Chapter 2

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In a climate control room lies a handsome man with exposed chiseled abs, a black silken sheet hangs casually over his lower half, giving a sensual image. Long dark eyelashes open to reveal amber eyes, flecks of gold, a burst of yellow, flickers of orange and hints of brass. The eyes of the man, which are not only unique and beautiful but also hold so much wisdom and intelligence, and if anyone looks close enough, there is an underlying sadness which slightly dulls the vibrant color. His hand instinctively moves to the place next to him, frowning slowly as his head turns to follow his hand. The woman he went to sleep with is no longer there, the smooth material doesn’t hold a hint of residual heat. He takes a deep breath in, her perfume, which is so familiar, seems thicker than usual, but it is often used in excess, so Rhys doesn’t notice anything. His upper body moves up in a crunch, making his strong body appear even more defined. His dark hair falls over his eyes, and he flicks it back in an exaggerated motion, he leans on his forearms on the bed as he surveys the room. Arrabella is nowhere to be seen, his amber eyes move slowly until they hit a familiar figure on the small bed in the corner of the room. He sighs, shaking his head as he watches her slowly turn the page on a paperback book. She would have to be the blandest person to ever exist and maybe the only person in their generation to actually still read printed word. "Ve, have you seen Bella?" Rhys' voice, which is usually so thick, velvety and filled with masculine charm, has a croaky texture to it in the early morning. Ve slowly closes the book in her hand, a small slip of paper marking her page as she places it on the old but clean bedspread. A set of violet eyes set on the man as she shakes her head. "No sire" "What time did you get in last night?" "Not until late" "And she wasn’t here?" "No sire" Rhys studies the small woman, her eyes are shadowed, and her looks are indiscernible under the hood and wrap she consistently wears. They have resided in the same room for fifteen years and, even so Rhys couldn’t put together a whole picture of her face as it has matured. She was a beautiful little girl from what he can remember, but it is all a blur after all these years. He can only assume that it is to keep the mystery, because from the pieces he has seen there is nothing repulsive about her face. He can't imagine it took such a drastic turn at any stage. He has never questioned her because, like him, she is fighting a losing battle. If that is what keeps her comfortable, then he won’t question it. Rhys sighs as he lands back on his bed with a loud thump. For the last six months he has woken up with his girlfriend by his side. It is a small thing, but waking in the morning to her stunning smile and fawning, loving nature is easy to become accustomed to. "So what is on today?" Ve remains in a seated position, her back up against the wall and her long lean legs sitting propped up on the bed. Her position looks relaxed but, as per usual, she is anything but, there is tension in her shoulders and she is ready to jump at any moment. "I'm sure you don't even want to know Sire" Rhys groans in frustration, his arms shooting out each side of his body in a starfish pattern, his large body taking up most of the king-sized bed. The thick muscles on his biceps are bulging, showing every bit of his agitation. "It can't be that time already, can it?" It is not that he is questioning Ve’s knowledge, as even though she has been away for two days she still knows every minute detail of his life, and she has never been wrong before. It is more of just a rhetorical question, voicing out his own frustration at the menial and largely aggravating task. "Each and every month" "Is there any excuse we can use?" Rhys says the words, yet he already knows the answer. Ve’s cold voice only confirms it. "Not one that hasn't already been used before" Rhys rolls out of bed in a less than lackluster way, his limbs appear heavier. His whole demeanor is lacking energy. Ve watches his exaggerated display without any emotion, it is the same every month, and she feels largely the same about the whole ordeal, yet she is never as free to show it. Rhys disappears into the ensuite bathroom, his whole morning routine is a lot louder than usual, as if taking out his frustration on the shampoo bottle will help in any way. Ve just lifts the corner of her small but comfortable mattress and takes a book from its hiding place, unlike the work of fiction she had managed to lose herself in for a moment. This is her life's work. The book is nearing the end, resembling a scrapbook, filled with photos and prints which are stuck to the pages. Small neat handwriting surrounds each image. The book is well-used but well-preserved. Rhys comes bursting out the door of the bathroom still muttering to himself, the black bamboo sports shorts wrapped around his waist, exposing his muscular thighs, a gray tank covering his top half, the clothing that Ve has laid out ready for him after her own shower. "For f*ck sakes I hate this sh*t, I hate this day…" Ve watches as Rhys paces, his bare feet hitting the floorboards with a slap for each step, his fists clenching and unclenching. Ve just remains silent as she stands beside her bed, her treasure hidden in its place once more. Her eyes drawn to the black silken sheets which are still in a mess from Rhys' sleep. On the side that Arrabella occupied there is a single droplet of blood which seems to stand tall, it appears to catch the sun and shine like a beacon. Ve moves around Rhys, disregarding his pacing as she walks to the bed, her thumb brushing the thick red drop in an inconspicuous way, rubbing her thumb and forefinger together rapidly until the last sign of what happened the night before is gone. "...Why do I even have to be subjected to this…" Rhys stops his pacing as he stares at Ve with a quirked eyebrow as she stands beside his bed with her back straight, instead of looking toward him, she is just staring out the window. Her stance and posture are much the same and, as usual, he cannot see her expression. It is just her location that draws his attention. There is something different about it. While he knows that she often tidies his bed while he is in the bathroom, he has never seen her so close to it. It strikes him that she does a lot of small things behind the scenes. Why is today so different? For some reason his rant is forgotten, as even though Ve never replies, it at least usually looks like she is listening, whereas now it looks like her mind is anywhere else and, considering the fact that every word is pointless because the person he really wants to say it all to, he can't. "... Should we head off then?” The change of Rhys's tone shocks Ve out of her quiet contemplation, still she only looks in his direction, nodding silently and follows two steps behind as standard. Rhys walks out of the room proudly. His shoulders are square, and his aura is nearly crippling for the lower wolves around him. The castle consists of many hallways branching off into wings, so many levels and sections. It is a labyrinth to an outsider. A staff of hundreds of omegas with different responsibilities are scattered throughout the building and in the grounds. Anyone they come across on their way stops what they're doing immediately and bows in reverence to the prince. More often than not, that is also followed by a look of scorn at the small woman following him, the woman that is shrouded in black. Yet all of that disguise does nothing to hide her short stature and petite figure. It is rare that anyone surrounding the prince can have their aura's felt by outsiders, yet Ve’s is even more indiscernible than most. She is always there two steps behind, never a word spoken. That is until today. "Prince Rhys' room needs cleaning. It has been days, make sure to change the sheets to the gray set" Rhys' footsteps pause, but he doesn't look back. He knows that she is the one to organize the simple things as he is ‘conveniently’ forgotten. Even in his position, he has managed to keep some level of prestige and respect, but it is all fought for. The omega looks at Ve with wide eyes. The scorn drops from her face as a piercing gaze lands on her. She is choked at first but lowers her head in submission to the woman who barely has an aura stronger than her own. "Yes Twelve, I will get it done right now" Ve continues her walk, never missing a step. Never falling one extra foot behind Rhys. They have a full foot of height between them, so his casual amble looks more like a hurried pace on Ve.
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