Chapter 5-2

1104 Words

Macy had to admit that she was enjoying screwing with Tim’s head. He’d never had a single bone of sneaky in his body. Maybe that’s how he swept up the bar babes so easily, by being so forthright about wanting them. He wrapped those big hands of his around her helicopter’s controls and she did her best to repress the warm shiver that slid up from where her hands rested on the matching set in front of her. Oddly, it was his hands that had been the biggest change about him. That and the sadness. Both of those were new. He’d always been lean and athletic. Even now, bulked up with the work of smokejumping he was still lean, just powerful. But his hands, which had always been his most delicate feature, were now well callused and solid with muscle. As solid as his gut. He tentatively moved the

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