Chapter 17: The Real Apprentice

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“Aaaaah! Please don’t hurt me! I’m begging you! Please!” White screamed during his sleep. White woke up in surprise, and his heart pounded the next day. His body was wet with sweat. He tried to remember and realized that last night's event was authentic, not just a nightmare. The sun was high. Shit! It was a terrible night! White dragged himself to the bathroom to refresh himself. Coldwater soaked from the head to the soles of the feet, giving it a fresh feeling. Under the shower, White pondered the events that happened last night. Until today, both at school and the palace, White almost did whatever he wanted, and sometimes made so many people felt annoyed and in trouble. No one dared to show their objection openly as Alex had done last night. Even in combat training, White was always superior to adult opponents. Last night's events really opened White’s eyes. His combat strength and intelligence turned out to be nothing in a real battle. Maybe all this time, the adults around him tried to give in, to please him. As a result, White became overly confident and arrogant. White realized that Alex was not serious about attacking him last night. If not, surely, he was dead. White noticed bruises on several parts of his body. Some bruises were sore and painful. It was a rare experience for White to have so many bruises like this. His position as a Prince really made him smug. White realized he was no match for Alex. In fact, Alex hasn't really meant it. It's terrible to make Alex an enemy. White pondered. If so, what would happen if the enemy attacks a neighboring country? Or if there was an attack from a superhuman creature? Even though it was only written in history three hundred years ago. It was certain that White's ability to save himself was quite low. White still needed to develop himself. A soft knock came from behind the door. White had finished changing his clothes and tidying his hair. Aya came to bring her food and medicine. "Breakfast time has passed. I bring snacks, so you don't starve. Excuse me. I let you eat by yourself." Aya just wanted to leave the room when White called him. "Wait, please accompany me to chat," White said. Aya nodded. White and Aya sat on the sofa. White began to eat slowly. Aya sat quietly accompanied. Aya could see White was still in shock at last night's incident. Alex did give shock therapy to White. It seemed that he still hasn't fully recovered. White still ate in silence. "Are you okay?" Aya looked worried. White looked at Aya while chewing his food. His face still looked pale. "You can go back to the palace at any time if you want. Coach Alex, can send a jet to take you home," said Aya. White shook his head. "I've been bored all my life. Teachers at the palace taught me things I had known for a long time. Only this time ... this is the first time I feel defeated," he said softly. "Do you mean? Do you want to take revenge? " Aya wondered. White shook his head. "No, I will not take revenge. On the contrary, now I have a serious intention to become Alex's apprentice. He might be the right teacher for me," White said. "Last night's events ... didn't make you give up?" Aya asked in surprise. "Not at all," White replied, smiling. “Wow, amazing! I thought you would go home today,” said Aya in surprise. “I was scared. I admit it. But, last night's experience makes me realize that I need to learn more. He is good,” said White in admiration. “Do you mean…. Coach Alex?” asked Aya, wondering. “Yes, he is good. He is genius,” said White honestly. “Yes, he is. If you want to learn a lot from him, you must apologize and change your attitude. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to win his heart,” said Aya giving a bit of advice. “You have a point. Thank you for the advice,” said White smiled. “Your welcome,” said Aya. After eating a snack and using the medicine, White looked for Alex. "No, I refuse. I am swamped in the Ministry and do not have time to serve a selfish Prince and have nothing to do in his leisure time. I’m not your playmate," Alex replied curtly. "This time, I am serious about being an apprentice at your place," White said. "So you are saying that before last night, you were not serious? I don't know your real agenda to come here, Your Royal Highness, Prince White. There are lots of great teachers for you, and I'm not one of them." Alex lost his patience. "Please ..." White said. "Please, Your Royal Highness. I know you have a lot of free time, and the school is on holiday. Did you not try to vacation abroad or do anything else? Because of you, now I have to work remotely from home. There are some things that I have to take care of from the ministry building, not from here. " "I'm sorry, Coach Alex. I put you in trouble. I know I’m the bad guy in last night's situation. Forgive me for my bad attitude. I'm really sorry," White said. Alex paused to see the change in White's attitude. "Please don’t send me home. I want to stay. This time, I will join the program that you gave, Coach Alex. Give me a chance to learn from you. " "Okay, what's this? Just because you pretend to obey, I'm not ..." suddenly, Alex shut his mouth. White lowered his face and bowed deeply. "Let me be here as your apprentice, Coach Alex." Alex was out of words. He was surprised by White action. A Prince never bowed to any teacher. A Prince only did this kind of respect to the king and queen. Alex knew White had been raised as a Prince. White had great pride as a Prince. It was tough for White to bow himself like this in front of other people. If his boss, Fajar Tanjung, witnessed this event, Alex was sure his boss had fainted instantly. "Okay, listen. I don't believe you yet, Mr. Hat. But I give you one more chance. If you betray the trust that I give, your secret will be published to the public. You know I don't mess with my words. Is that clear?" White nodded. "I understand, Coach Alex. I will obey you as your apprentice. " "Good, you better prove your words," Alex said firmly.
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