Unexpected Events

2348 Words
“JP!” Ophelia laughs nervously. “Nice to see you… Again.” “Who is he, Ophelia?” Hugo asked, squinting his eyes on the male in front of them. “You guys seems… close.” He crossed his arms. “We’re definitely are! And… I should be asking that question, plus, what are you doing with OP? You better be her brother or cousin, or else!” Hugo’s eyebrows raised, “Or else?” Ophelia noticed that he is looking at him with a cold, death stare. But JP doesn’t let him get beaten. “You seems tough, huh.” JP looks at him with a challenging face. Hugo sighs, “I don’t have any time to joke on you, mister.” “I am Johannes Phil Wurlitzer, Ophelia’s very very best friend, since she is here, I will take her away from danger which is you!” He points his index finger to Hugo’s chest. “I am not a danger, maybe you are. Practically, I am helping Ophelia in her clothes.” Johannes looks at Ophelia, who seems just frozen, watching them both fight. “OP, who is this guy?” His index finger is still pointing at Hugo, but now on his face. “His Hugo…” She smiles awkwardly. “Is he your boyfriend or something? Why I didn’t knew—” Her eyes widen as she shakes her palm, implying a gesture, ‘no’. “He isn’t, he is just a companion!” “Wait, wait.” He extends his arm sideways this time, “Why are you even with him?” Ophelia heaved a frustrated sigh, “He is some sort of a friend in the hotel—”  Hugo holds Ophelia’s hand as she get pulled by him. “Come on, Ophelia. Let’s go.” Johannes shouts, “Hey! Come back! OP is not done speaking!” He runs after them. A police saw them and noticed Ophelia, he squinted and his eyes widen, it was the girl who rampaged just days ago. “Du! Halt genau dort an!” They all turned to the police as Ophelia’s eyes went wide. “Come, let’s really go!” She started to run as Hugo and the girl with them follows her. Johannes just frozen into place, he was confused since he was out of Stuttgart again after he dropped Ophelia in her workplace.  Meanwhile, the other three were still running and running. “Don’t worry, as we reach hotel he can’t catch us now!” Hugo said. The police were already tired as he shook his head and looks at his g*n. He stopped and aimed at Ophelia. He shot her on the shoulder, which he managed to do. Ophelia grunts as she falls down the ground, with her face got bruised because of the friction she did with some twigs. “Ophelia!” Hugo immediately carries her. The police shot again for three times, he missed it all and the three got away. He decided to continue chasing them. Ophelia’s shoulder was bleeding, it stained Hugo’s turtle neck sweater. He didn’t care about it. With some bags on his right arm and Ophelia on both his arm, they managed to run back to the hotel. As they stepped within the fences, Hugo looked around. “Help! Ophelia’s bleeding!” The residents start to pile up as Miss Eve runs to them. She was terrified as she looks at Ophelia who was bleeding and starting to get weak. “Come, to Blaise’s lab. Someone told him about this!” Some residents run away as they went at the back part of the hotel. A resident approached Ophelia and ties a wide towel on her shoulder to at least aid her. Hugo runs to the lab with Miss Eve.  “Ophelia, don’t close your eyes. Please, don’t close your eyes. Don’t sleep.” The lady said a hint of worrying can be heard on her voice. They arrived at the lab and let Ophelia lay on a bed, Blaise was all ready. “You guys can leave now, Ophelia would be fine.” He started to tend Ophelia and perform bullet removal surgery. Both the lady and Hugo left them, “Miss Eve, everything will be fine.” Ophelia wakes up, she looks around with only her eyes looking around. She doesn’t feel to move. She is frozen, but she doesn’t mind. She examines the area, she noticed the dental chair, it seems she is in Blaise’s lab and she wishes she was right. She doesn’t know if she got caught by the police. All she remembers was she felt an unimaginable pain on her shoulder, due to it, she got tripped and fall off. She felt more pain on her face as she hits the ground. She wasn’t really aware who was calling out her name, until she doze off.  She turned her head to her right shoulder, which she got shot by. She saw what seems a white cloth taped on it. She tried to move her shoulder upward but she grunts and let her shoulder as it is. The pain was coming from inside, the bullet may have pierced her too much. She just sighs as she stares at the ceiling. ‘Promise to myself I won’t go outside anymore, now the police are alert in the forest again.’ Through her imagination, she puts her palms on her face due to frustration.  The door creaks as she looks at it. Blaise entered the room, “Hey Ophelia, you are awake. How are you feelin’?” He placed a tray with what seems to be a bag of blood. “I-I am… Fine… I guess. Just a little aching in my shoulder and a little weak. Also I am handicapped for a while since my shoulder doesn’t feel really well.” He snickers, “You are not fine with that description.” She sighs, “But, I can talk, so I am fine.” “Shush, you are not fine.” He approached her and hangs the bag of blood and pierce something on her wrist, which is so small compared what she is feeling on her shoulder. “You lost a lot of blood that’s why you were weak, gladly someone has the same blood type as you.” “Who?” Ophelia curiously asked, “Thilda, you are both A+. She was the only one who I encountered quickly and I remembered she is A+ too.” She smiles, “I am thankful there is someone with a compatible blood type.” “Well, just hope you won’t have any allergic reaction or whatsoever.” Ophelia was impressed, “I thought you are only a tech genius?”  “Well I am only a tech genius, it’s just knowledge from an old friend.” His face became a little sadder but his still have the smile plastered on his face. “Which helped the residents a lot for emergencies like this. Healers themselves can’t treat this fast.” He draws his gadget as he starts to tap and scroll, “In a few weeks or even just a week, you will be perfectly fine, with Thilda’s blood, it can help you to recover some of the blood you lost. The only issue is your shoulder since it can take a lot of time to repair muscles that were injured.” Ophelia nods. “I advise you to just rest for a day, tomorrow you can walk around so you could get stronger.”  So she did, she just slept and had a staring contest on the ceiling for a day. Miss Eve visited her with Peony, who seems so worried about what happened to her. “I am glad you are okay!!! I was so worried when I saw all the blood dripping on your shoulder, I was about to faint, but I didn’t because I will be an addition to the mass worrying! But aside from all of that, I am really glad to see you alive and breathing!” Peony hugs her on her stomach while Ophelia just lets it. She looks at Miss Eve who was just smiling, “Well, all of us were worried, some thought we will lose another resident unexpectedly, especially you are new, that is just tragic.” Ophelia snickered, “I will not leave just that, I still need to live at least a year here.” The lady giggled. “Rest and recover, okay?” The brunette teenager nods, “Okay.” Ophelia woke up, it was another day for her. She rises up, well, just sliding up on the bed to sit. She looks around, it was so clean, enough to ease her mind. The door opens as Blaise enters the room with a tray again, now it’s breakfast. “Good morning, Ophelia.” She smiled, “Good morning.” Blaise pulled a mini table with wheels on it and puts the tray on it. He served breakfast to Ophelia. In front of her, there was some chicken soup, bread, and a cup of tea. “I requested this since you can’t use your other hand, so you will go one hand. Enjoy.” She reaches for the spoon and starts to eat chicken soup.  She suddenly froze as she realizes something. She remembers something. She felt like she ate chicken soup before. Well, she did remember sometimes, but right now, she has a vague feeling. Her head starts to ache again. She grunts which Blaise responded, “Hey Ophelia, are you okay?” Her thoughts trailed off and look at him, “Yeah, I am fine.” “Are you sure?” Ophelia smiled at him, “Yes, don’t worry. You can go and do whatever you need to do.” The blonde boy squints at her, “Okay…” He left the room. She looked at the chicken soup again, she remembered eating it at a place, it looks like a canteen. There were two girls who approached her, but they are young. The memory trailed off, it made her headache worst. She shook her head, “What’s with these vague memories these days…” She sighs as she continues to eat her chicken soup and bites on the bread she has. She had a peaceful breakfast. After that, Blaise takes off the blood bag and the one he pierced on her. She was free to walk around. She exited the laboratory and went back to the surface. She was welcomed by a lot of residents. “I am glad you are fine!” “She’s back!” “You are okay now! Yey!” “Opshelia ish ohskay shnow.” She smiles at them, “I am fine now, yes. Just giving my shoulder recovery. Since I am not impaled, I can walk.” There were cheers and clapping. Everybody was happy to hear from her. “We thought we would lose another resident!” “Yeah, and it will be sad…” “We don’t want to lose someone… Not in an unexpected time.” Ophelia smiles at them and giggles. “Don’t worry, that’s just a bullet in a shoulder and we have a doctor here.” They all giggled. Suddenly, they set aside. In front of Ophelia, there was Miss Eve. She was smiling and approached her to hug her. It was on the waist since her shoulder can’t be move, since it’s still in pain. “I am glad to see you here.” The lady released as Ophelia rubs on her shoulder to feel eased. “Please don’t go on any kinds of training or anything, just rest and have fun in a peaceful way. Okay?” The brunette girl nods. “Also, you aren’t allowed to go out anymore. This will happen again.” “Okay Miss Eve.” The lady smiles, “You can go now.” Ophelia smiles back as she walks to the main building and went to her room.  She stands near the window as she looks around. She doesn’t feel like strolling so she will just stay here for a while. She was gazing at the scenery from her room as she noticed something walking behind the trees. She squinted her eyes. There was a male who goes out from the trees and it seems like it’s looking for something. “JP…? Why is he here?” She went out of her room and outside the main building. She went to the area where she saw Johannes. It was indeed him. He sat on a tree, he seems frustrated. “I need to explain it all to him.” She looked at the fences, it seems passable. She climbs and jumps out of the hotel. It was a bit hard since she can’t use her other arm.  In Johannes’ perspective, he saw Ophelia just pop in of existence. He quickly rushed to her and hugged her. The girl grunts as Johannes released, “Where have you been!?” She holds his hand, “Okay, hear me out. This is just a fast talk, you would never hear about me again, it’s better for you to stop following me and stop searching for me. I—” “Ophelia, what are you doing?”
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