1001 Words
"Katya!" My eyes raised from the heavily overloaded kitchen sink to one of the ladies at my side. She had stopped feeding the dirty dishes into the sink and instead watched me intently. "Oh. Uhm, Yes?" I muttered quietly, attempting to avoid her eyes. I knew that she was an Omega just like me. Even though I was brought here thirteen years ago, I still can not look anyone in the eyes. Thirteen years ago, one of the pack members found me hiding in a hollowed-out log during a thunderstorm. The man told me that when he found me I was heavily malnourished and soaking wet. I didn't remember much of the day he had found me. I do, however, remember fighting him the whole way. I remember screaming for my mother and attempting to get away from him. Obviously, he overpowered me. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been here. "You're spacing out. The Alpha will punish us both if you don't hurry up!" She growled at me angrily. I quickly nodded my head in response. My eyes immediately dropped to the sink. I attempted to speed up, hoping to make up for the time I lost daydreaming. I scrubbed each plate thoroughly, passing it on to the next Omega for drying. I had gotten down to the last few dishes to wash, allowing me to feel a few seconds of relief. An authoritative yell stopped me in my tracks, the relief was immediately replaced by anxiety. "Omegas. Why aren't the dishes done and put away?" The tall man growled loudly. I immediately felt all eyes turn toward me, staring me down. I turned as he made his rounds, inspecting everyone's workstations. Every single person's duty was done well, except for mine. The leader stopped in front of my sink, bending down to meet my eyes. He had a threatening smile on his face as he glanced at me. His face looked gleeful that I didn't complete the task on time. "Omega Brianna, Who's fault is this?" He looked at the girl beside me. The one that caught me daydreaming. s**t. "It was Omega Katya, Sir." She stood completely straight, yet her head was lowered in submission. He grinned, satisfied by the response. "And you. Omega Daniel. Who's fault is this?" He turned to my other workmate, the one in charge of drying all of the dishes. "Well, uh. See, I was so focused on my own task I don't know who slowed us down." He stammered timidly, avoiding anyone's eye contact. The leader growled in response. Finally, his gaze turned to me. He was at least a foot taller than I was, staring down at me with malice. "I suppose you don't know either, Omega Katya?" He growled threateningly, towering over me like the large brute of a man he is. "It was my fault. Leader, I apologize." I ducked my head in shame, attempting to stay upright through my body's anxiety-ridden trembles. The leader had always had it out for me. After all, I was nothing but a lowly Omega and an outsider at that. "Good. Glad you came clean, Omega Katya. Otherwise, I would've had to punish Omega Daniel as well." He gave me an evil grin. He turned to face the rest of the group, his voice loud and bellowing. "Because all of your duties are not done as Omegas, there will be no food for any of you tonight. Do better." I could feel the eyes of the room glaring at me. I swallowed, understanding that I would be the enemy until one of the other Omegas messed up. "As for you Omega Katya. You will be imprisoned and punished until you learn your lesson." He turned to me, with an evil smile splayed on his face. "Come, follow me for the punishment you deserve." I compliantly followed the leader into the underground prison. Cells lined each side of the cement bunker, with many housing prisoners. They looked at me as if I was fresh meat. A shiver of disgust rolled down my spine. I attempted to avoid their gaze. I managed to peak into one of the cells at the top, cells which are considered better than the lower levels. There was a bed on the right side made of steel and a thin mattress. Across from the bed was a toilet that also had a sink on the top. There was a small bookcase on the edge of the bed, with a few novels to pass the time. It was better than the omega quarters. "Omega. Eyes ahead." The leader growled angrily. I immediately flinched beneath the aggressiveness of his voice, immediately nodding my head in defeat. "Yes sir. Sorry, sir." I kept my head on the floor, saying nothing as he led me to the second floor. Then the third. Fear began to settle in the pit of my stomach. The third floor is for the worst of the worst. Omegas are to be jailed on the second floor. I dare not speak up. However, it would earn me even further punishment. He took me to the far end of the third floor where the solitary cells were held. He opened the wooden door and motioned for me to go inside. The wood looked old, and would easily cause splinters if you dared to touch it. Iron pieces kept the wood together in a tight vice grip. "In, Prisoner." He commanded, his eyes intensely staring down at me. I nodded submissively, stepping into the small room covered in concrete. The lightbulb flickered above me as I stepped inside. A single itchy-looking blanket lay on the floor, with only a small toilet in the corner. The door clicked as it was locked behind me. I sat on the blanket and rested my head on my legs. It was cold. I shivered, the lack of warmth making my fingers begin to grow numb. I was cold. I was terrified, and all I wanted was my mother.

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