Ch 3: Whoop, Whoop

2933 Words
“This is Neon Pryta, ‘The Whoops’ mentalist!” the man in vampire costume covered half of his face with his cape as he introduced himself after his mind-blowing performance. Immersed with his character while staring at the lady in pink fairy costume sitting on the front table. Neon wanted to focus on their mission to steal the ‘Pink Magic’ and get the hell out of the hotel as soon as possible but he can’t help himself but to be distracted during his performance because of the man trying to make a move to his woman. God knows how much he hold back himself from going berserk when the bastard put his arm around the love of his life. He’s Neon Pryta at the moment not Ves Taz, and he’s on a mission that can’t be compromise because of his jealousy. Aside from he doesn’t have a right to feel that way since he’s stuck with the friendship level in his relationship with Hestia, he can’t be careless in executing the plan if he wanted everything to be done smoothly and without any casualties. He and the people behind him only needs to steal the twenty-four-karat pink diamond necklace, no one should be harm specially the one who’s wearing the object of their target on her flawless neck. He won’t let Hestia to be harm at least physically since he knows for sure that he’ll cause her distress when she finds out that the last gift of her late grandmother was stolen. Next from his mental magic show, Jeff Bhasker, ‘The Whoops’ magician, performs on stage while the props to be use on stage for Lady Starlight, ‘The Whoops’ illusionist, is preparing carefully and thoroughly back stage. This is how the three of them work, he starts the show, the magician in the middle, and the illusionist for the final act. They are disguise as entertainers but in reality, they are thieves. Even in Ves wildest dreams he never imagined that he as a well-versed in genuine psychology and human behavior, with a master’s degree in one of the prestigious universities in Korea, will be part of a dark organization, a syndicate to be exact. October 20, 1979 Los Angeles, California, United States of America “I was expecting the same setting like your family residence in Gangnam.” Ves pretending to be casual although Hestia’s family background never failed to surprised him all the time. “Nah, it’s just this mansion my family have here in LA.” Hestia entered the grand door normally since she’s been in the place for how many times before. “Currently, there are 155 rooms here, 50 of them are all bedrooms with adjoining bathrooms for our family use as well as the guests. But I think Lolo will expand the place later on since another generation has been added to our extended family, not just sure when but Papa will handle the project for sure since he’s the civil engineer and Mama is the architect.” “How big do y’all want this place to be? This is already a palace for me and I bet it’s already bigger than the place where the US president resides in Washington.” Ves looking around like a child visiting the museum for first time. “You’re wasting money here.” “It’s not my money so I don’t have a say on this matter.” Hestia shrugged like it’s none of her business at all. “Since we’re here in LA and Vegas is just four to five hours drive from here, will you visit your mother and stepfather?” “Tomorrow, I’ll drop by at the hotel and probably spend my birthday with my Mom. You’re coming with me, right?” Ves has his undivided attention to Hestia. “You’re not ditching me on my day!” “Well our work starts on Monday which happen to be your birthday too so I don’t think I’ll ditch you that day.” Hestia replied with a playful smile on her face as she walks towards the stairs. “Is it too late to apply for a birthday leave? I don’t feel like working at all on the day when I should be resting because of a hangover from last night’s celebration.” Ves followed her behind. “So, you’re planning to get wasted when you turned 25? I never thought your that kind of guy who will get drunk until he dropped.” “Never tried it before though, but I’m open to new experiences.” “Yeah, whatever.” Hestia said nonchalantly. “Anyway, this is my room.” she stopped on the door with her name on it. “You can choose whichever room you want; doors are unlocked when it’s for guests so figure it out yourself.” she opened her bedroom door and entered without looking back at Ves as she closed the door. Ves sighed, “Can’t you be more considerate hostess?” he said at the shut door right in front of him. Ves spotted one of the staffs on the hallway and asked for the available room that is nearest to Hestia and the latter led him to the guest room right away. “Thank you, Miss …” Ves trailed off as he doesn’t know the staff’s name since she’s not wearing a nametag on her uniform. “It’s Angelina, Sir …” the maid paused and wait for Ves’ name. “Ves. I’m Ves Taz.” Ves outstretched his hand for a handshake. “That’s a unique name and short one actually.” Angelina replied. “My dad’s family is from Ukraine, but I was born and raised in Russia until middle school. When I migrated to Korea in high school that’s when I met your mistress. I’m also Poseidon’s classmate, so I’m quite close to their family.” Ves explained before Angelina asked him a lot of questions. “Are you a mind reader, Sir Ves? You’ve answered the questions in my head before I ask.” Angelina looked at him in amazement. “You can say that.” Ves replied with a wink. “As for the other question that you want to ask me so badly but you’re hesitating because you don’t want to be too nosy.” he sighed before he speaks again, “Hestia and I are just friends so don’t misunderstand our relationship.” he smiled bitterly. “I see.” Angelina nodded. “Haha … anyway, enjoy your stay and if there’s anything you need, Sir Ves.” she pointed at the buttons on the wall near the bed. “Just press one of those buttons and one of us will attend to you shortly.” “Oh, thank you then.” Ves nodded at her. “I just got here straight from the airport so I’m having a jetlag. I’ll take a rest first and maybe later can you give me a house tour? If that’s alright?” “Of course, Sir Ves. If there’s nothing else I leave you to rest.” Angelina took her leave after Ves shook his head in response. “Why do I feel like she’s not just a maid here?” Ves muttered to himself while looking at the closed door. “Maybe I’m reading too much of it.” he shrugged and started to unpack his luggage. It was already late night when Hestia and Ves woke up from a long rest, both had their meals before Hestia gave Ves a tour in the mansion since they’ve got nothing else to do. “Excuse me.” Ves approached one of the staffs he saw along the hallway. “How much is your salary here for a month?” The staff looked at Hestia first and when she got her approval, she answered Ves in all honesty. “US$155 per hour, Sir.” “And how many hours do you work for a day?” Ves inquired again. “8 hours, Sir.” the staff answered. “US$155 per hours and 8 hours a day …” Ves computing in his mind. “That’s US$1,240 a day.” Hestia provided the answer for Ves. “In 6 days, a week that’s US$7,440 and in 24 days, a month that’s US$29,760. So approximately she earns US$30,000 a month, but that’s for starters though, how long have you been working here?” “Almost 9 months, Miss Hestia.” the staff replied politely. “I see.” Hestia nodded. “You’ll get an increase after a year in service, just keep up the good job.” “Of course, Miss Hestia.” the staff responded with determination. “Wow! US$30,000 a month, and that’s just for a starter?!” Ves exclaimed after he dismissed the staff. “Should I change my job then? Will you hire me if I apply a job here?” “That’s not up to me. All our staffs around the world are provided by the Pretz, so if you want to serve our family you have to pass their selection process first.” Hestia replied nonchalantly. “The Pretz, you mean your eldest brother wife’s family? That Pretz??” Ves confirming his assumption. “Yes, that Pretz. The partnership has been made since mid-63, between my sister-in-law’s grandfather and mine.” Hestia said. “Oh.” Ves responded perfunctorily. “I thought it’ll be easy to get in as long as I know how to do household chores but being trained in a military camp before deployment that’s another story.” “Geez, you’ll be serving the military soon, right?” Hestia continued walking along the corridor. “You’ll be qualified after that, and if you passed the process from the Pretz, I can request for you.” “Will I get along with your ladies then?” Ves walked along with her. “Haha, seriously, you really want to serve my family?” Hestia probed as Ves doesn’t look like joking at all. “You’ll give up your bright future in our field, just like that?” “Why not?” Ves shrugged. “I can be with you all the time aside from the fact that I’m earning more than a thousand dollar per day? Being your subordinate isn’t a bad thing at all.” “Hahaha, you’re crazy.” Hestia clung onto Ves’ left arm. “Why don’t you marry me instead? Being my husband will grant you the same benefits only better since my property will be yours too.” “That’s a tempting offer. I don’t just get your money but you too.” Hestia got anxious because of Ves darkened eyes. “Hey, don’t …” Ves laughed at Hestia’s blushing face. “But you’re the one initiated it.” he cornered her on the wall and pinned her between his arms. Hestia tried to hold Ves’ gaze on her but she conceded in a while because of their provocative position that others might misunderstand. “That’s enough.” she pushed him away. “I could’ve kissed you if you didn’t push me away.” Ves mumbled. Though flirting with each other became a habit for the two of them, there are times that Ves wanted to make things real. Ves liked Hestia since high school and he loves her since college, but he’s afraid that if he crosses the line, he’ll lose her. They’ve been friends for 11 years, Ves knows Hestia best, she doesn’t want to fall in love, because love makes someone vulnerable and that’s the last thing she wants to be. Hestia has been living under the shadows of her siblings, though being the youngest she’s been pampered by everyone in her family, others think that she’s the weakest and she’s a good-for-nothing. Thus, Hestia doesn’t need anything that can make her weak, and one of those things is love for the opposite s*x. Ves knowns about that fact, hence, the only way for him to keep her on his side is to conceal his feelings for her. “Ves, let’s go for a swim!” Hestia took off her clothes without considering that Ves is a hot-blooded man. ‘This woman is making me crazy!’ Ves thought to himself as he took a lot of self-control not to eat Hestia alive. ‘She’s too familiar with me that she forgot that I’m not her brother who doesn’t see her as a woman! But I’m a man who has needs and she’s the one I need!’ “Hey!” Hestia splashed water on Ves to get his attention. “Come on! The water temperature is just right.” ‘But my mind isn’t! How could you tease me like this?!’ Ves screamed inwardly. “I don’t feel like going for a swim.” “Oh, come on!” Hestia splashed water on Ves again. “Don’t worry, I won’t make fun of your skinny body.” “Hah! Look who’s talking!” Ves harrumphed. “If I’m skinny then you’re just bone and skin.” “Uh! How dare you?!” Hestia glared at Ves. “Are you blind?! Can’t you see how mature my body is?!” she emphasized her bust size. Ves stared at Hestia’s orange sized bust and looked away immediately. ‘This damned woman! She’s making me commit a sin!’ “I’ll go get you a towel.” Ves said as he turned around, away from the temptress and his lustful thoughts. “Do you even know where to get a towel from?” Hestia continue to swim freely as she talks. “I’ll ask. It’s not that hard, I can speak English anyway and I’m fluent.” Ves responded without looking back. “Yeah right, you’re good at English and Gym class but poor at Math.” Hestia snickered. “Are you seriously leaving me alone?” “I’ll be back in a jiffy.” Ves waved his hand but before he turned to the corner, he heard Hestia’s scream. “AAH!” Hestia flopping her arms in the pool as she struggles. “Hes!” Ves ran back immediately and dived into the pool without hesitation. “It’s alright. I’m here now. You’re safe.” he cooed as he helped Hestia towards the shallow part of the pool. “What happened? You scared the life out of me!” “Cramps!” Hestia answered while hitting Ves on the shoulder. “I really can’t take my eyes off you. You really should be monitored every time as you’re too accident prone!” Ves kept on yapping as he lifts Hestia’s leg to relax her muscle. “It’s not like I want to have cramps while swimming so, stop scolding me!” Hestia cried as she glared at Ves. “I don’t know what to do with you anymore!” Ves shaking his head as he massaged Hestia’s cramped muscles. “Stay with me all the time.” Hestia responded. “What else can I do?” Ves sighed in helplessness. “Are you still in pain?” he asked worriedly. “A little and a bit cold.” Hestia shivered. “Why did I swim at night?” she rubbed her arms to warm her body temperature. “Exactly, what were you thinking?! I’m wet too because of you!” “Yeah, I can see that, even the thing bulging underneath your pants.” Hestia noticed the tent below Ves’ abdomen. “Stop looking!” Ves reprimanded. ‘I almost forgot that I’m having a hard-on because of this damned woman!’ “Hahaha. So, I have some effect on you, huh?” Hestia teased. “Enough.” Ves looked away as he continued to massage Hestia’s leg. “Oh my gosh! Are you blushing right now?!” Hestia insisted on teasing without knowing that she’s playing with fire. “Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you.” Ves released his grip from Hestia’s foot and took off his wet shirt then threw it on Hestia’s body before he gets on top of his prey he wanted to devour. “W-What are you doing?” Hestia stammered as she held on Ves’ shirt like her life depended on it. “What do you think I’m doing?” Ves grinned at her as he moves closer towards Hestia. “I-I’m warning you … i-if you do something inappropriate to me you won’t get out of here alive.” Hestia threatened anxiously. “Either way you’re the one killing me.” Ves rest his forehead on Hestia as he looked down on her lips. Hestia was too scared and expectant at the same time, it’s not that bad to give her first kiss to his best friend, but after closing her eyes, Ves just stared at her, hesitating if he should do it or not and, in the end, he didn’t get swayed with his impulse to kiss. Ves got off on top of Hestia and walked towards the reclining chair where Hestia left her clothes. Hestia felt the emptiness on top of her and opened her eyes, she was disappointed and relieved at the same time. “Here, wear your clothes. Let’s get out of here.” Ves handed Hestia’s clothes to her. “Do it fast, it’s so cold and I’m not made of iron.” he turned around while Hestia put on her clothes. “You’ll be the death of me.” he mumbled as he rubbed his arms for warm.
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