Chapter 1

2275 Words
The day and weather seems fine. I was walking towards the school. Thank goodness, I still managed to buy myself the school's uniform and some supplies needed with the money I saved. Yes, I'll admit it that this is an expensive private school I couldn't possibly pay myself. But since I got an information that they are offering scholarships, I tried and took the opportunity. Thankfully here I am, passed the exam and earned the scholarship. When I arrived at my classroom, I immediately opened the door when suddenly— "Kiera! Good Morning!" The girl's loud voice literally filled my ears as she jumped to give me a big embrace. The strong impact as our bodies came in contact made the both of us fall down to the floor. "Aw!" I groaned as I was the one who hit the floor and she was on top of me. She giggled. "Sorry, I just missed you so much Kiera." Then made a peace sign gesture to me. I just shook my head for these silly things she does sometimes. This girl does seem to be always brimming with energy whenever it is. Yeah, I don't pretty much have many friends in the school, or should I say I have one and only friend here to be precise. "Missed already? It's been just two weeks we haven't seen each other right?" "Why? You didn't miss me even a bit? So mean!". She pouted. "Of course, I totally missed my silly bestfriend. It has been so lonely when there's no loud person around." I couldn't help giggling as it bubbled up. She shot me with a seemingly discontented face. "So I'm annoying?" "Maybe?" I replied. "Then I guess it's better, so that there will be someone loud to dispell the loneliness in your life." She smiled. Before our professor catches us blocking the door way and be yelled at,  we both stood up from the floor together and sat at our respective seats. I sit at the very last chair in our column while my bestfriend sits right in front of me. "So how was your long weekends Leslie?" "As always... boring. Since you're always busy at your work." "You already know that right Les?" She only made a sigh to my reply. It was that time when our professor came and started our daily lessons. After our classes, lunch break came and we both had our lunch together. Unlike any other students here, I don't have that much penny in my pocket so I can only eat those I can afford and pack my own rice in my lunch box. Lunch break was over shortly. We returned to our classroom and resumed classes in the entire afternoon. After classes the entire day,  I always head to the library as a part of my school service being one of the school's scholarship beneficiary. There, I just help the school librarian return books to the shelves after being used by students and clean the library. "Good Afternoon Ms. Raine." I smiled to our school librarian. She smiled back as well. "Good Afternoon Kiera, how's the classes?" "Well,  As usual." I said. As I continue coming here everyday to do my service, we became close with Ms. Raine and talk about things we come talking to. She usually goes home first, so I am always left to finish the work such as slight cleaning and the one who locks the library. I returned the books into the shelves one by one, and eventually got the last book returned to its place. When I was certain that I was done, I packed my things and was about to leave when my eyes suddenly caught something— I paused for a moment and turned my eyes back on the book I got passed on my way out. To my surprise, it was really that book! That book I threw on the water over that bridge! I hurriedly come closer to examine it closely. "How did this end up here? Did someone found this somewhere?" Chills went down my spine. This is kind of getting creepy really. Maybe it just shared the same cover as that book I have thrown. With this in mind, I immediately open the book to examine it further only to find out that this is indeed that real one as I see the title imprinted in the book. There's no mistaking this. I knew this is that one and only book! Mom said to me back then that this book was the only one in this world. There were no copies of it anywhere since it is a personal-made book and the original owner didn't even sold this at any price. This book was also only given by a friend to her. Due to this creepy coincidence, I lost grip to the book, dropped it then  immediately went out as fast as I can and locked the door. My heart began drumming in my chest. Am I hallucinating things? Without looking back I hurriedly went out of the campus and rushed home. Upon reaching home, I could now finally breath properly. But still, the creepy thought of that book never ceased to bother me. I entered my room and fell down straight to my bed. Dammit, it is really creepy to think of. "Maybe I should wash up first, it may help me calm myself a bit." Thankfully, I got my own restroom here in my apartment. I jist never thought that one day I would receive such a letter saying that mom and dad left an apartment before they were gone. When I first came here, it was still in a good and clean condition and the things were still here. And I guess luck still works amidst a  series of misfortunes, I still managed to support the living fees here. I washed up in a bit and managed to refresh myself completely. I decided to set cooking for dinner later when I remembered something I should do first. I got up my bag and opened it. When I was about to reach my notebook so I could work on my school assignments, my eyes glimpsed something. I took few steps back in fear as I saw that thing inside my bag. It was that book! Waaah! My breathing became heavy again as my heart began pounding loudly. Oh mom! Did you get mad at me when I decided to throw that book? Mom I am so sorry, don't scare me like this please. I could only look at the book. Actually, it is nothing like a regular book but at a size of a pocket book. I reached out for it and started to scan its contents again. A new set of words appeared on the first page as if the book started writing on its page by itself. In shock, the book slipped through my hands and fell on the floor. Wait, wait, wait?! What's happening? The first page was supposed to be empty, any imprinted letters shouldn't be there at the first place. Dad! Mom is trying to scare me here! It was when the book began moving by itself. The book went floating on thin air and started to open itself. My heart went beating off the charts. My hair almost stood up as my body froze in fear. All because my eyes couldn't believe what I am witnessing. Letters kept appearing one by one as the book continued writing on itself until it stopped. There showed me a short message. The time has come for you journey. There's no turning back now. The door shall open before you. After reading the whole passage, I squinted as the book began to light so bright that it gradually filled the whole room. I couldn't see anything anymore as I closed my eyes. The light began subsiding in a few minutes and I gradually opened my eyes. My jaw almost dropped to the ground to what I am witnessing now.  What the hell happened? Where am I? Those questions mixed up in my thoughts as I found myself standing in the middle of a huge bridge. Okay so— WHAT HAPPENED? I was so shocked for a few minutes but still managed to recollect my thoughts and myself. Okay don't panic, don't panic Kiera! Be calm, be calm! I took deep breaths. I wondered my eyes around trying to assess my situation. Okay here's the question again, where am I? I started to walk around checking the place. The place just seemed to be surrounded by rich green foliage and trees. As I looked far ahead, I noticed some formations. Seems like its shape was similar to a top of a castle. "A castle huh? Why a castle? Just where am I really at this moment?" I began following the direction of where the castle top cast is found. Well,  in what I have read, a castle should be surrounded by nearby villages usually. Since, almost everytime it should have a territory a kingdom rules. Fortunately, i didn't walk for too long since the destination wasn't that far actually. And I arrived at a town in a minute after that walk. What welcomed me was the liveliness and festivity of both the people living here and the town itself. Distant chatters of merchants selling their goods and people just wandering on streets, kids were playing and running around, all those loud laughters and the colorful and beautiful goods displayed around. I kept walking as I continue wandering my gazes around with awe. Woah! The jewels are really beautiful! "That one suits perfectly with you young lady! You can try that or you can pick whichever you'd like here!" The merchant offered his widest smiles as well. I could only offer my smiles as well back to him as I shooked my head. Without any word, I left that spot and began wondering around again. Seems like they are celebrating an event or having some kind of festival considering those beautiful and vividly colored designs and art displayed around the streets and houses. Wait,  is that a parade? I came closer to where the crowd have gathered up. As I have thought it was really a parade. A float? With a lot of street performers on it doing each of their own tricks. Lively cheers and applauses from the crowd meet them as they passed by. But what really surprised me was the next trick they do. What was that? Could it be real magic? Are they really using magics? What is it called again?  Magic circles? And there magic circles were summoned from their empty palms out to the thin air and created wonderful spells enlightening the show more and more. The question arised again. "Where am I really now? How did I got here?" It mixed up in my mind as I am left here gazing with amazement on that real magic show. "Could it be you are lost young lady?" I brought my eyes to the old man beside me. I paused a moment before I replied. "Seems like that's the case sir." "Where are you from?" The old man looked at me from head to toe. His action gave me an awkward feeling so I also looked at myself if something was wrong. And— "What? How did I end up wearing this outfit?" Where's my own clothes? How did I end up wearing a dress? The dress was flowing fit down to my knees. If you'd look at it,  it seemed like an off-shoulder as it has a part on my arms  with flowery curves down my elbows. And a pair of boots extending to my knees completed my new outfit. Even my hair became longer and went flowing down like a silk down to my waist. I didn't noticed any of this until now. Oh well,  maybe I should atleast be thankful to whoever helped me get up in this outfit. Because of this I didn't seemed to become so unusual here and catch some unnecessary attention. "Are you okay,  young lady?" Again I paused for a moment before I could answer. "Um... Yeah, I guess I'm okay sir. Can I ask?  Can you tell me where is this place?" This is Ornothopia, young lady." The man replied. Or... or... Ornothopia he says? Seems like I have heard that name somewhere. Where was it? I tried hard to recall where I have heard that name of place. And then like a lightning that flashed inside my head, I finally realized where I learned that name. "Are you really okay young lady?" The man asked again. "You're sweating too much plus your are becoming pale." He added. I didn't hear him properly anymore as my mind get clouded with what I just discovered. I'm... I'm...  Noooo!  This is just a dream!  Just a dream! It should be! And this is not real!  Everything are just illusions!  Is it really possible I am inside that book?! My vision suddenly went black and felt that I fell down as strength left my body. Even then I still managed to hear the people talking around me just barely. "Hey young lady!  Open your eyes!  What happened to you!?" "Miss?  Miss?  What's your name?" "What's happening here?" "The lady just went unconscious so suddenly." "By any chance,  do you know her? Or does someone knows her?" "No, not really. Looks like she's not really from here. She could be from other villages." "Pardon us! We didn't notice you your highness!" "Ki... kie...  Kiera?!" What? That certain someone knows me and my name? Who was that? And that was the last I heard, as I totally lost all conciousness and senses in my body. What heck is with this? This is just merely a dream. I am going back to my own reality, my own normal world! 
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