Status - No Way Back

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Chapter Three Status – No way Back Jenn’s P.O.V. This morning, or better long after noon, I wake up. I try to move, but this massive weigth is holding me thight. I smell a salty-sweet scent. Than I feel his warm beautiful strong body against mine. "Goodmorning, Princess. Slept well?", a hazy beautiful voice said. "f**k, I am sore", I whimper my pleasant pain out. I slowly open my eyes, I am laying on Jay’s chest, give him a small kiss, where my eye landed. “But thank you. Blessed day it is.”, I say as tug myself out of his arms, I lift up to face him and gave him a look. “And here I thought, I was upgraded to Queen?”, I lift up my eyebrow and looked at him, waiting for his answer. He reaches out with his hand, stroke my cheek lovely, than he pulls up closer to kiss me. I pull back. He smiles, “What? You’re waiting on an answer you already have, my love.” “Jay, I am still waiting”, I snare at him. “Jenn, You know you are.”, he quickly gives me a smooch on my nose and gets out the bed, “Lets have some breakfast.” “Don’t think you are going to get away with this.” “Come we will discuss this over some food. Please?”, he smiles bright, but his stomach is telling me, his body needs energy asap. But I want my anwser. So I keep looking at him, demanding my answer. I know what he said, when he explained me ‘the rules', before showing me. But rule 5 is from is the heart, that means we are together? This is just confusing at this moment. I mean, he apolyzed and than he kissed me, and I was without shame. Uuughhh, what gotten in to me last night. I replay our first night together in my mind. He kissed me. We rolling on the bed. I strip, myself!!, in like 30 minutes after that first kiss. (You see, so not me.) Danced sexy on command, things really fired up after that. Blush. And ultimatly I gave him my virginity, without any protest. ‘As if I would ever protest, well not too much’ Then I hear a deep moan. “Glad one of us is satisfied with just affection. Give me a break, baby, I will be right back at ya… after Foooooodddd!” Oh. Apperently my own. Blush. “Lets go,” I say as I try to stand on my wobbly legs. Jay was just in time, to help me stand back straight. “Yeah, don’t think so. I was thinking of taking you out, but it seems that my Lady needs more rest,”, he said with smile of pride and a fake British accent, making me giggle from his serious joke. “Lay back down, I will order us something and we will watch a movie or tv, or so. Need or want anything?” “You.”, I flirt. “I am here, I told you, WE are gonna watch, like together.” “I know what you meant.”, I say back. When he caught my arousel, he forgot about his food instantly. He hops on the bed and starts kissing my neck. “So you ain’t so sore after all, ha?” “I guess so.” “Well,” he kisses me on my mouth, “thats sucks.” WTF!? “Your order first, please.”, f**k he is using that ridicilous horny Dom tone of his, I have no choice but to obey. Right… f**k it, lets go against ‘The rules’. “You, Mr. Lewis. That is my order.” “Have thy missed thy King this much, my Love?” ‘Gotta.’ “I have, my Prince. Now please kiss me tender, for I am about to burn in this fire.”, I rollplay in my best British accent, dramaticly putting my hand on my forehead and closing my eyes. “You have to stop playing with fire indeed.”, and Jay kisses me in my neck, down to my n****e and takes a hard bit in her. I moan from the pleasure. “Now your order. Punishment will follow later.” *roll eye* We ordered some mini sandwiches, pizza, burgers and drinks, as we already plannend to stay in. Cleaned up the bed, took a quick shower and brushed our teeth. “s**t, I don’t have a clean set, wait let me swing cross to my room quick.” “That won’t be necessary.” “Well I would like to..”, and I gave him one of his outfits, I still have in my cabinet. We put on some Netflix and soon the doorbell rang, Jay went to the door and I swiped a bit on my phone. I saw a message from mom, my dad, ‘Will they ever leave me alone?’ sent them a quick goodmorning text. And some more messages, but off course I have to tekst Amira, my bff winggirl, back direct. Can’t leave her hanging, she will be pissed AF. Amira: ‘Hun, hru? Where are you hiding? Its hot and planning to have a BBQ later on the beach. Better be there! ’ “UGHHH, that b***h of mines…”, I laugh, because I know if I won’t show up, Ami will. Jenn: ‘Sure, babe, will be there, say round 19pm. And will bring J. too. Luv ya.’ Not even 30 secondes later A: ‘ Jay????’ A: ‘SPILL. NOW!’ J: ‘Not now, he is here atm.’ A: ‘Wtf? Called you like 30 min ago.’ J: ‘Uhu, saw that. TTYL! Promise!’ A: ‘what ever b***h, you better. CU. Don’t be late, limited food for you” ‘Lair', I thought while I close my phone and put it back on my nightstand. Its been bout 5 to 10 minutes and Jay is still not back. I have to go to the ladies, but my legs are so tired, I don’t even want to move. When I am done, I take look at myself in my bathroom mirror, while washing my hands. My neck, breast and belly are full of hickeys, some darker than the other. ‘I can’t go to this beach BBQ’, I think as I look down to my body. “Mmm, you are admiring my victory kisses", Jay is suddenly standing behind me. I scream because Jay frightend the s**t out of me. “Wow, its just me.”, he takes me in his arms and I relax at once. “You sacred me a bit, I was so in my thoughts.’ “I got that, so what was on your mind?”, he wispers in my ear, making me start tembling all over again. I catch a breath. “Well it wasn’t anything like you think.” “Lets change your mind than.” “Nope, I am hungry and we are excepted in about an hour or 3.” I will find a way to hide this skin of mine. “Huh, where we going? We was suppose to chill.”, he is confused, I can tell my his bodylanguage. “Yeah, I thought so too. Ami is holding a beach BBQ. She told me I won’t get any food if I am late.", I try to say as serious as possible, for my body tingles, under his touch. “So make sure, we are not late, Mr. Lewis.”, I let go out of his embrace, walking back to my bedroom, knowing it will give me punishment later. But I don’t mind My Kings his punishments till now. He has been handling his Queen the right way. ______________________ Ami’s P.O.V. Graduation Day It has been weeks since all of my friends have hung out together, I miss being one click. This is all that skanks fault! Thank God, Jay got rid of her right that day. I never liked Marissa anyhows, so I sure don’t miss her. No, I miss the boys and girls hanging out. I just might have a couple ideas to fix that. Tomorrow Summerbreak will start, after some stupid last officials at school, but than I can start planning this. Because we sure as hell ain’t ever breaking this click. “Hey b***h, you did it!”, I scream ,way too happy, but who cares it is our Grads, when I see Jenn coming in the schoolyard. I wave and we run quickly to eachother. “No, we did it! Finally, I can’t wait to be in college!”, Jenn says, we hug and scream excitedly. “I can’t wait till they call you up on stage, Ms. Summa c*m Laude. I am kinda jealous on my bff, but in a good way.”, I wink at her and we walk to the football field, where our ceremony will be. Our parents are probably already waiting. She is so damn smart, excellent in Arts, Languages, Sciences, Economics, Science and Bio. I am a good student, don’t get me wrong. But Jenn, A+ all the way. Jenn do got a lil tempure tho, and she can keep this anger good inside of her and long. There is actually only one remedy to her anger, and will be our friend, and her best friend, Jay.They ain’t talking since Marissa and Jay broke up. And that is a problem, also in out click. Jenn told me everything why, and that she knocked Marissa to the ground, who was almost unseen walking around the halls till last week. LMFAO! But that also means that they can finally be together. ‘Hmm, maybe I can help them allong. Beach BBQ!’ “Walk faster, you are always so damn late, woman?”, I ask her, I am a lil out of breath, because of this sinful heat and stupid outfit, but anything to make your parents proud and get my papers. “Sorry, couldn’t find my make up or the right shoe. And we are not late!”, she passes me walking faster. “Yeah sure I told you to be here at 15.00, but its 15.55”, I stopped under the clock. “It doesn’t start untill 4 pm, come on, I aint here to waste my time. You know that. Let go to our seats.” Lots of noices as we seek over our click, we all greet everybody, except to J & J. The show starts and as the principal starts talking his speech, I lean closer to Jenn. “So, when are you ever gonna say something to the poor guy? For f**k sake Jenn, it is OUR DAY, and I want a picture together.” “You will have your picture, just not him and me next to eachother.”, she just whispers in a snare. I ain’t gonna fuzz about it now, I got my plan. “Will do, thank you.” We listen to the speech, which seems to take like ages, when I finally hear the first name. “Was about time". “Shut up, Amira.”, Caleb said. “Ms. Jennifer Rashida Turner, Summa c*m Laude.”, Jenn stood on the stairs shining already off course. We all just got up and did a dance while we yelled for her. “THATS OUR GIRL! YOU DID IT! WE ARE PROUD!”, she smiles blushing taking her diploma in her hand, and drags smilng back at us and looks over to her parents. Hands are in the air and she jumps off stage running down to us. We hug, kiss and all, and sit. Almost my turn now. “Caleb, you coming with me?” “Yeah, in a sec, baby.” I put on a extra layer of lip gloss and we head to the stage. I think I have the perfect idea, hopefully Jenn won’t kick my ass. “Saturday, beach BBQ. We will talk about it later Caleb.”, I say when we get in line. ‘Yes, perfect. Just hope it will work.’ _______________________ Jay’s P.O.V. “So wait, we are going to a beach party?”, I walk behind Jenn, who just escaped out my hug. When I cleary wanted to get some, talking something about three hours left. “Yeah, I already said that we are coming.” “Who is the planner?”, I ask her while I take my phone out my old sweats. “Look if you are invited first, I am pretty sure you are.” “Than why did you say that we are coming together, if you think I am invited too?” “You will see, if I am right. We won’t be able to hide this,”, she lingers her fingers between us, “not from our group.” OKAY.. Its was time for the serious chat soon anyhow, so lets get over with it. “Baby, I don’t care who knows. Its just that I want some time together, without extra eyes on us, specially not on you. That blush you are caring is mine to see.” “Oh.” “But if you having second thoughts about us …”, I try to say as nonchalant as I can. “Oh, NO-no, thats not it.”, she laughs. ‘Well thanks to the Gods'. “Whatever we have going on.”, she sighs out soft. ‘Wait what?’ “What do you mean, Jenn?”, I think I said something wrong. “Nah, its okay. Lets just eat okay.” “No, we have to talk about it now, so tell me,”, I pull her to the bed, “sit.” “Can I please have sandwich, while we talk?”, she whines. “Sure.” She seems like she is doubting, maybe that is my own worries speaking. “I,”, we both say and laugh out because of that. “That’s why I love you, you know, everything is so natural with you, always have been,”, I say before she can doubt even more. “Please don’t have doubts about this, about us. I know it is a 180 spin, but I only want you. Thats why I made up rule #5. Sorry, that I didn’t ask this in a better setting. But yesterday went…”, I take a deep breath. “So quick.", Jenn says finishing my scentence. “Yeah.” “So, really no way back now.”, she is releaved. “Can we keep it for ourselfs? At least for now? Please?”, she begs. “I don’t think I will be able to not touch you, deffo not on the beach, and in special because, you still have punishment to deal with.” “You just have to be extra careful, Mr. Lewis.” “And you need to stop disrespecting my orders, Ms Turner.”, I gave her a quick peck on her nose and pulled her in a hug. After that we curled up in bed, at, drink and laughed untill it was time to go to the beach.
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