a weapon

1398 Words
Bree pov Standing here now, I don't know whether to yawn or roll my eyes, but with the three men in suits looking at me giving me the death stare, I don't think they would appreciate that or anything I do to be honest. I did one f****d up thing once when I was twelve and now I'm standing in the secret government building staring at what looks like a professor ten years later. I have no idea what I am looking at but all I wanted to do was finish university and get my degree. Containing my eye roll, I wait till the men have finished their power point before I ask the most important question: what am I doing here? "The professor is bank rolling a d**g ring at the university and we need you to swap university to get the evidence we need to bring him down" I hear and all I do is let out a sigh as I have only just become to like the university I was at, I have my final year left and then I can say f**k you to the government literally if I wanted to and I do. All this is kicking off because I killed a kid when I was twelve years old, which was purely an accident, so I told them but the kid shouldn't have called me a name and I wouldn't have had to beat him with my fists. It wouldn't have been that bad if I had left it there, but I didn't. I took down a detective and held a knife to his throat while pointing the g*n at his partner and that's how I got on the government radar and still am there little slave to this day. However, there was a deal we put in place which comes into play once I finish university and that is, once I have finished and got my degree, I can disappear without a trace which they will help with, but I have to help them out at least twice a year and I can pick which times. At the time, that deal was my only way out of being the government's little puppet, as who's going to think a sweet innocent university student is a killer who freelances as a hit woman from time to time. "Bree, are you listening?" I hear and make eye contact with one of the suits but he backs off and carries on speaking, telling me everything I need to know, but all I am thinking about is the days I have left before all this is over and I can be left alone. I never intended for this to be my life where I am a spy for the government and telling them everything, as I kind of feel like a snitch and nothing comes from that. I already have problems with the local mafia breathing down my neck for killing on their territory, but there's nothing they can do to me, as no one wants to f**k with the government unless you have men working for you in the government, which is never a bad thing, I guess. The hierarchy is; the government, mafias, d**g dealers and then just plain criminals, and unfortunately, I belong to the government. Receiving all the information, I leave the building needing to pack and sort my s**t out if I am going to be swapping universities in my final year. The government doesn't make it easy for me and they never have. The packing comes easy to me as I never have much to move, as if it was up to me just to have a bag full of everything I need, making it easier for me to move from one place to another, but I don't. The government actually want me to be there, a sweet innocent student and without a doubt I play the part, going above and beyond but i draw the line at friends with anyone unless it's for an assignment only as I like my independence and that comes with always being alone so I don't get stabbed in the back. The move from one university to another takes only a day with throwing everything in my car and the house I am moving into already has all the equipment that I need, the government have been a little generous towards me and looking at the house I don't know how I have managed to get a decent one. There is a hidden computer room in my wardrobe which works nicely but the bedroom is a whole lot of girly, its like someone has gone in there and thrown up glitter and pink everywhere. Sitting at the kitchen worktop, I go over the file carefully, making sure I have a clear understanding of everything and who's doing what in the d**g ring at university before destroying the file and burning it. From the first day I started, when I was twelve, they taught me everything. The government managed to create me as their weapon and, so far, my body count for kills is what. a double of a normal agent. I have a psychologist look looking me over at least once every year making sure I am OK, but I feel nothing inside, I have no emotion and thats how they like it. I am their soldier. I finish with the file, I placed it on the shredder before throwing the paper on the fire in the lounge, making sure there's no proof of anything in this house. All the evidence I have to collect, I have to make sure I have a safe keep for it all. I have strict orders to make sure no leads or evidence is in sight and so far I have found at least five secret places in the house to hide everything. Looking at the clock, I let out a sigh as I looked at the time, knowing I still had half a day left before I start my new university tomorrow and I daylight a way to waste some of that daylight. Heading up stairs with a black bag, I pull the bed into the middle of the room and start stripping the pink and glitter off the walls, knowing whenever I have free time, it will be redecorating these four walls. The rest of the house is perfect, but there's always one room in the house, which is awful and if I'm going to be seen in the house I want something a little more me, maybe a grey colour or plain old white colour. Stripping the walls, I stop for a moment to order a pizza knowing I, will not be cooking today or most days, really I will really burn down the kitchen if I attempted to cook. One of the things the government never taught me to do was be a normal child who learnt how to cook or have fun. Instead, my handler, agent Kevin, did most of the cooking and everything. The government wanted me to be bought up as a deadly killer, but there was some doubt about agent Kevin and he tried his best to teach me a little kindness, but it only ever stuck to him. Everyone else was an an emotionless weapon. Kevin has been my adopted father that I never had and would do anything for him and he has done his best to protect me from everything. He's the one who got me the deal and made sure the government agreed, as he told them if they pushed me i would rebel out and kill them over which shock them enough to give me a semi out but they still want me close enough to control. Hearing the door bell draws me out of my thoughts of Kevin and to the door where I have ordered myself a pizza, it has been a while since I have been laid back but only because I was doing a double major which I have finished now and I have time to focus a little more on being the hit women the government made me out to be. I haven't had the pressure of having a hit women nickname as I have already made myself known as the deadliest assassin over taking the mafia princess; Arden Rossi .
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