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"And for you, I would do anything," he says before taking his last breath. Penelope sits there, holding the love of her life in her arms. She takes a closer look at his face and carves his every detail into her heart. "I'm going to fix everything," Penelope begins to cry her heart out. "I won't let history repeat itself again." ------------------------------- "Honey? Philip, c-come here." Philip walks over to his wife and daughter. Philip's eyes widen when he sees a young woman lying in front of them, covered in injuries. She wakes up with tears in her eyes. "Mom? Dad?" The couple holds each other, afraid that this person is their daughter. "Who are you?" ask Philip. "It's me. Penelope! Your daughter!" Penelope exclaims. "I traveled too far. I'm back here- No this is right. I can fix it all by ending it in the beginning." "What are you talking about?" asked Philip. "Give us back our daughter" Penelope looks at her parents and grabs her mother's hands. "Mom, please help me. I don't have long-" before she could finish Philip pushes her away from Josephine. "Wait, Philip," Josephine kneels down towards her fallen daughter. "Penelope?" Penelope smiles but it didn't stay long. "Please lock me away so I can not use my powers. When I become an infant again, please mom and dad, please do not tell me a thing about my own powers or what you see today. Lock me up." Josephine looks at Philip confused but Philip's face was covered in fear. He knew at that moment, that his own daughter could travel through time. One of the most powerful but with such power came at a great cost. " Locking me up is for the safety of everyone." Penelope could feel herself slowly losing conscious. " Please do so before my 10th birthday." Her eyes closed and when she opened them again, all she could see is the darkness. Josephine walks home with Philip while carrying Penelope in her arms. "Philip, what are we going to do?" "I'll figure it out," says Philip. "I'll go talk to the Oracle tomorrow" Everyone is born with a special gift. Some people's gifts are more powerful than others and sometimes, people would abuse their powers like the Oracle once did. The Oracle is a young boy. He remembers all of his past lives and this has made him one of the wisest men to be alive. He uses to be able to tell the future. At first, it was a way for him to make money then he began to take advantage of it and used it as a way to rebel this cruel world. He messed with the Goddess of Fate and was cursed to remember all of his past lives. No one really knows if the Oracle has lost his gift of seeing the future or not. Some still go to the Oracle sometimes to see their future and others see him as a con artist. "Honey," whispers Philip to Josephine holding their sleeping daughter. "We have to lock her up" Josephine tucks Penelope to bed before she responded. "What did the Oracle say?" "That day when Penelope arrived, it opened a new past life to the Oracle's memories. He can recall it but he has not lived through it. He knows though, what Penelope did but he can't tell me other than it being chaotic." "So you're saying, we should lock her up?" "We have to Josephine," Philip started. "She's a danger to the world." "No!" yell Josephine. "I would rather die than let my child be locked up and suffered! How could you even say that Philip? She's our daughter. I'm going take her with me and we'll jump off the cliff together or something. I won't let our daughter suffer." Philip clenches his fists. "It hurts me too Josephine! You think I like it? When she turns ten, something bad is going to happen to us. That's obviously why she wants us to lock her up before she turns 10! But, look Josephine. Penelope came back asking us to hold her back until she remembers. I believe in our daughter to remember and not end she as did before." Josephine begins to cry and hugs Philip. "Can't we just ask the Oracle what he saw so we can fix it all?" "No, darling. He told me that he messed with the Goddess of Fate before. This is all of Penelope's doing. Either the Goddess of Fate planned this, or Penelope broke her thread of fate. The Oracle is already suffering enough and doesn't wish for more. If he were to tell us, then we would not only be messing with Penelope's fate but many more. Then, the Oracle would be punished for telling us." "Fate is so cruel" whispers Josephine. "Hey this doesn't have to be all bad alright?" said Philip smiling to his wife. "Let's build a tower. A tower so high you can touch the stars but low enough for you to see the sunset on the horizon. We don't have to lock her in chains. She can still see how beautiful this world is." "Like Rapunzel! Oh, Penelope loves listening to Rapunzel." Josephine smiles with Philip. "Let us help our daughter get to her happy ending."

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