Chapter 3: Across the Line

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Chapter 3: Across the Line Andrew Fray POV: I went back to the warehouse and got the package out of the dumpster. Just in time too, because it was garbage day. My car was still sitting where I had left it, and once I'd made sure it was safe, I got in. My boss had given me a new place to drop the package off. Though he had assured me that I would be alone at the drop off. This time I did something a little different. I opened the package to see what I was delivering. This was a huge breach of the trust my boss had placed in me when he gave me this job. I knew that, but I also didn't want to help get anyone killed. Directly or otherwise. The package contained five folders that I skimmed through, though I was careful not to mess with the order of the pages. Even though anything wrong could probably be attributed to me unceremoniously throwing it in the dumpster, I didn't want to risk it. What I found was just confusing. The package was a list of memos and business strategies that the boss was experimenting with to get an edge over the competition. His perfectly legal rival shipping company competition. It seemed weird that armed guards would have been needed to pick this up from me. Even weirder that the party crashers would come to steal it. But … meh. He's the boss and he does whatever he wants. After putting everything back in the package as carefully as I could, I texted Adams and let her know I hadn't found anything. That was going to be our thing now. I would search whatever I'm given and report. If it's not immediately suspicious, I say as much. If there is anything suspicious, I report it to her. The one good thing out of all this is that Adams gave me a new phone to contact her with to avoid the risk of my boss or any of his other employees finding out about this if they got their hands on mine. With the package searched and Adams in the loop, I started my car and headed out. It was a long drive. My boss didn't want this drop to be interrupted again so he had chosen a park across town. Public place. It would be busy this time of day. Anyone who wanted to cause trouble would need to restrain themselves or risk attracting even more attention than last night's incident. Unless any troublemakers were psychotic enough to turn this into a mass shooting, the drop should be perfectly safe. I got to the park and found the drop immediately, a garbage can near a children's playground. There were some people around, not many were close, and those that were weren't paying attention. I just walked up to the garbage can, tossed the package in, and carried on as though I were just on a casual stroll. A quick text to let my boss know all was well, and I really was just strolling. It was a nice day, why shouldn't I take the time to enjoy it? I bought a coffee and muffin from a cart I found and took a park bench while I enjoyed them. And for those few minutes, all was right in the world. I could ignore that my boss might be a human trafficker, and the fact that I had somehow let myself become a police informant. Like everything good in life, my break ended too soon. I got my usual text of two addresses. My boss had something else he needed me to deliver. I shoved half my muffin in my mouth, downed the rest of my coffee, and left. It was another long drive back across town, but I found the package waiting for me. I took it with me, naturally considering that it's my job, but I pulled off the street a few blocks from the pickup before I opened the package. I knew my boss would have someone watching the pickup to make sure the package got to me safely. This package was larger than my previous delivery, and while it was still mostly folders, this one also contained a small lockbox. I was not going to try and break that open. Folders could be looked at without anyone else knowing, but I was not going to risk damaging a box that no one is supposed to see inside of. The folders contained shipping manifests from his company. There was nothing about cocaine or people listed on them. Despite that, I knew Adams would want to know about this anyway. I took pictures of everything in the package and sent them to her before I continued my way to drop it off. That became the routine I fell into. Pick up the package. Check the contents. Let Adams know if there's anything. Drop off the package. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Cha-cha-cha.
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