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"Jaiyana, how about you pick up Hannah later at her school?" Her dad asked as he put his belt on. She was about to speak up when a woman in her early 30's suddenly interrupted her words. "I'll pick up Hannah. Your daughter never cares about her anyway." Sally says dismissively as she puts butter on her bread, looking like a real skunk with her ridiculous make-up on. Jaiyana totally get why Sally hates her even if she didn't do anything. She almost let out a chuckle. Her mom and dad got divorced when her dad met Sally from another pack, and whether everybody believes it or not, she was only 19 years old when she met Jaiyana's Dad, who was 35 at that time. And now they have Hannah, who's 4 years old. Sally's holding a grudge against Dave, Jaiyana's dad, for cheating on her and not waiting for her. Like, Dude, you were not even born when he first shifted. Stupid. Not to mention, Jaiyana's Mom has a higher position than Sally and how Jaiyana looks so much like her mom and that she's the result of her Dad's cheating. Sally is treating Jaiyana like s**t since the former couldn't treat her mom like that. Sally is only an omega, and while Jaiyana's mom is one of the healers of the other pack, only second to the chief healer and getting the respect of warriors and their Alpha. That is also the reason why Sally who's sitting beside her, is getting all riled up even though she didn't do anything. People are really hating others because of their inferiority complex. An adult shouldn't make fun of a child. Jaiyana reminded myself. It had been only a week since she reincarnated to this body and the past memories helped a lot to adjust to this kind of lifestyle. This body had a lot of bullies and her parents were not even paying attention to her. Before Jaiyana could stop herself, she let out words that would get Sally in trouble, "Sally, who's Andrew? Was he the one with you last night? Hannah was crying last night, looking for food, since you didn't come home last night." Jaiyana asked her with an innocent look as she ate her pancake. Sally's face paled and her eyes almost popped out of their sockets. Dave's eyebrows furrowed and a glint of possessiveness mirrored his eyes. "Andrew?" He asked dangerously. Jaiyana's lips curve evilly. Sally's in grave trouble. "I also saw the both of you kissed inside the car when Dad was not at home two nights ago." Dave suddenly grabbed Sally's neck in front of her, making her jump away in surprise. He growled angrily at Sally and she snarled at him. "Leave first, Jaiyana. Go to your school." He said seriously, his exploding anger made me take a step back. Jaiyana seriously doesn't want to get in trouble. She hopped off the chair and grabbed her backpack and before she shut the door, she heard the sinister growl and the shattering of the plates. Dave didn't even hold back. Jaiyana thought. "Who the f**k is Andrew, Sally?!" He bared his fangs and glared at the woman in front of him whom he adored and loved. A sharp pain tugged at his heart as he realized that his woman had betrayed and cheated on him. The woman's eyes now held vengeance and sorrow as if she had been wronged. "He's my man. So what? That's what you f*****g get for cheating on me, you cheap bastard!" Every sharp word of hers pierced his heart, breaking it into tiny pieces. "It happened years ago, Sally! We have a child!" He yelled angrily, his knuckles turning red from being clenched tightly. She chuckled dryly as she coldly stares at him like his very existence doesn't matter to him. "So what?! You also have a bastard with another she-wolf! You even brought that bastard here instead of leaving her to that b***h!" She lounged on him angrily and defensively, her brain shrouded in jealousy and hate. A sharp pang and hate made Dave grit his teeth helplessly. His wolf, Aven, howled in pain. "That was years ago! I kept looking for you and I keep losing hope that you really exist! How am I suppose to deal with that?! I've waited for you for more than two decades and where were you? I tried to make it up to you but you f*****g cheated on me!" His grip is tightening on her neck. Sandy raised an eyebrow and smirked fearlessly. What should she be scared of? His wolf wouldn't let me get hurt! She thought confidently. Her wolf, Karen, shut her off ever since she cheated with Andrew, but she didn't care as long as she got revenge. "Now, you know how much it hurts." She leaned towards him, who was fuming with jealousy and anger. His jealous face and attitude made her jump in joy. "Well, guess what, I'm pregnant with Andrew." Snap! As if the last straw of his sanity snaps, and all the things that he could see are red. He strangled the woman he dearly love underneath him. Sally gasped for air as she struggled to breathe and escaped his grip. She hates him and how he cheated on her with another girl; she cheated on him too. Her heart keeps getting torn every time he sees the child of this bastard with another girl. Oh, how she would love to tear Jaiyana into pieces, but she couldn't do so since she's under this bastard's protection as his child. Her wolf is trying to take over, but his powerful grip with the help of his wolf, stops her from struggling. She reached out to Dave, who's strangling her. His face was covered in hate while his eyes were brimming with tears. He felt a sharp tug on his heart as he saw his mate suffering in pain from his own hands, but his hatred towards her cheating was stronger than his love for her. "If I have to share you with another bastard, then I would rather have you die with me!" He growled as he bared his fangs and forcefully bit her neck, ripping her skin off. 'Help!' Sally mind-linked their Alpha, but it was blocked. No one gives a s**t about an Omega. Scrunching her face off from the pain. Dave bites off a huge chunk of her flesh. The mark on her neck is destroyed, and she can feel the sharp pain in her mind as if it's being hammered. Both of them felt the unhappiness, hatred, and resentment they harbored from each other. She struggled to escape, but Dave was unaffected by her frantic movements and continuously strangled Sandy. After a few minutes she's no longer fighting back and no longer breathing; the sharp tug on his mind and heart made David howl and tremble in pain. He cupped Sandy's lifeless face with his trembling hands. His wife, his mate, is dead. He killed her. The realization of his mate's death hit him hard. This... This is all his fault. If, if he hadn't just mated with another girl, this wouldn't have happened to them. He wouldn't put Sally in so much pain. He wouldn't be in so much pain. Tears were brimming with tears. His shoulders were shaking. He left trails of kisses on her cheeks, muttering 'I'm so sorry', as if it this would be their last moment. In the afterlife, if both of them were reborn, he wouldn't do the same thing, he would find her and wait for her until the day he would die. He endured the pain as his trembling hands reached for the cabinet and pulled out a gun. His wolf continuously howled in pain. He loaded his gun with a silver bullet. If he couldn't be with his mate, he would rather kill himself. His wolf didn't bother about him as it continuously mourned for their mate. She's gone. The lump in his throat made it harder for him to swallow. He c****d the gun and pointed it at his mouth. His tears continuously fell down on his cheeks as he pulled the trigger and his body fell down lifelessly and his blood splattered on the floor, eyes wide open and filled with sorrow. Jaiyana, who's on her way to school, is completely oblivious to what happens in their house. Her heart suddenly pounded. She frowned in confusion, wondering if she was going to have a heart attack. "Hey, little slut. Where are you running off to?" Three guys who seemed older than her surrounded her. What did these fuckers call her?
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