “Okay then. I will get pizza or something when I get back.” “Sounds great,” I reply with a wave as he leaves, and the door clicks shut. After he is gone, I can’t help but feel a pang of loneliness. But I push it away and force myself to focus on the present. I have to be strong for myself and for my parents. ...I just wish I was a bigger part of the pack because I really don’t think being alone is healthy right now.
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